Remove the Trust Level system!

I have been flagged for spam/being offensive 5 times, and all times have been accepted by the mods apparently. I have never been given any means to appeal, and am now apparently permanently ineligible to TL3 - despite being against hate speech and not intendently being rude or violating ToS…

because its a backwards logic

Instead of Removing Posters Rights to Post pics/gifs for breeching ToS of what they can share.

they’ll remove Everyones rights to post pics/gifs incase a Small minority Breech ToS .

Then they have obviously found something in your post that is against the forums ToS. Have you actually tried reading the ToS to see?

You know who you’re saying that to, right?
I’ve been flagged. I’ve had silences. And yet here I am.
I guess what I’m trying to say; if I can do it, everybody can.

Not really, just have the same requirements to unlock those features. And that we have (with an exception for Beta testers).

“Bruh, I pay the same for a gym membership and he has a 6-pack and I don’t :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

i got banned for calling people snowflakes just to let you know .


As someone who is on the receiving end of nasty comments often, just for posting something like linking the forum obscenity rules, I can say without a doubt you should earn the ability to post extra things rather than it being taken away for doing or saying bad things.

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We’re all just human beans trying to make it bro

Quite funny you should say that, and then hijack another thread for continuing the conversation there.

Funny enough I do stick with the rules and I only have one single silence from half a year ago or so.

It’s a strong term, but I thought that it could work as long as it didn’t targeted anyone specifically.

You know what’s also funny to say?

And with that, I’ll be off to bed. Goodnight!


hijacked, you are surely out of your mind? you were literally commenting on another thread and i just replied. maybe you shouldnt spread your drama all over the forum if you dont want people to reply. and yes i was done with your previous comment cause it was literally going nowhere.

then go and fullfil all the other requirements like everyone else had to and you are good to go.

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Don’t have more then 5 Spam/Offensive flags

doesn’t works that way. There’s no subtractor here, and any flag by users using the flag as a dislike counts towards this limit.

Then we have my case, in which I lost Trust Level 3 for a one day silence for something I didn’t do (I didn’t even get a single warning, an email or a “change this please or I will ignore all context and make up some nebulous ‘you broke the rules teehee’ and punish you with a permanent loss”), and I can’t earn it back even from scratch.

That is… I have Trust Level 3 here (and I’ve earned it after the fact with this character, and the other character I post with also still has it here), but not on my language’s forums. And I’ve done all the post reading, liking and likes received, etc. on those forums, the first time around and again, after losing it, yet I get Trust Level 3 here with a new character but not there, where I’ve done all the stuff to get it.

So that means I’m blacklisted forever for a one day silence —not even a ban— for something I’ve not been warned about so that I can change it to suit that particular moderator’s absurd contextless blinder trance?

Not spam, not an insult, not angry posting, just banter, and not even starting it, just following the fun milquetoast mood the thread had (and no other poster on that chain got that disproportionate punishment, not even the one I was favorably and jokingly replying to).

Appeals ignored. “You broke a rule” “Which one” “I don’t know, why would I know, you should know, here are the rules” “Didn’t break any of those in the decade -and more- I’ve been posting on the forums” *Radio silence*

Yeah, burn Trust Level to hell, and some disgusting people that revel in harming others too.

“We want the forums to be a fun and welcoming place to be, so we’ll strip you forever of that thing you worked so hard to get and maintain, for a made up grievance (and only you, not any previous and following poster that were posting the same harmless roleplaying), so that you get now to be in a foul mood for months feeling gagged and never knowing if whatever you’re doing will be able to bring it back… because we want the forums to be a really fun and welcoming place to be.”

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I can only imagine how awful it would be if everyone could post non trusted links and images from day 1. It would be a trolls paradise.

Every character has it’s own trust level. It would never work.

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There is no warning system. The first punishment is very short. If you offend again in a short time the punishment will be longer.

The email should have included what you did. If you disagree, you can appeal. If you don’t get an email you can also contact support to find out why.

It is not a black mark forever. People have regained their trust levels.

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I’ve had my posts flagged plenty of times with a number of forum vacations, posts of me not liking Blizzard of the past half decade almost countless times… and I got TL3…

As long as you’re a regular anyone can get it honestly, as long as you’re being a raging uncivilized poster.

Actually that’s not quite true, if you had beta all your characters get TL3.

I’ve lost it and regained it twice.

I think it’s if you are actually banned from the forums not a “hidden post”

Trust levels is pointless because it doesn’t achieve anything constructive and can be easily gamed by anyone even by worst of the worst people which then they use it to spam and troll people threads with images/gifs.

I don’t really care. Everyone can post youtube links if they need to. But why i really dont feel the need to post images or videos. Its a forum and not reddit, I don’t really feel the need to post memes or funny pictures like alot of people have .

There is no warning system, but moderators sometimes do seem to let you off with a warning. Recently a moderator locked the comment from being edited and put a comment there saying that wasnt allowed either.

You dont realise even the mods can be part of said mob mentality.
I can for sure say that whoever decided I deserved a silence for saying I am against hatespeech and dont wish for my game to have NPCs dedicated to such people; whoever that mod is - they are part of the “its ok to hate against X group of people, and any differating facts or opinions must be silenced.” (I did not make a thread about it, just answered in it).

I also mentioned Tradechat in my post as an example where people are NOT vetted before a silence kicks in.

I am sorry but the system is extremely flawed cause biased people are everywhere.
Critical thinking and the ability to grasp the entirety is very rare, even more so nowadays.

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