REQUIREMENTS for Unlock allies races are stupid

The very addition of rep requirements is something that shouldn’t have been a thing to begin with. The Allied Races should’ve been unlocked via story, or at least the story itself (when patch releases and adds the said races) should give the large amount of reputation to let you unlock them.

This is all about the gameplay as well.
Do you find this fun? I don’t.
I’d rather have other means of obtaining Allied Races. Story is one thing I enjoy doing and something I look forward to.
Story is already time gated AND rep gated for 7th Legion stuff too. So this is another rep-wall too.

Thank you. This is exactly what I’ve been trying to say :slight_smile:

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WRONG… Decisions like this is exactly what makes me feel like i am making progress. For me, getting rewarded for something I did is the progress, so when I unlock allied race, it is progress. It is made for dedicated players as a form of reward.

If someone is not dedicated enought to get them, there are 6 “basic” races that he/she could play per faction.


I am glad you feel like you’ve made progress with this.
To me the rep grind is a nuisance. You still had to wait out on patches to release in order to get to play the specific races (KT/Zanda).
Doing a bit of WQs per day is really not progress. It’s something you get by casually playing, I mean I managed to max BFA rep on 3 characters and prob more had I leveled other alts.
For us, it’s not a big deal. For returning players or new players it is.
I stand in defense of those who want the rep grind lowered and of those who want a way around reps, primarily because I lost 4 friends to this grind.
Another friend is not even motivated to unlock KT or Zandalari due to reps.

It’s not about me or you, it’s about THEM. Fresh blood and players who’d probably play this game had they not been punished with a wait-game.


It does.

Nothing mandatory about them.

Pretty much this. As mentioned, people are thinking of Allied races much like they do Core races, hence the complaint when they see that unlocking them will require some work. You don’t NEED them, you WANT them - and if you want it, you earn it and feel rewarded for finally achieving it.

Just because WoW has trivialized some of the less forgiving aspects of a much grindier / older WoW does not mean they should feel obligated to give EVERYTHING for nothing. We’re already in the age of welfare epics, far easier reputation grinds, hell they even stopped various quests from requiring raids - whereas back in the day you would spend a substantial amount of time just ATTUNING to a raid before you could even see it, nevermind the mind-numbing process involved in organizing raids if you weren’t in a raid guild.

Then there’s the business side of things. These Allied races are an incentive. Blizzard always has (and likely always will) devise methods that keep its players, you know, playing! Back in the day you’d be repeating dungeons 24/7 for weeks, months, just to go up a reputation tier - it is different now but still infinitely easier than things used to be.

There is no ‘should be’ stigma just because older expansions released new (core) races as part and parcel of the game. This was still during the time classes were gated behind factions and to achieve anything in-game involved a whole different world of ‘repeat play’ than it does now.


Aaand this again.
Nobody is saying Allied Races should be given for nothing; even though we had Draenei, Blood Elves, Worgen, Goblins and Pandaren for…nothing but who cares they were not allied races. Cough cough
What people are proposing is to lower the rep req or give more means of gaining rep other than WQs and boring mission tables.
Personally, I feel story quests should reward more rep to make it less annoying, but hey that’s just me!

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What the fudge does this text mean? NONSENSE. They are allied races…

No one is asking allied races to be free, that would be absurd. We paid for the expansion and we pay a monthly subscription to play the game, to do 15-30 mins rep grind per day for weeks, that is absurd too.


The only thing absurd is people mentioning their sub-time and making it sound like Blizzard should no longer be able to hold the reigns of their own game because you paid money.

My above post was less about anything ‘for free’ and more a case of pointing out that they’ve already done so much to make the game obnoxiously easy, and the fact that a rep grind plus quest chain for an allied-race reward is hardly a big enough ask for it to be ‘reduced’, regardless of whether you’re a frequent player or returning one.

Sending a message from another thread, directed to this one, finally a voice of reason and some really good statements here, cheers to Tubri:


Argent Crusade was in WOTLK, i think it was quite nice. Allthough if my memory serves me right that had already some time gating involved. Argent dawn on other hand was at vanilla, if you ment that. I loved reputations in vanilla, where you actually could grind them as much you wish at the time with no time gate. Personally i love big grinds where you grind tokens, or just small amount of rep from killing mobs, and you can do it for hours and hours if you wish. I am strongly against time gating not grind. Just to be clear on that. :smile:

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I have friends who barely played since BfA launch, and they already met the unlock requirements.

I’m not saying I disapprove of making Zan/Kul standard races, but people here are making it seem a lot more grindy to unlock than it actually is. It’s not the devs fault that you don’t know the best way to grind.

This thread is like a tasty ham that’s just started to turn a crispy, burnt black in the oven, it’s so overdone.

