Hey Blizzard, I think the current honor system in Alterac Valley needs some serious adjustments. Right now, the honor gains are way too high, and it’s completely shifted how people engage with PvP content. Rank 14 feels far too easy to achieve when you can hit the weekly honor cap in just a couple of days by focusing on PvE objectives like burning towers and rushing Drek.
Rank 14 should be a reward for players who dedicate themselves to grinding PvP—not a reward for players who AFK in Alterac Valley for three days a week. The current system undermines the effort and skill that ranking was supposed to represent.
Because of this, Warsong Gulch is suffering. Hardly anyone is queuing anymore, and real PvP—fighting other players—is being replaced by these PvE honor farming strategies in AV. The social side of PvP has also taken a hit. There’s no need for premades or coordination anymore when the honor grind can be done solo just by queueing AV.
This system makes PvP feel less meaningful, and honestly, it’s disheartening. For players who enjoy competitive and social aspects of PvP, this current setup isn’t sustainable. I’d love to see a reduction in AV honor gains or changes that encourage more balanced engagement across all battlegrounds.
As it stands, it feels like the PvP community is losing a lot of what made it great. Please consider addressing this—it would go a long way toward restoring the competitive spirit of the game.
No one is queuing WSG because 90% of the time you get stomped by a 10 stack.
No one is queueing WSG because you can instead just make your honor in a couple AVs. If you couldn’t, you would have to socialize in a social game, find a premade to que with, and grind wsg.
No one needs honor this week people need AV rep next week there will be more WSG
Just give back the old honor system and keep stuff as it is, if you want to sweat with your skills go arena in retail.
Classic was about the grind and who can “nolife hardest” so bringing in stuff with “premade can skip to play whole week” ruin the spirit of Classic where you are supposed to be rewarded for a hardcore grind.
Or if the old honorsystem was bad because people made their own cartels for achieving the highest rank and you had a honor cap made by ppl and not by the game, then keep stuff as it is but make the caps like serious.
Aka lower them for the lowest ranks since in old honor system lowest ranks needed even less honor and make it like 3 million honor for last R14 grind. That way it will still be a grind and not everyone and their family having R14.
But dont bring arena stuff into it its for the retail, Classic is about grinding it for the whole week not about making a premade to skip the grind.
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See, I would like if this was the case, but I literally know a Shaman that payed someone 500€/week to grind PVP for him while he was at work.
And I doubt that that’s the minority.
Yeah, honestly I just want to play some games with my boys, but if there’s no reward for playing warsong, no ones gonna do it. Right now there’s 5 warsong games open opposed to 110ish alterac games. The old system (Brackets handled by individuals) would hardly work on these mega servers, so they would either have to massively increase the honor needed for rank 14, or massively reduce the honor earned in alterac so people will not hit their weekly cap for free, and start premading WSG & Arathi again to get good honor per hour. You shouldn’t be able to hit r14 doing absolutely nothing
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There do not exist any system that will fix that someone will pay someone to play, the same way someone can pay a supreme PvP king to play his char in arena and get him gladiator. The only difference is the PvP king will earn his money much faster since he does not need to grind.
Classic is about grind > skill and made for ppl who like a grindy game with slower pace than retail. So if someone want to outsource his grind he can always do but the same apply to every game just in Classic the grinder will have to work his backpart off while a PvP king in retail can easily boost other ppl to gladiator rank using less time.
Same goes for PvE and everything else someone can always pay someone to do it for him and nothing will prevent it since the guy will be real person and not a bot so no system will ban it and Blizzard cant obviously monitor ppl SMS or other means of communications outside of WoW…
PS @Halvor “Yeah, honestly I just want to play some games with my boys, but if there’s no reward for playing warsong, no ones gonna do it.”
Well it sounds more like you wish to stomp some pugs going to WSG but they dont want to sign up to WSG cause they dont want to be stomped.
I remember from old Classic in P5 (started late) that the premade doing WSG was supreme happy if the allies were a PUG and everyone was sad if it also was a premade. And WSG + AB happened for 1 reason: horde had 2h ++ queue on AV (since horde always won).
