Reputation reset (and keeps resetting)

Similar problem. I’ve been away for a while and after resubbing (on 15th of August) I noticed that I lost my reps with Wrathion, Sabellian, Cobalt Assembly and Artisan’s Consortium. Perhaps others as well, didn’t really check. I’ve tried to buy things from vendors and was not allowed to, so definitely not just a display bug.

Perhaps the issue was related to me creating and playing a Horde character in Pandaria Remix before logging in to any of my main, Alliance, characters.

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You are now Neutral with Cenarion Circle. It is the third time in two days that interacting with different Moonglade vendor NPCs had resulted in a complete reset.


Doesn’t appear that the hotfix is out, as I have visual issues with TWW reps in the rep window.

I’ll have a lot of time on my hands next week while recovering from surgery. I think I might send a ticket in and see if I can get more information that way, as last blue post update was 19 days ago.


I think I might send a ticket in and see if I can get more information that way

Perhaps you’ll have better luck with that than I did. First I just got an automated response after 2 days of waiting. When it finally got to a person, they told me to submit a bug report. I gave up after that.


So this over a month now, when will this be fixed? Anymore news?


Going to give it a little longer before I send a ticket in. Yryadorne, have you been told anything else since or are you as in the dark with this issue as the rest of us.

Watch it be tomorrow or something.

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Still nothing done


Could we perhaps get another update from an official Blizzard employee on this issue?

I literally don’t dare touch any of the affected reps right now and it’s quite infuriating. I want to keep grinding for mounts and reps, but with how little attention this bug is getting, I’m just not comfortable doing so.

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Hello hello!

So this thread covers a few distinct issues, mostly around the prepatch and introduction of warbands. These should now be resolved.

There are still a few issues open, specifically relating to Dark Talon, Cobalt Assembly, Artisan Consortium, Wrathion & Sabellian though we have no specific updates to share.

From what we have seen these issues should be exceedingly rare but if you do come across more issues, please do let us know through the in-game bug reporting tool.

There is no need to make support tickets for this, as Game Masters wouldn’t be able to manually set any reputations.

I’m going to assume this means that if I now go do Waveblade Ankoan / Unshackled world quests, I will not lose the reputation like I did with the Obsidian Warders.

You did specifically mention the Dark Talons, the Horde equivalent of the Obsidian Warders, but as you also mention several other reps that have no opposing faction counterpart, I assume this is about a display bug rather than actually completely losing the reputation.

I really hope this is the case.

Guess we will never see our exalted reputation back… but hey ! we can pay montly subscription for the pleasure to reach exalted again and then work for parangon !

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I am not gonna lie, the way this reputation data loss is being handled makes me upset.
The first reputation loss happened back in the Forbidden Reach patch, and the issue remained no more than an article for more than a year.
My character lost The Honorbound, Talanji’s Expedition, Unshackled, and Dark Talons reputations (the ones I noticed) with TWW pre-patch. I can no longer get paragon chests for two of them without spending a substantial amount of time… again.
The issue is rare because probably people who completed reputations and paragon rewards from past expansions didn’t notice.
This article is already one month old:
Will we celebrate its birthday next year?

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That page greatly diminishes the extend of the problem. If something wrong had been first discovered only a month ago (per article, last updated), it wouldn’t have been such a big of a deal, but Forbidden Reach was released in Spring of '23 and around the following Summer was first when reputations progress started vanishing. Dark Talons + Alliance equivalent was among the first to be reported, followed by some BFA factions and so on.

They claimed it was fixed but I haven’t found proof or a statement from players anywhere supporting this. Mine definitely wasn’t corrected, instead it had reset ONCE MORE after their supposed hotfix release (which was almost a year ago by now).

This doesn’t feel like a fair response to the main issue that this thread covered from the start.

When the prepatch dropped the most widely discussed problem was about a display issue and nobody actually ‘lost’ anything, and people only really noticed because it was primarily display issues with reputations at the top of their list. It took far too long to actually get any form of acknowledgement about reputations actually resetting. This wasn’t the first time, and the fact that we’ve had no statement about what actually caused it or that it can be rectified, makes me suspect this won’t be the last time.

If game master’s can’t manually put the reputations back for all of us that have lost all that time and effort through no mistake of our own, why is there no alternative being offered, or even compensatory solutions. A quest that only appears with the achievement being obtained that will give you enough reputation to return to exalted, or a token in the game that gets sent to put you back.

Beyond that, why should any of us even bother to do reputations/renown at all, what patch is going to come out and just decide to start resetting them again? Shall we all just wait until the root problem is found and reassured that this won’t happen in the future?

TL;DR Why bother grinding any form of reputation at all when we can’t be sure that it won’t just be reset and lost entirely in another future update for ANOTHER time?


That is only one of the problems. Several reputations which were reset do not have a matching achievement for reaching Exalted (or max friend status), which has always been the standard practice for almost 20 years now.

I’ve been told that there was no evidence of me ever passing Neutral with Dark Talons. When I asked if 100% completion of that specific content and having 10 characters equipped in bind on account armor from the island could be any kind of an indicator of my time spent there (5 weeks minimum of activities, twice a week) I was shown the door with no hints of a possible solution.

So I’m guessing that means there’s just no hope of me getting my Obsidian Warders rep back.

I wasn’t even exalted, so I wouldn’t have had an achievement even if one existed. But I was over halfway through revered, would have had it at exalted ages ago now, if this BS didn’t happen.

And to add, I still haven’t tried to get more Waveblade Ankoan rep because without a proper mention in a changelog, I just don’t dare touch reps that take so long to grind to exalted and then to paragon.

I need direct confirmation from Blizzard that that specific rep has been fixed, and won’t reset.

These are all the paragon reps I’ve lost when the pre patch went live.

  • 7th Legion
  • Order of Embers
  • Storm’s Wake
  • Waveblade Ankoan

They are all on neutral now.

My Honor Hold reputation just reseted to neutral from exalted after I entered The Shattered Halls Timewalking dungeon. How is this not fixed yet?! What I suppose to do now? Farm it again? I’m realy angry. This is not acceptable.