The WoW community of recent times demands everything on a silver platter. Can anyone honestly say they would sub for a month, farm like hell and cancel their sub a few days after unlocking whats being moaned about above? Blizz doesn’t cater the game to come-and-goers. They make it an immersive experience for people will to commit. Yes, some people can’t, but there are no time limits, the content will still be there when you get back. Exercise patience, work toward it and you’ll get there.
Blizz design an expansion to be experienced, yes it can be shoved down the players throat or bribed to be experienced sometimes (looking at you islands and warfronts), but the story of this xpac is one of it’s best bits.
To you QQers, if it takes too long and you’re unsatisfied, then leave. Don’t whine and complain, sure object, but be constructive about it. Just come back when something’s in the game that you actually see to be worth subbing for.
The guy who’s posted in this thread 56 times (up until this post that’s more than 1/5th of the posts) I’ve seen QQ in every post, and maybe only offer a couple of constructive suggestions. That doesn’t achieve anything, but annoy the hell out of everyone, both the people who don’t care about your point and the people who are trying to understand your point, but can’t through the whinging.

Be mature about it. If you’re tired of the game, take a break. Don’t play it for the sake of it, play it to enjoy it.

P.S. I started the xpac late, got DIDs by 8.1 and was done with the war campaign and Proudmoore Admiralty pretty soon after, it isnt that hard or long.

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This thing has been going on since the first ever allied races came out. Its sad the Blizzard went this way and they lost so many subscribers.

One thing you can do in order to unlock zandalari trolls is to FACTION CHANGE your Alliance character (who is exalted with proudemoore & has all the quests done for the achivement)

The only thing you have to do after you go horde is to do ALL THE WAR CAMPAIGN in order to get to unlock Zandalari trolls.

The bad thing is that you have to pay for the faction change and maybe a server change in order to have people to play with.

Again, very sad that the dev team has made this bad game and its good aspects are timegated behind useless grinds.

If the game was fun to play over all, thats another discussion.


classic come here alrdy pls


Yes, I’m referring to old-school reputations where we lacked excessive daily quests, inscription contracts, rep tabards and all the features of modern WoW that have made the process infinitely easier today.

You were pretty screwed when dealing with any reputation that did not provide non-instanced +rep mobs, rendering a vast majority of them into dungeon/heroic repetition (TBC) with the only convenience being signet hand-ins. I recall some light dailies or item hand-ins for vanilla but it was not nearly as useful as just spamming dungeons as much as possible for weeks on end, or fighting for respawns (eg. crusaders behind Light’s Hope), and this was during a time where forming groups and travelling around the world often took longer than dungeons themselves.

Social platforms also weren’t as prevalent then, though considering most of vanilla-WoW’s players were already conditioned by the overall difficulty of practically everything, complaints weren’t so common compared to today.

Things were difficult, making the end result feel more rewarding across the board (unlocking raids, actually getting to ENTER them at all, heaven forbid actually completing them as part of a raiding guild). Having happily endured such times, it’s sad to think that some out there view getting exalted with X reputation and doing a quest-chain as ‘annoying’ rather than rewarding in terms of earning yourself a playable race. Back in my day you did five times the work just to net a cool looking Tabard and probably an epic piece of equipment if you were lucky.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m fully aware that the past is the past. However, I still firmly believe that rewards such as these really should be earned - and by earned I do NOT mean just handing them to everyone purely for doing some story quests for the sake of Joe Soap who looks at a grind/reward and spends more time posting about how unfair it is rather than just, you know, getting it done like everyone else. Normally I’d consider that as sounding a little harsh, but considering it is not difficult to begin with, I’ll say it anyway.

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I think rewards should be earned. I disagree with you just on 2 things here:
1.I don’t think character race should be reward (it never was before BFA, yes you could start doing it already in Legion but you had to own BFA to do it). Just adding word “allied” front of race does not make it different enough to turn something that was basic feature to reward.
2. I prefer way reputations worked in vanilla times. I think then you had to work for them hard but you were able to time it the way you wish. Current method is easy and givin them much easier than old times but in timed manner: it is like those games where to go water your plants every day and after a month you get sack of potatoes for your trouble. I don’t consider waiting as effort.

I do think when you work for reward you have to put effort in it. I don’t believe in giving things for free. But that effort should be possible to be timed by player, not automatic time gate system. So if player X wants to spend 10 hours on row grinding that reputation with method of their wish, they should be able to do it. If player x wants to visit grandmother one day, they should be able to do it without automatically putting the reward one day later to get (because on current system you cannot catch up with extra work the next day). And like i said earlier, that reward should be something else than what you used to get automatically as expansion feature. It should not be your old coat reselled to you. They should come up with something new instead.

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its funny because I never even tried to unlock them, and I automatically got quests because I play the game :joy:

Idk how can you fail to unlock a race if you paly the game

Because i didnt play during legion i havent unlocked the shiny draenei or the elves. The dark iron and KT i just unlocked passivly by playing BFA. I’m not too fuzzed about the allied races anyways, i’ll probably unlock them at some point when i’m bored enough. Just answering how it is possible to not have them unlocked :slight_smile:

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I mean yeah, that’s basically what I said, you didnt play the game - hence you dont have them unlocked.

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And thats what ppl are saying all over in this thread. For those that just play its an easy unlock cause u just get the rep passivly by playing the game. But for ppl that are new and didnt play it can feel like crap to have to lvl up a char u dont wanna play, do all that rep grind just to be able to play what u actually wanted to play. I get that, i find it kinda crap myself to have to go back to old content if i want to unlock the allied races. But i’m not an altoholic and will probably just not bother (yet at least) cause i’m happy to keep playing my draenei :slight_smile:

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