Reputation reset (and keeps resetting)

Same issue here. I’ve lost Alliance Vanguard reputation along with Explores’ League, The Frostborn and Valiance Expedition. All went from exalted to neutral. Same for Obsidian Warders. Right now they don’t seem to reset anymore, but I do hope “fixing” dosen’t mean just “ok, now it shouldn’t reset anymore, go grind that again champ!” …

Also, I’ve change faction more times on this character, but it shouldn’t affect anything regardless to reputation. Everything must convert. And it converted whenever I’ve changed my faction.

Perhaps they fixed further loss of reputation, but one thing that hasn’t been fixed for me is that Baradin’s Wardens are still neutral and uncommunicable. When I’m pvp tagged I can even attack the guards, even though I’m alliance.

It seems the customer support is unwilling to do anything about the reputations at the moment. All the responses I’ve received acknowledge the issue but say that they cannot take any further action until they receive an update from the devs.


It’s not that they are unwilling, it’s that it’s not something they can do. It requires the Devs to fix.

It’s not that they are unwilling, it’s that it’s not something they can do. It requires the Devs to fix.

Developers are not even acknowledging the issue. They stealth fixed it and called it a day (even this much is an assumption, based on the fact that reputations are no longer resetting for us). Even if you look at the articles regarding the few reputation issues, they chose not to specify THIS issue. I guess I wouldn’t want data loss in an MMO on my rep sheet either. Between Honor Levels resetting and reputations resetting, there’s clearly some data loss issue.

I understand that Customer Support has their hands tied, but this lack of communication from Customer Support and the developers is really unsettling. How they handle this matter will mean a lot going forward.

I would like to note, again, that this is the THIRD TIME this has happened in Dragonflight. They have never restored the reputation to anyone. Customer Support should be allowed and instructed to handle this on an individual level until this matter is resolved.

Don’t we, as paying customers, at least deserve a proper response addressing this issue? It’s not exactly a minor whoopsie. The trust between us has completely been shattered. Who is to say they won’t react the same way when something even worse happens so long as it affects the minority…


I’ve lost the whole Horde Expedition reputation from Exalted to Neutral.

I’ve lost

  • Horde Expedition
  • The Hand of Vengeance
  • The Sunreavers
  • The Taunka
  • Warsong Offensive.

I even reached 60 exalted rep Achievement but i guess i am back at 55 now.


It just feels like an complete shut-out from Blizzard on this issue. The ticket repsonses are just infuriating generic ‘check this article’ which is 90% irrelevant to the issue and only suggests writing a bug report. Which we’ve done… and they still won’t even put in on the known issues list.


My Guild Rep was reset to Neutral from Exalted. I had a race change during cataclysm but my rep was still exalted. Why is it more things break when others get fixed ?

same problem, lost dark talon rep

I lost my voldunai reputation. It’s been almost a year and they haven’t fixed it. When I checked now, I saw that my dark talons reputation was completely wiped out. I’m sure blizzard is messing with us.

I think a lot of my other reputations has gone down but I’m not sure so I won’t post it here. It needs to be taken seriously now.
Please tell the moderators. Would you mind if we started swearing?

According to Blizzard Support, I have to make a topic here on this forum how somehow this bug can be fixed i guess, so i make one here it is.

I’ve lost the whole Horde Expedition reputation from Exalted to Neutral.

I’ve lost

  • Horde Expedition
  • The Hand of Vengeance
  • The Sunreavers
  • The Taunka
  • Warsong Offensive.

I even reached 60 exalted rep achievement after these achievements have been accomplished. But i guess i am back at 55 now.

Okay great to hear they are working for a fix, but that is 11 days ago?

I don’t know how long this usually goes for but mine is not fixed yet.

I will see and wait, at least i posted it about it.

I don’t want to bore you, but your lifetime may not be long enough to see this problem solved.

and prob i lost many more reputations that i am not sure about. i cannot be sure because i did not write down all the reputations i completed on a piece of paper.

Hey all,

We have a support page that we update regularly, about the different reputation issues since the prepatch for The War Within. Please do follow it if you need more information:

Hey there, I appreciate your time to hop here!

Thank you for your response. However, it doesn’t seem to address the expectations and concerns of everyone involved, nor does it acknowledge the specific issue mentioned in this thread. We would appreciate further clarification on this matter:

  • When the issue with the lost reputations will be officially acknowledged?
  • When our lost reputations will be restored?

It looks like the EU version of this page wasn’t update (it is now).

I’m afraid that we don’t have more information to share at the moment, outside of what is communicated in this article. I understand that it’s a frustrating situation, and I hope that we’ll have more to share soon.


It’s actually different for me.
I often read here that many players first get a large amount of reputation (e.g. 3000 reputation) and at the same time a lot of reputation is subtracted again, so that in the end only 150 reputation remains.

In my case, however, I only get the 150 reputation. Nothing is deducted.
I didn’t think anything of it at first because I didn’t know any different, as I only started playing Pandaria Remix after the War Within patch. I was just wondering how to get the achievement for the class transmog this way.

But then someone explained to me that there should actually be a lot more than 150 reputation in Pandaria Remix.

Now I’m a bit confused, since none of the things mentioned in the link apply to me.

That’s because there are multiple issues regarding reputations. Your issue is unrelated to ours.

Reputation no longer boosted in MoP: Remix after pre-patch - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums -

Remix had another set of issues, and some fixes were applied. However, it is still not working as it did prior to pre-patch. So, check the thread and see if you can find any valuable information there.

my reputations has reseted aswell, luckily i got exalted achievements for all but now i cant buy vendor items anymore.
atleast these has reseted that i checked, Artisans consortium, cobalt assembly, wrathion and sevalion.