Reputation reset (and keeps resetting)

11.0.2: my Ankoan rep is still affected by this.


So my character with the Dark Talons rep that was at 5000+ into revered before the prepatch is now showing the reputation bar again, but only at 500 rep into neutral. I did a pet battle which awarded 250 rep and it has shown and stayed on the bar - I am really hoping that does not mean that I am going to have to grind out all that reputation again. Is there any more news on this please?

My reps are still affected. This weeks patch doesn’t look to contain a fix.

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Can you clarify what you mean when you say that your reputations are still affected? Are they still resetting for you, or have they not been restored to their previous standing?

Since the issue that caused your reputations to reset and remain at neutral has presumably been fixed, it would be helpful to make it clear that ‘affected’ means your reputations haven’t been restored to their previous levels in this case.

My Voldunai rep was close to reaching Exalted before. One day it dropped to “Honored”. It hasn’t been fixed even though it’s been a year.

Then I saw that my “Dark Talons” rep, which had recently been Exalted, dropped to Honored in the same way. And it still remains “Honored”.

Now I’ve found a bunch of factions that have the Exalted achievement but have dropped to Honored in the same way.
I will prepare a file with all the evidence one by one.
The reputations of all the main characters we played in the past have been deleted. I wanted you to know.

They haven’t been restored. My hunter got Exalted with Waveblade Ankoan in 2021. He was reset to Neutral. He can earn rep without getting reset again and again (now he’s at Honored because I’ve been levelling companions). But that’s rep that could have gone towards the Supplies mount. This is still the case at time of posting, so no, for me it hasn’t been fixed.

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I have been back and forth with this issue through a ticket for the last couple weeks. I’ve been told today “sorry” there’s nothing customer service can do. Put in a bug report. I’m so angry about it but i can’t see them restoring the reps back to what they were. My dragon flight reps are still vanishing after logging off but restore back to exalted once i interact with that faction and my Dark Talon rep has stayed at neutral and my warlocks undercity rep to has stayed at neutral.

The support article linked by the blue says: * A situation where reputations which have a direct correlation on the opposite faction (such as Battlegrounds factions) are reset to neutral. A hotfix is planned for this issue and it should be resolved for players logging in after that fix soon. Investigations are ongoing for players who experienced the issue and need their reputations fixed.

From this it did really sound like they had a fix ready to be deployed. That was 10 days ago. Still, nothing.


It seems that the Keg Leg Crew was removed entirely :frowning: The command does not display anything for me, and i can not see my max reputation anymore, neither ingame nor on tracker websites.

There is an NPC in Valdrakken inn called Da’kash Grimledger he’s the Quartermaster of Keg Leg Crew. Try talking to the NPC and see if you rediscover the reputation. It should be rediscovered all the way at the bottom of your reputation list under “Other” category.

I assume Keg Leg Crew is still like Bloodsail Buccaneers, just a display issue that they’re yet to resolve. However, if it got entirely erased for you, note it here and submit a bug report in game.

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Nice, it got it back by talking to the NPC. I hope they fix it so its always visible, because i am a new player and it is the only rare reputation i have and i really enjoyed the event.

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It’s been little more than a year by now since fist Dark Talons and some Horde BFA first started resetting. I said started because they have “allegedly” restored it once and shortly after it was gone once again. I don’t believe that anyone can confirm a fix ever occurred. My DT standing has gone down at least three times in total.

They’ve been sending me in circles between forums and direct customer service because no one is willing to admit fault and fix stuff by taking things in their own hands. I eventually gave up out of frustration after they deleted those specific topics from their known issues support page.

There’s no matching exalted achievements for some reputations so confirming lost status might be entirely impossible. The same could be said for the mysterious disappearance of items stored in guild banks which is an even bigger problem at the moment. I can’t comment on individual personal losses of other players but I’ve seen screenshots from several friends of mine lacking bank deposit logs as well, so the records might be all gone.


What I believe happened is that they kept deploying the build with the bug present time and time again, they would fix it live, but it would remain bugged on the new build, which would be redeployed into the game again. After we started having the issue on this thread, I logged onto beta to find the same bug present there. I reported it, and it was fixed shortly after. I wonder if it would have been redeployed yet again if it hadn’t been reported. I do believe that the bug is fixed now, yet I remain uncomfortable and probably will be uncomfortable until these data loss issues start being taken more seriously.