It’s not about him having an easier time grinding, it’s about him breaking brackets and making it harder for everyone else.
It’s not just that he has it easy, it’s also that now everyone else is royally f’d.
Yes in the old honor system bracket breaker made everyone have to grind more for the highest bracket. There was even one guy who did honor max after gaining high warlord because he wanted to be nr.1 honor gainer on server and the rest had to stack accordingly or do infinite amount since the guy could play non stop.
So what happened now is that Blizzard made the honor caps themselves, but Blizzard made the caps too low because they would be ok for for P5 when AV queue as 2h ++ for horde (since horde always win almost if they go for slow 100 % AV) and ppl did WSG and AB with premades or without.
But for instant AV the cap of 500 000 is far too low cause I guess in P2 of original Classic brackets with instant AV were like 3 million or something if original Classic had instant AVs. I played in P5 so I do not know (someone told me about Vanilla being back to WoW too late, and I did not play WoW since Cataclysm cause did not like retail past Cataclysm and I played Vanilla as kid so back then ofc could not achieve the stuff I could do now).
I did R14 back in that P5 and it was not extremely hard due to those ppl fixed bracekts in discord but it was not a faceroll like it will be now with instant AV and 500 000 cap. 500 000 cap was meant for 2h waiting on AV but Blizzard probably just took bracket values from P5 and P6 and put them into brackets for P2 its why it looks so easy.
If they keep same bracket in P5 then ppl wont reach R14 who are late to the game cause the BG will not be instant.
i want r14 weapons without quitting real life. good change
Well why do not play retail then? Classic was all about grind and to get the best rank and weapons you had to “quit other activities”.
Like the whole game is about grind if you take the grind out of the game then it will become like a retail.
And the only reason a cap of 500 000 does not require you to play long is the instant AV. Blizzard probably copied the brackets of late P5 and P6 when AV was 2h ++ waiting in queue and its why they are so low with instant AV.
People who join fresh Classic (anniversary) in P5 will not get R14 due to queue on BG.
You’ll get rank 14 weapons without playing the game for it. bad change
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You still don’t get it, do you? The majority of the player base today is made up of the same people who played 20 years ago except now they have jobs, spouses, and kids. Blizzard is adapting to their audience’s current lifestyle. Shocking, right?"
Well perhaps there are still some unemployed like 20 years ago with plenty of free time 
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The majority of playerbase was 12-16 in 2005 or so do I remember it since I was also in that age gap and could not play due to having parents and school. And even in the summer most were not ok to skip sleep and just play, some were forced on holidays with family etc itd.
And one of the thing that was fun back in 2005 was looking at all the stuff we can potentially get but not rly. If everyone had it then it would be like “meh”. So today I believe people even with jobs or as investors or having companies etc itd. have actually more time than they had 20 years ago.
Because no one can tell them “you have to sleep so much, you have to go holiday then and then, you have to go in the weekend over there because yer parents are going etc itd.”
And Classic proved it in 2019 - 2021 people had more time to play than they had as 12-16 year olds in 2005.
People had more time to play coz of lockdown 
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Yes some had more time because of lockdown but not everyone, back in 2005 you also had 19++ students who did not work and just “studied” on their parents funding. And those students were High Warlords etc. itd.
So in every decade there are people who are too young or too old or too busy to have the time, so why not give everyone a chance to be unique when we are getting 3rd try on this and maybe in the future there comes even more Classic.
Like an investor or company owner will have more time than worker from home but he will have more time than 9-16 at work worker etc. itd. The game is not about making everyone equal its not communism where everyone shall have the same thing cause then no one want to have that thing since its not cool or fun anymore.
Imagine in 40 years when everyone of us who is still alive is probably retired, then someone will cry “but my back and eyes are hurting and this other guy is more healthy so we cant have that high cap” and even other guy will say “but I have grandkids who dont want to play this” and fourth guy will come with “but what if grandkids play for the guy its unfair”…
There will always be a reason to make everything easier and the items and the game to stop being unique itemized. No matter how old we will be.
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