Can we get an update on this issue please? Or at least a confirmation that it’s being worked on? I’ve been without my Baradin Wardens rep and the teleport tabard for over a week now with no way of earning it back since I can’t talk to any of the NPCs to do the dailies all over again.
My Alliance Vanguard together with Explorer’s League, The Frostborn and Valiance Expedition reputations also got reset for some reason
When will this be fixed?
I cant finish the achievement to get my class Transmog.
Same happened to me with a BfA rep, “The Honorbound”, reset to 0/6000.
Same problem with bfa reps - Talanji, Honorbound, Voldunai and Zandalari have all been reset. Big ooff
Second time my Dark Talons rep have reset, both time close to Exalted, and both times all the way back to neutral.
Any update on this issue?
I’d happily just take we’re still working on figure it out update. Doesn’t need to be an eta and if they have a eta, will it be a hotfix or fixed with 11.0.2.
I’ve put in a ticket and got told it’s a known issue and they’re working on it and to send in a bug report. Not convinced i’m going to see my rep go back to what it was. (i was almost exalted with Dark Talons and it’s gone back to neutral and my warlock had his undercity go from exalted to neutral) Really disappointed in this. I know it’s just a game but alot of time goes into these things
For now i noticed my Artisan Consortium rep goes to zero and taking new from beggining so its not display only
Reps still busted. No fix in place. Reps of mine that I know are affected are Cobalt Assembly, Wrathion and Sabellian. All of these reset to 0. They are not visual bugs, they are functioning as if I had not maxed them. Disgustingly bad levels of QA causing this level of progression reset are indefensible
Edit: Only Wrathian was maxed, achi and items to confirm this. The other two from memory: Cobalt Assembly up to the point to get the ring, so 1 stage from maxed? And Sabellian was maybe at 3 or 4 out of 6. All reset to 0 progress.
You’re the first person I can actually confirm lost Wrathion reputation. For most of us, it is indeed a visual issue when it comes to Dragonflight reputations (except for Dark Talon and Obsidian Warders). I’ve checked you out on Data for Azeroth, and I also see that you have an achievement for the Wrathion rep. I can’t confirm that you had the other two (Cobalt Assembly and Sabellian), I am very curious if you can offer more data on what happened and how you lost them. Did you do any quests, or when did you notice that you lost progress on these reputations?
Crazy that those can be lost too. This is beyond irresponsible from Blizzards end.
I didn’t notice until 3-4 days into the prepatch tbh. I only played my main for the first day who had done the reps. Sabellian definitely wasn’t maxed, but Wrathion was. Cobalt Assembly was up to the point to get the ring when it was pre-bis at the beginning. I logged onto an alt that hadn’t touched any of those reps on the second day, so I assume that was what caused this, but I can’t say for sure. Another factor would be the last time I played before the pre-patch was late december 2022, so a nearly 2 year inactive period. I stopped playing because of how poorly implemented updates are and all the bugs that come with them. Clearly nothing has changed.
I’m a mixture of reset reps (example, storms wake neutral and won’t gain) then also not reset just not showing up on the list, like Wrathion, Sabellian and Loamm Niffen.
Probably more but I haven’t taken a close look
In the first week I lost various factions, especially with my horde chars, unshackled were the first that I noticed, later on Darktalons and other various BFA factions were gone and for a short time alliance factions were shown in horde chars.
Since then I have avoided corresponding old content with chars that were already exalted.
For the last few days I’ve been updating data for Azeroth every day to see if I’ve lost anything. Today I lost two again, including keg legs crew the plunerstorm faction which, on the one hand, would no longer be possible at all and was already an acc-wide faction before
Keg Leg’s Crew is visually bugged for me. Can you run command below in game and see if you get the Plunderstorm Renown interface to pop up?
/run ToggleMajorFactionRenown(Constants.MajorFactionsConsts.PLUNDERSTORM_MAJOR_FACTION_ID)
Mine is still at R40, but it’s not in the game reputation tab, nor is it shown on armory.
ok, renown 40 is also displayed in the interface with this commant. The tab was still displayed to me yesterday, I only lost it today. At the moment I only played the pre event and briefly logged various chars on an old second-acc in the same bnet acc, because of the free weekend, that should have been the trigger
Where is the fix for this? I have Exalted achievement for Waveblade Ankoan (not on this toon) and no Exalted reputation anywhere on my account anymore.
Didn’t mean to delete what I posted, serves me right trying to edit it while only glancing at the monitor.
Seems that the DF reps that are just hiding themselves (Loamn, Wrathion etc) do still disappear after a longer period of having the game completely closed.
Not tested bfa reps yet but we did have a short period of downtime last night, would love to know what they did during that time if anything.
Just chipping in with my issue as well. Just lost all my rep with the Waveblade Ankoan and they also got removed from discovered reputation list.
Same issue here. Some reps got reset to neutral 0/3000, for example Thrallmar.
When I did some casual transmog farm last week (before weekly reset) I didnt get rep for Thrallmar but today I noticed that I gained rep… I hope the “fix” doesnt mean you have to farm everything again, its not only Thrallmar thats missing…