They likely have a backup of data prior to the pre-patch. The restoration of the reputation should be possible from developer end, but it’s not a simple matter to handle, especially in the overall chaos this patch has caused. This time, unlike previous times, it seems more people were affected, so hopefully there will be enough pressure to do something about it. I don’t believe they will restore them, but I would be thrilled to be proven wrong.


I’ve been playing somewhat consistently for two decades now and after reporting the first serious incident of data loss in years I was met by a very casual comment from the support staff simply making their daily rounds around the forum telling me they’re not aware of any known issues.

No follow up questions, no request for additional details or further proof or details on the circumstances which might have led to the problem at that time when I had noticed something went wrong.

By the time it had happened to me, the wowhead page for specific faction was already filled with comments collaborating my claim. I have included the link in the initial report.

Among other things lets not forget the poor guy who had lost 414 Honor Levels. He had already been chasing after customer support for two months prior to the TWW pre-patch. Luckily there is an achievement checkpoint for level 400 but I am still unsure anything at has been all was done for him. Everyone reasonable would be willing to forfeit only 14 levels if an instant fix had been presented, the simplest solution which I doubt was even offered to him. The topic had died out and he may have simply given up. His armory is still showing Honor level 2 so he is just another tragic poster boy for what potentially awaits players who had lost either reputation or their guild banks.


I really don’t want to derail this tread about the reputation, but I feel the need to add this on the subject.

This is the most concerning issue to me out of all of them. I can’t replicate it, I have no idea what’s the cause, all I know is it’s happening to some people. Barrier between US and EU forums is also problematic as we can’t raise more awareness about it. EU forums also don’t really get checked by the devs from what I know and only way for us to reach them is through bug reports in game.

US Forums
From 303 to 66 (Has achievement for 300)
BUG loss of pvp honor after pre-patch, not yet fixed - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums -

From 693 to 99 (Has achievement for 500)
Honnor level got reset - PVP / Battlegrounds - World of Warcraft Forums -

EU Forums
From 414 to 1 (Has achievement for 400)
Lifetime honor level reset from 414 to 1, no resolution after two months of tickets - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums -

There are other people complaining but posting from Classic characters and I can’t inspect their armory link to verify they indeed lost honor levels.

Some people are assuming that the issue stems from pre-patch, but it does not. According to EU thread, this was happening prior to pre-patch too.


I mean, there should be some kind of legal recourse for this kind of thing. People should be taking Blizzard to court, regardless of the terms of service.

At the very least, it calls into question one of the main points of video games, if the data isn’t rock solid about progression, what’s the point?

Worse still is if the data is there but they do nothing. For me at least I have the Exalted achievement. Do we have to start screen shotting things now? Would it make any difference if we did?


A long time ago I capped out the four factions under valdrakken (and still have the recipe / transmog unlocks to prove it)

  • Artisan’s Consortium
  • Cobalt Assembly
  • Sabellian
  • Wrathion

However these factions are now showing as Neutral/Empty etc and the associated quests are all reset to the beginning.


Dark talon resetted to zero after doing so many pet quests and racing, feels bad.

Waste of time if u ask me and support will not help.


After the pre-patch launch my Unshackled reputation was resetting to neutral daily for more than a week. I’ve lost Laughing Skull Orcs rep, it just resetted to friendly from 5000/21000 revered. Few days ago Frostwolf Clan rep reset to friendly from exalted after I interracted with their quartermaster. Nothing is done yet, noone is adressing this issue. I’ve contacted support and all they say is to report a bug.


Im not sure if its mainly from the pre-patch or older but i lost progress on many reps, some im back to neutral from exalted.
I lost quests progress ( i have the lore master and at the same time there are zones where it seems like i havent done a lot of quests, ex Knights of the Ebon blade in Northrend)
I lost progress on the explorer ( i have the achiev, the title but the map is not discovered and I;ve done this on my main character like I did all the achievements with).
As far as reps go I have a lot that are missing, Knights of the Ebon blade, Sons of Hodir, Outland reps, Argent Dawn rep etc.
All these things took months to do and losing progress feels like I paid for nothing with my time and money.