Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

no with STV event and AGM, GMT is Server Time +1 but FCM arent up yet

Just wanted to confirm here, transfers are now Live in Europe. Please be cautioned that the volume of transfers seen in the US resulted in transfer times taking upwards of 6hrs so plan accordingly!

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The names have not been released like you promised. And transfers are not available from Chaos Bolt.

What about us with toons on Alliance AND Horde pvp servers? Might as well quit if I have to play on a dead server on either.

my character is now named the same so XXXXX but then it has numbers in the back 702D03, what do I do?

The name reclamation system has been turned on and the date updated, do you have an example name you think should have been made available?

And yep, thereā€™s a couple of transfers still pointed at Crusader Strike, Iā€™ll clean up that double hop being required.

Lastly, good news, the EU database is handling this like a champ and the wait time is in minutes currently.

I would like to know did anyone managed to reclaim any name? I know couple of mine are held by lvl 1-25 inactive characters but they canā€™t be claimed. And I hold those names on all realms beside Living Flame. Sucks.

Blizzard must have made a mistake with name reclamation. The names Iā€™m trying for sure have not played the latest phase. Some didnā€™t even play since BFD.

They must have done something wrong in their coding, itā€™s way too lenient on the name holders.

I have not been able to reclaim the names of my characters. Most of my guildies are also encountering this issue. Itā€™s not working properly.

I have a friend who stopped playing in Phase 2 (his account has been inactive for about half a year). I know for sure that he has Living Flame char at level 1 with his name reserved from while back, and I tried to claim his name, but it didnā€™t work. This leads me to believe that the system isnā€™t functioning as expected.

Every other name Iā€™ve attempted to claim is either on inactive accounts or from players who have never logged into the game on those chars and still, nothing.

Iā€™m currently on a call with over 30 guild members, and none of us have been able to claim any names.

It really seems like the name release system isnā€™t working as promised.


Blizzard need to adjust the code to be more strict. The names are not being releasedā€¦

Both ā€œConstantineā€ and ā€œPlummyā€ are inactive characters, yet I am unable to reclaim them.

Can we get an update if the system is working or not ? The name I want is a level 25 that only played at sod launch and never after and yet I canā€™t reclaim it


The names I want and have used since launch have also not been played since p1. Can we get an update?


In voice with 33 guildies - not a single person has been able to get a single name that wasnā€™t available beforehand.

One person does report that they were able to reclaim a name (held by a guildie on an inactive second account) yesterday, though.

Can you please double-check this on your end? Is it possible names were mistakenly made available early?

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Is there any update available on the systemā€™s functionality? I canā€™t get the name I want, which is a level 25 that I only ever used on the launch of the game and never since.


What a horrible sh.tshow!
Messiest crap ever!

Perfect recipe on how to break guilds and playersā€¦
All my characterā€™s names taken ā€¦


Iā€™ve transferred 2 characters from Lone Wolf to Living Flame, and both my names are ā€œunavailableā€ and ā€œflagged to renameā€. Iā€™d really like to know the reason why.

Silence probably means they f up something. I yet need to find one single confirmation that someone was able to claim previously taken name after transfers opened.

How long is the transfer taking for u guys? It said 5 mins but now nothing is happening and the transfer indication on my character is gone. Assuming the system is under some stress rn.

I get a LUA error when i try to transfer again so iā€™m guessing the transfer is happening even tho there is no indication?

update: problem solved transfer is complete!