Realms Expectations for Season of Discovery

Hey everyone. I’m Fwoibles, also known as Tom. I’m a Senior Producer on the World of Warcraft Server and Live Ops team, and I would like to share what we’re preparing for the realms with the upcoming launch of Season of Discovery.

You may have noticed with the launch of Classic Hardcore that there weren’t a lot of realms. Was Hardcore’s launch a small experience? Heck no! Hardcore continues to be experienced by a huge number of players, and we have been thrilled to see so many players, new and old, join in to experience World of Warcraft Classic in a new, exciting way. At the outset of any launch, our goal has always been to create healthy, enduring realms, and behind the scenes, we deployed tech in patch 1.14.4 that allowed us to significantly increase the realm capacity of a single Classic Era realm. With this higher realm capacity and fewer realms, we avoided the need for disruptive character migration options as realm populations ebbed and flowed.

For Season of Discovery, we’re going to repeat this process. We will launch a handful of realms that can support a lot of players, so you can feel confident in your choice of realm. Please note: we will actively manage the realm sizes at launch, so you might see sporadic queues as the populations spread out and we ensure realm sizes remain roughly equal. If Season of Discovery proves hugely popular (as we think it might!), we will of course be ready with additional realms if needed. Please look forward to the announcement of launch realm names and types Soon™!

Another topic that comes up each time we talk about realms is faction balance on PvP realms. We’ve received a lot of feedback on this since 2019. We hear you, and with Season of Discovery, we’re going to try something new: this Season’s PvP realms have been designed to maintain faction balance as they grow. Yes, this is actually happening!
However, there is a potential cost to this faction balance that we want to make sure you’re aware of: if one faction is significantly more dominant on a PvP realm, there is a very real likelihood that faction selection may be temporarily limited on that realm. That said, our overarching goal for Season of Discovery is for it to be a fun and smooth experience, and we are prepared to change course if necessary. Your requests for faction balance have been heard loud and clear. This is a new direction for us, and one that we’re excited to try.

Again, this feature will only be turned on for our Season of Discovery PvP realms. You will always be able to roll either faction as you wish on PvE realms. We encourage everyone who isn’t committed to the challenges and difficulties of PvP to consider a non-PvP realm for Season of Discovery. As an old WoW veteran myself, I can tell you – playing on a balanced-faction PvP realm can be a double-edged sword. There are awesome and fun new challenges that await, but also the potential for hindrances that you may not expect. Your favorite farming spots might be a bit more spicy than you’re used to!

We think this Season is going to be a lot of fun, and these changes will help ensure every realm enjoys a great experience all Season long! And we’re excited and looking forward to adding some extra seasoning to Season of Discovery’s PvP realms.


Excellent news


Incredible news! Looking forward to the new season.


Has the team considered a single mega server with Warmode and what was the reason for not going for it?

Artificially stopping people from playing with their friends seems like a bad experience at first glance.
I am not saying it is the worst idea but I can see how people are gonna be upset about this.

Will character transfers off the PvP realm not be a thing? Because even with trying to balance the faction, a lot of people seem to have become accustomed to outnumbering the other faction and suddenly having more enemies on the horizon might make them regret their decision. They might try transferring to the PvE Realms, creating a faction imbalance.

I know you are being vague on purpose with this announcement to stop people from immediately gaming the system but it will happen eventually so a little bit more information would be cool to have.

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Warmode sucks, if you want to turn pvp on and off then stay on a damn pve server… it’s mindblowing that pve players just has to try ruining the fun for everyone else, just choose a pve servet, ffs


Hello Tom, thank you for this.

Can we expect to see a name reserve and or early character creation like the initial launch of Classic or SoM? Thanks.


If it works out well or bad, Im just happy and surprised to see blizzard trying something new after all these years of feedback on unbalanced realms.
Can’t believe it still, lets see how it works.
Thank you Classic dev team

I enjoy not being ganked by people who can’t fight enemies their own size.
I do enjoy open world pvp a lot. Warmode offers the best of both worlds.
Most people mad about Warmode are mad because they can’t freely gank people who aren’t interested in fighting back because everyone with Warmode made a conscious choice to pvp and will actually try and mount a defense.


Can you please give a little more information on how PVP events will work on PVE servers in SOD?

Are the PVP events (Ashenvale) available on PVE servers as well or restricted to PVP servers? Is PVP flagging in Ashenvale the same as in other zones of PVE servers, so you have to actively engage in PVP combat or will people automatically get flagged for PVP while entering Ashenvale? Do you have any plans for faction balancing for the PVP events on PVE servers such as incorporating faction ratios into the layering algorithm?


Has there been any considerations towards an RP-PVP realm? Launch experience on Zandalar Tribe has easily been the best gaming experience I have ever had :slight_smile:


Are you going to limit character creation in the beginning as a whole? Everyone and their dogs is gonna fill all the character slots day one to never worry about it again.


Believe lvl1s should be auto deleted in a month. Some people can stack a bunch of lvl1 in their account to save some faction slots. If many do this, it will block other people from playing.
I know, banks, maybe let 1 but more then that auto deleted them after sometime

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In the old days the chars on an account could only be all horde or all allies.

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Where does it mention Warmode for SoD? I don’t see it anywhere.

The same was true in classic launch in 2019; and changed down the line (as in the original game).

That’s not going to work as it takes 5 min to level to lvl 2. People serious about saving a slot / reserving a name, will just do that.

Whilst I understand that most do not enjoy being picked on by enemies much higher level or group ganked, but it is also the conscious decision you make when you roll on a pvp server, just as much as turning on War Mode in retail.

If you do not like such scenarios ever occurring, then its best to consider rolling on PvE servers and only enjoy world pvp content in Ashenvale that would occur. Or just roll on both servers since we will have a couple of months to work on characters between different phases, you’ll have more than enough time to try out both.


I do understand what you are saying, however there are people who want to join their friends and play with them. They however have either never played wow or do not enjoy PvP. Now they are the odd ones out for rolling on a PvE Server. These friends would much rather play with their friends so now they will have to suffer through forced open world pvp with no way to opt out of this, other than abandoning their friends to play on a PvE Realm.

A new player rolling on a PvP Server, is probably completely oblivious to the fact that they are about to get ganked left and right as soon as they step into contested areas.
They never made a conscious choice to roll on a PvP Server. They simply want to play with their friends. An unconscious “mistake” like this, should not be possible in the character creation.

Warmode offers a way to be with your friends, without having to get ganked.