Realm Consolidation Update - Season of Discovery

Can this multi-dollar company start communicating with its customers?

When are the names going to be released?

We know Blizzard employees are underpaid with no two coins to rub together or a pot to piss in, but please do us a solid here and tell us when we can expect the names to be released.


Any update on name reclamation? this is important please fix this

What is your excuse for them now? This entire thing has been a lie imo there’s no such thing as name reclamation lol

What do you mean? It’s 09:14 where they are.

where are my naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaameeeeeeeeeees

I can’t move my character to Living Flame because the game thinks i got mail in my mailbox (i don’t). Customer support is really, really bad and answered with a standard replay with info I didn’t ask for.

So at the moment all my friends has moved to living flame, i cant move and support is not doing it’s work.

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Empty your character’s Ignore list → relog → check your mailbox again.

It seems that one can’t see mail from ignored chars but their mail is still in the mailbox and thus chars are unable to transfer.

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Customer support: “have you tried turning it off and on again?”

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“Yes. I also cleared my cache, but it didn’t help.”

Customer Support: “Too bad I couldn’t help you with your problem. Have a nice day!”

Any update on Name reclaimation? 2 of mine should be able to be reclaimed
 but it won’t let me.

Meanwhile as others have pointed out
 you can still create characters on the destination servers

did that no effect

also read on us forum that quest givers can send mail 24-48 hours after a quest competition. But in reality they send it directly, but they are not view it until 24h after quest competition. The result is i got an mailbox with hidden messages and i can’t delete them until they shows

As expected, no update from Blizzard. So tired of this company

Expectations were low, but god damn.

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Hotfixed within 6-8 weeks!

What about now? Still no update they’ve been in the office all-day not bothered to update us

Yep, I’m annoyed.

You can create characters but you can’t claim any names from inactive accounts as promised. This whole thing is just a mess. There’s literally no names available on Living Flame for my 10 characters and Blizzard don’t care.

Now there’s a queue to get on Living Flame HAHAHAHAHA I can’t believe this honestly
“We have new technologies for mega realm!!!” then instant queue and ZERO **** given about adding name reclamation. Insane.

It feels like this company is trolling at this point or purposely sabotaging SoD hoping to shove people along to trash Retail
 No Blizzard, nobody wants to play your trash retail WoW. we want Classic!

Do you have an update on this?

800 queue now, are you kidding me?