Remove the Trust Level system!

That is 100% true, it’s get so many reports and you are silenced, no matter what you said, same goes for player names ingame too. I even think this automation has made it to the banhammer.

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I was proven silenced for merely saying my view of being against hatespeech and npcs dedicated to such people.

Its kinda scary how so many think the system works with unbias…

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It depends on HOW you said it more than what you said.

I wrote it exactly how I have said it here.
“I am against hatespeech and excuses for such just because its towards X group of people. What she said on twitter isnt ok and I do not wish for such views to be represented in game via NPCs dedicated to them.”

Its sincerely whack how biased the system is today on so many platforms.

I think it very much depends on the intent and on the moderator.

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I’ve been banned then unbanned for comments after I appealed.

I think if you get a moderator on a bad day just about anything can get you banned.

The main things are masking swear words and insulting other posters.

Also Skrutt, a lot of people were banned in that thread.

Might’ve missed my edit, but I’ve had quite a few forum vacations.

The issue comes when the mob mentality is around.
A lot of platforms wish to tunnel vision things.

If mods are not truly unbiased; You get banned/silenced for sneezing in the wrong direction.

This is why I find systems that put different value on people (trust levels) just another bad taste effect.
We already have one human-flawed system irl, then we have one in game/forums, and now we have walls to seperate value too.

Idk I am just not fond of the extremes and the multiple system ideas.

Oh and yeah - does not make the bans any better.
Banning people for voicing concerns against hatespeech kinda makes me worried.

Yes for beta, which lasts a short time and is now over. The average raging troll with everyone starting on TL3 would be able to get up to all sorts. Someone abusing their beta status would likely get it revoked.

It does mean they have some way of doing things at an account level. I only really post on this. Many post on a multitude of alts.

I have always been in favour of it not being character based. I would much prefer the bnet name system like all other Blizz games.

Gz on getting your TL back.

One thing I will say about TL3. I kinda cheated. I used a macro program to press page down then pause. I then found lots of huge threads and left my computer to go through them.

I use macros in my music recording software quite often and make sure it’s turned off for playing Warcraft.

That will make remove all meaning to life for some posters.

But yes, it needs to go becaus against equality

There is ,you get a warning if your post has been flagged and buried .They then review it and go from there .
I actually think the moderation has improved lately a great deal they use a lot more common sense .

There is people on these forums though who call people toxic and trash and mock them and believe they are above actions need to be banned or silenced .
Point in case a poster in this topic uses a lot of smiles and uses them to call people names without using direct words .
He likes to think he is well versed and educated but at the end of the day he is nothing more than a bully and a narcissist.

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What they should have done if you use common sense is give everyone tl3 to start and then if people did wrong they lost it due to there own fault that way people started off the same .

Its because :stuck_out_tongue: :heart:

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Trust, like respect, is earned.
The Edglord posters who are desperate for the opportunity to spam the forum with memes, are a very good reason to keep the current system in place…plenty of other places on the interwebz, for them to indulge in their usual codpiece shenanigans.


“Equality” – you do realize everyone has the same ‘right’ to earn it, yes? It’s not some ‘privilege’ handed out to a few, inaccessible to the rest…

And it’s pretty frequent of disgruntled posters and trolls on other forums to post lewd / gross / gory / etc. images… Blizzard is a family friendly company. If it saves them from doing such moderating so be it, as often enough mods aren’t around for a fair while to take action.


except it does. yes, you cannot receive tl3 if you have five current offensive/spam flags, however, there is a decay system in place. so eventually you are able to gain tl3.

take Daestra for example. she has had 17 silences and she currently has tl3.

so please tell me again how everyone isnt equal and how unfair the system is. :roll_eyes:



i dont know, sounds a bit very crazy to me. do you have proof for that? i still remember that there were serveral threads and people were getting flagged left and right because they didnt have their manners in check.

so in my opinion, chances are that if you got flagged back then, that it was well deserved.

its not always a conspiracy, its not always an attack. most of the time people simply didnt stick to rules, circumvented swear filter, broke the code of conduct or were outright vile.
people often seem to think that they did nothing wrong but when you ask them what exactly they said, they are usually unwilling to do that because they know it was bad or when they do, it actually was deserved.

yes, trade chat silences are automated, however, ingame silences are not the same as forum silences.


Couldnt fit them all in but like you say you can earn it again .

I even for banned on Valentines day in 2019 :stuck_out_tongue: