This is in response to the recent blue post on NA forums:
I think it’s important for Blizzard to actually understand what is happening, and why it’s happening.
First and foremost. This isn’t cross-faction collution. It’s alliance players who are playing 10€/month to circumvent a problem created by blizzard. I’m talking about server lag in peak hours.
They are primarilly not doing this to circumvent the cooldown, although it is something some people do… They are doing it because the head-pops are being closely monitored and tracked on discord servers, so that the entire server know when ony buff is going to get popped.
If the only Ony buff on wednesday gets popped at 18:35 on Firemaw for instance, which has daily queues currently. Every guild that is there and has gotten songflower in advance, will be lagging out for 30 minutes and leave stormwind with less than 30 minutes duration on their buffs 60min buffs.
This has already happened before the MC reset was discovered.
And here’s an important distinction as well. This would never have been a problem in the olden days, since the server populations were a lot smaller, and people generally didn’t care as much about world buffs. However, the meta has shifted, people care and congregate causing n+n^+1 to lagg out the server.
I realize that increasing hardware has little to no value in this case, so here’s what I think the actual solution is:
Rather than punish the people who are making their experience livable here on Classic by making the mob immune to mind control… Simply remove the buff CD, or lower it to 1 hour or something short.
This will remove the incentive to MC the quest mob. It will spread out buff pops throughout the raiding day, which in turn will prevent a congregation of raiders in SW to the same extent.
And since Horde is struggling with the same issue, this would help them as well if you extend the gesture that way.
I believe this solves all your problems. The only argument I can see is that a few of the die-hard, non-raiding, #nochanges-supporters will get their panties in a twist over this. I do however think that in this case, their truly are the vocal minority.
Have you read the response you linked? It literally says they will not change it for now, and that they find hate messages between same faction(when somone kills MC priest) the greater problem then resetting the NPC.
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They may have to.change it because of hate.messages/opression between the same faction… that s what it says. They clearly say in the post that this reset is known since origibal Vanilla and they dont plan to make any moves against playwr because of NPC resetting. You just copy/pasted small segments of sentences. Fake post.
Yes so me giving more insight as to why people are Mindcontrolling the mob and suggesting solutions on how to change it is irrelevant?
No I apsolutley agree with the part that buff should be available more often than it is. Because people will reset it anyway, this way or the other. But this post is irrelevant cause noone will do anything to people resetting NPC, as it s stated in the post you linked. They are looking carefully on people bullying other for killing oposite faction priests,because they were clueless/dont understand the reset scheme.
Sure, but they still posted that they might change it in the future, so why is my suggestions on how to change it irrelevant?
No they are saying that bullying players for not understanding the reset mechanic will not be tolerated. The post has 10 sentences explaining how they dont have anything against the mechanic,which they are aware of since 2005, and then few sentences about player behaviour which they find unacepptable. You just took few words from the whole text and made a fuss about it. Point of the post is simple-stop bullying players unaware of reset mechanic and all will be fine.
I prefer not changing things.
A better solution would be to slash the allowed population on the servers and just have the queues. That would also fix the lag issue and make it more vanilla like. Then you’d fix two problems with one change. Overpopulation and lag. You are just picking the solution you prefer.
Or remove the buff altogether but I don’t like that as it was actually available back in the day.
That would be very unfair after allowing un-vanilla like megaservers at the release. Overpopulation was supposed to be handled by releasing much more servers with 3000-4000 players population cap from start. Now it s too late tbh.
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I agree, but then my opinion is that they made that choice and we shouldn’t adjust gameplay to counter balance the issues that come with that such as:
- Cool down on world buffs
- Herb spawns
- Etc
can a player make the buff everytime he finisches quest? or only once per head?
Once per head but limited to a long timer. If another player completes the quest and the timer hasn’t run out you finish the quest but no buff is applied.
Ofc I do? Isn’t that the whole point of posting on a forum, to air the idea and create some discussion so that it can either be shut down or create some form of consensuss?
They are raising two concerns in their reply, this is the other one
Nonetheless, it’s the sort of thing that wasn’t widespread back then, and we believe that if it had been, it would have been addressed. In general, cross-faction collusion is antithetical to WoW gameplay, and the specific circumstance where players pay a member of the opposing faction help them kill their ally feels inappropriate.
My thread adresses this part of it as well as propose a chance that adresses this issue. I can’t believe you spent 3 replies battering me about not reading the post without even noticing this…
Of course. I’m just saying it’s your opinion that it will solve “all your problems”. I believe that it just creates a bunch of new ones. Like all of a sudden more people raid with the buffs making the content even easier. That’s a major thing people complain about.
I can’t see that it will cause more people to raid with buffs on my realm atleast, since here everyone waits for the pop to happen through us organizing and communicating buff-pops on the realm-specific discord. It would only spread them out.
Be careful of what you wish for. I wouldn’t be surprised if blizzard just nerfed the buff into the ground. That would probably be the solution that gives the most vanilla like experience, where most people didn’t care about getting the buff.
I would personally also be completely ok with all wbuffs being removed once you zone into a raid 
although it’s completely unblizzlike
I agree.
When reading some post here it feel like people thinks that having thoses World Buff is a necessity.
They are totally optionnal.
Unless your guild splits loot based on parses, which most loot council guilds do.
World buffs are complete cancer, and not a single tear would be shed if they got straight up removed overnight.
The more sensible solution would be to remove that stupid CD, so that guilds can pop their heads according to their needs, and not have their raid night ruined by someone popping it at a completely retarded time.
Or, you know, so that you wouldn´t have to sit in Thrall´s room with a lvl 1 alt for a few hours checking if someone isnt about to randomly turn Rend in.
Or maybe be able to play your character without the fear of the buffs running out, or the fear of missing a buff.
DM buffs are fine. You do the dungeon whenever you want to, you sum your guildies in and all is fine and dandy.
Ony/Warchief are a complete joke though.