Reputation no longer boosted in MoP: Remix after pre-patch

Same here, I re-subbed after my vacation, so I could finish the final Remix things. Only Darkfall left, and they’re so silent about it. It’s not like a fun event was created before TWW, if not for Remix, I’d have had a 3 month break. Now you get this, and not a word from them about it. They claim to listen to us, well communication is key for that.


An update would be nice!


Idk if they will fix this, so if you cant grind it then Id assume you cant get Landfall achiv

Thank god this game is free…


Just remove the rep requirement for the quest chain!


Any danger of an update for your paying customers that are currently not able to progress the remix campaign due to bugs? since you completely missed this out of the hotfix list and haven’t said anything here for 6 days.

Or do we have to do chargebacks for TWW pre-orders, since i hold zero hope of it been playable or you fixing the majority of issues in an acceptable timeframe.


And? when will the bug be fixed?

Unfortunately also having the same issue :frowning:

I really hope this article is not about this specific Remix rep issue:

It’s NOT just a display issue in Remix - we can’t complete Landfall achievement because the rep rewards are actually lower than they were before pre-patch. If this was miscommunicated at Blizzard and they are not fixing it, we are so screwed…


At this point we can just hope you’ll give us all the class ensembles for free…

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Holy crap are they serious?? is that why they havent fixed it yet???

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Since this has been an issue for the past 7 days + the state of the beta on TWW i canceled my "World of Warcraft: The War Within 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition "

" World of Warcraft: The War Within 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition × 1
Refunded £175.00

Subtotal £175.00
Shipping £8.00
Taxes £30.50
Total £183.00 GBP
Total paid today £0.00 GBP

Visa (ending in 7101) £183.00
Visa - £183.00|"

i hold no hope in this and will just continue playing cataclassic which also has game breaking bugs but is more bareable than this


They outdone themselves, Ive finished one of the quest for Landfall campaign and got 3k rep but then my rep was DECREASED by 2,5k. Dont belive it is a bug, its intentional.
Why is this game still not free?

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They could fix this relatively quickly by putting a quest in that rewards enough rep to get you to exalted. Similar to what they did with the quest for bronze at 50, 60 and 70. But Blizzard are either too stupid to think of it, or don’t care enough to do it. Neither of which is good enough given that Remix is a limited time event with only a few weeks left, people have paid to play it, FoS and class tmogs are locked behind this bug, which will never be available again. Yet after hundreds if not thousands of reports from the EU and US over the last week, Blizzard haven’t even seen fit to provide an update on the issue. This is how much we, as a paying customers mean to them.


Please, Tyskorn or other staff (like there is any, as we don’t get to see much as Europeans) answer our questions. Don’t give us that: “We don’t know yet”, you should have a solution by now or an idea how to handle it.
Frankly I’m getting sick and tired of having to tell you guys to do better.


At this point, it would be nice to save us all the headache and just remove the achievement requirement for the tmog sets. Less work for the developers who are greatly struggling to fix this bug and the community gets what it wants and will be happy. Pretty simple I think, it’s a win-win.


We’re so cooked bros


A super simple workaround would be to just change the achievement requirement so that you only need to complete one, ie the rare spawns one, that way it would still be achievable without having to address the bigger issue right away


That must be an joke…


I got back into the game expecting better from Blizzard. I will be refunding my 12 month sub and won’t get War Within either. If that’s the quality going forward – I almost feel like I dodged a bullet by not buying it.


Don’t know if they patch it or if I fix it, but I put my MoP Remix char in my warband and the reputation is working correctly since. Huge amount of rep for the landfall campaign quests and no roll back of reputation anymore.