Reason wow doesnt have housing?

My Garrison, Order Hall and Sanctum are not Player Housing.

It’s also a feature limited to one expansion.


I know this comment won’t be too helpful, but of everything that should be fixed, changed, added or removed in WoW, do we really need them to put their dev time on player housing?

On the one hand we ask them to make it a real MMO again, but exactly at the same time we ask them to do the opposite…

Imo this is the least of what the game needs atm. Nice feature, but a typical 0 prio system even if they implement it.

Because its mostly run by raiders these days.
Imagine giving casuals the ultimate thing to do.
Joking aside, Star Wars Galaxies was great with customization. Heck we did bosses/instances to collect stuff for our house/shop.

I don’t think housing will ever come to WoW, they had years and years to do this but always refused. Besides most systems in WoW don’t even have the depth of a puddle… except for having to sim your raid gear of course… because Ion and his likes absolutely love salivating over +0,27% upgrades and what not.

Nah, don’t ever expect game mechanics with a lot of depth or commitment that needs more than one expansion. Especially these days, they’ll do as much/little as they can get away with.

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My house in wow is dazar’alor it’s so big that all horde players were runing around in BFA :slight_smile: now i’m there with few people

Its good on FFXIV but hard to get

Because housing is a very dull aspect of any MMO that has it.

Not really worth wasting resources on.

Except if it’s wildstar housing, that was fun.

But i’ve barely touched housing in BDO for example.

Just not my cup of tea.

YES WE DO! :grimacing:

I would love something similar to Animal Crossing a museum where you got an Aquarium , catch all the fish in wow. House them there to watch swimming about to a chilled atmosphere.

A place to pick up critters and watch them roaming the place.

A library where you could collect all the books in wow and house them in your great library.

A bone museum where you could collect and complete all extinct monsters/ creatures from Azeroth and house them to show them off.

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Problem is though that Blizzard could easily afford devs to work on minor content without having to sacrifice main content.
But instead they either fire or push them into quiting just so they can pocket the cash.

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the housing prices are just to extreme for us mere adventurers some farmer was selling his mud hut in org for 9.6 billion gold

Comes out in August

Why opposite i bet that more people collecting stuff like transmog and mounts whatever…then people playing raids.

Its like in pvp where they focusing to please 2% of playerbase and forget about mediocre joe which is 80% of playerbase.

I agree its not priority but its just weird ignoring it completely when thing like pet battles still exist.


Thats what we need a new world

azeroth pops like a egge and everyone dies and we respawn on a better world with better writters and creative director … a girl can dream

I want a place to hang my stuff.

Also ask any RP player and you’ll realize why housing is so important.

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If it’s anything similar to the Club Penguin igloo housing it would be fun. I mean people usually think housing will decrease the amount of players that appear outside in the open, but that’s not the case with Club Penguin.

The worst that would happen is there will be a line of people at Goldshire advertising parties at their houses.

Similar to how Penguins advertise parties at their igloos in the main town.

It’s still a Massively Multiplayer Online game…what’s MMO about putting players in their instanced solo content? We need MORE interactions in the world, not less. Sharding is already damaging enough to the game.

We kind of need to reignite the world, not shake the last players out of it. But hey, perhaps I am wrong here.

That fits better than player housing.

They should put back WoD Garrisons with access to items in SL/Bfa etc

ESO has housing, SWTOR has housing, FFXIV has housing, BDO has housing, GW2 has something “like” housing (Salma?). That should tell you something. WoW is the only relevant MMO without housing.

And it’s pretty laughable tbh.

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Because fun…and blizzard do not go hand in hand alot.