Pet Peeve: The Undying

Two words:
Lust slider.


As someone with a Brewmaster… yes.
I don’t see why we have to put up with “You need this whole extra mechanic with active buttons that make things super awkward if you can’t keybind everything with ease” when on, say, Prot Pally or Warrior I can simply spam AoE and defensive abilities in an attack rotation and, by about level 20, have a comfortable feeling of tankiness.

Justice for Pandaren, and Justice for Brewmasters!

You know you gotta have that slider on max, boy.

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YOu can remove that slider, though, iirc?

Peeve: Can’t post on the general discussion forum section without a subscription.

Moving on to my main peeve: There is a thread in the General Discussions section that can be summarized with this:

“Allied Races shouldn’t have a rep grind!”
“You must earn and work hard for things you want!”
“The rep grind is time-gated stupidity and it elongates the grind unnecessarily!”
“Oh, so this means you want everything to be given to you for FREE!?”
“What? No, we just want the reputation grind to be removed because it inflates the time of unlocking things.”

You get the idea. A bunch of people who cannot come to a compromise, despite reasonable proposals being offered, with one side just either willfully ignoring the proposals and just call people “Entitled”, or do not understand what they’re talking about, and just say “You want the Allied Races for nothing!”

Look. I think we can all agree that reputation grinds for allied races are stupid, especially considering how the world quests give a very pitiful amount for completing them, and the only substantial bulk is through emissaries or completing quests (But that ain’t a repeatable task).

At the same time, I don’t think anyone agrees that they should just be there from the get-go (Though it definitely would be nice), because “Muh race doesn’t trust you” and so on and such.

So, what do we do instead? Simple, really:

Remove the reputation requirement, make it so you need to complete the story quests, or if you want the reputation, add methods of grinding out the reputation, or expand the reputation token drops, so they’re not gated behind Island Expeditions, and also cost a fair amount to get them from the merchant.

Add reputation rewards for completing dungeons, higher reputation for the harder difficulty you complete, so 150 for normal, 300 for Heroic, and 800 for Mythic or something like that, give people SOMETHING to do after they’re done with their world quests.

If this comment were posted on that thread, I imagine some people would scream and shout and say that I want every achievement in the game for no effort, or something stupid like that.

If anyone’s interested, here is the thread in question: REQUIREMENTS for Unlock allies races are stupid - #249 by Ethanar-argent-dawn


Thank you for being the voice of reason.
Great post <3

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Well, I mean… It’s not too unreasonable, people don’t like time-gated requirements in the form of world quests that give pitiful reputation rewards, and wish for either an alternative, or just remove the requirement altogether.

Say, wanna be my voice and spread my message of peace and love to that thread?

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I’ll do it, cheers!

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I think my greatest problem with it, is not that I have to grind, but that Blizzard -decide- for me, when I can grind. With the old WotLK reps if I wanted to spend hours grinding for Wyrmrest Accord, or the Argent Crusade, I could do so, when I wanted to.
Now however if I want to spend hours grinding for Zandalari Empire rep, I cannot. Once I’ve done the WQ’s which give a trifling amount of Rep, I suddenly cannot keep trying to earn rep. Its not the Rep Grind that is the problem, it is the artificial barriers put in the way of those who actually might -want- to just spend a day grinding Rep. I can understand with things like, say, the Argent Tournament mounts and Pets, but with races that are touted as a key factor of the expansion it just tastes a bit sour. If I want to spend 7 hours a day grinding rep for my Zandaboi then let me do so, rather than gating it. I’m still putting the same effort in, just in condensed chunks rather than every few days…


What’s also rather silly, is how people keep trying to go batting for Blizzard’s idea of reputation grinding, and bring up these old things (Argent Tournament, Pandaria Dailies, you name it) as defenses for “World Quests are perfectly acceptable”.

The thing is though, those activities provide/provided things that would benefit your character, or you could use on an account-wide basis. Argent Tournament? Unlocks mounts, pets, titles, things you can use for all characters (And at the time also unlocked some gear items for your character, that you intended on playing with).

Pandaria Dailies? Stuff that unlocked gear for your character.

I also find it funny how I haven’t seen any of them bring up Warlords of Draenor, who’s reputations consisted only of account-wide rewards of mounts and pets and tabards for your character. Reputations that you got through either doing dungeons, grinding mobs, or farming for tokens to turn in to a representative for reputation (And in Tanaan the reputations you were doing did give a substantial amount, and also had a place to grind mobs for. So… WTH World Quests?).

The Allied Races however just unlock you a new potential character, which certainly sours things, as you said. And yet, it’s apparently totes legit because “Muh prestigious reward”, because for some reason people are inflating the value of an Allied Race to that of something very valuable.

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You have to actively add it, it is not present by default.

I find it a handy warning flag for who to avoid.


Absolutely agree with everything that you’ve said.

Finally one of few people with proper views on things, thank you!

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Yeah, baiscly a red flag.

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A system like Lotro would honestly be better according to me. Most of the rep is gained by BoP items thats drop from certain enemies in certain zones, depending on the faction, and there is no daily limit to what you can reach, so you can grind up rep how much you want whenever you want. Atop of that there’s also a couple of daily quests.

Honestly, if lotro would (could?) fix its stability and lag issues, would probably never leave it.

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That was basically the pre-MoP system for WoW’s rep grinding. Take Hydraxian Waterlords and Argent Dawn of classic for example. You could control how much you wanted to grind per day. Scourgestones dropped from mobs and you could pace yourself depending on how many were going to drop per day for you.

Similar situation in TBC with the Obsidian Warbeads and Netherwing Eggs being collectables that complemented daily quests. Wrath introduced rep tabards to create a consistent grind that you could do any time through dungeon content.

Fast forward to MoP (although arguably started with the time-gated Molten Front) You have a system that not only has locked entire reputations behind other reputations, the dailies give much less rep and the daily limit actively blocks your progress, forcing you to prioritise content heavy reps (Golden Lotus) over the others.

By the time the restrictions were lifted in 5.3/5.4 the damage to the overall experience for MoP had been done.


I wish they’d make the lunarwing owl form an extra form. Would be nice to have it so I can give people a lift but still be able to retain my actual flight form.


It has many flaws, but it also has many stuff I like, such as the rep, and the housing. And overall adventure feeling when questing. The deeds are nice too.

I only started playing in late wrath, so I didnt reach max level until cataclysm came out, but I do recall things like scourgestones a bit, and the tbc marks. And combining that with repeatable daily quests is a good thing to be honest, cus we then dicate our own terms of the game and our enjoyment from it.

I also recall Molten front’s rep being quite steep, the quests didnt give much and it took forever to unlock the next part. The pandaria rep while slow, i didnt mind as much when they introduced the zanda rares and rep bonus items for the account.

But since the wqs, its been very very dull.

Peeve: PDFs that use tiny, near-illegible text. Are you trying to conserve pages? In a PDF? Why?

Edit: Second peeve: Always confusing the meaning of “unreadable” and “illegible”.