REQUIREMENTS for Unlock allies races are stupid

WoW is addictive, all you needed was content and people would play, that’s why first few expansions were so good, you just went into game and played. Now for some reason, their whole goal seems to be to force players into logging in, into waiting for something, and it doesn’t work. Stop focusing on players and focus on the game, make the game good and people will play, and it’s not even hard, like literally removing neck level requirement on azerite gear will allow people to play alts, which ultimately increases player interest, everyone has alts, you get bored of 1 char, you go to alt, but forcing people to farm azerite on alts makes them not want to do that, and get bored of game faster.


I really doubt Burkins you actually have things unlocked or grinded for.
You keep defending the OP with a level 70 char.
But that is irrelevant, it is kids like you who have ruined the good things in wow with all the whining.
There was a time when Epics were Epics but thanks to you selfentitled gentle flowers now everyone has them, aaaaa…just because they logged on.

That said, someone previously said it right, stop creating fake rage…the majority knows it’s fake.

We would like to still keep some kind of dignity to wow, this great game that you whiners have ruined for the most part.


There’s a difference between character progression and not being able to create the character in the first place.

I agree gear should be hard to obtain, but what’s your explanation for making it difficult to obtain a race now and not in the beginning?

This is not a game philosophy, this is a money thing.


There are no epics because from HC drops epics, and we got mythic diffculty and lfr raids. i want back to tiems when I can get 10 players from my guild and do mythic raid(currently mythic is old heroic).

It is a reward for players who have been around since the start of BfA.
Let’s just try not to sell the lie that “people want to get into BfA due to Zandalari”.
That’s made up BS and we all know it by the people who haven’t done the work needed.
And to be honest I didn’t do anything special towards it, just simple daily wq’s and been exalted for months.
This is not to say there aren’t problems with the expansion.
There have been time-gated features in wow for years, and some were much worse.
Therefore again, let’s stop creating fake issues just because we are lazy.


I am complain and and I am lazy to if I had over 400 days played on my main?

Pretty much this. I don’t care too, but I can’t be blind to players in this situation, it’s a shame… Probably a middle ground solution would be best, but I wouldn’t know how.

I’m just gonna say this, the reason why I convinced myself to finally pay the fee - aside from the fact that I got a job and can pay it on my own, after following wow since vanilla, was Nightborne being unlockable and playable. When I got in wow I had everything to do first in order to unlock them, but since I knew I would’ve had to do many things, I was prepared. However, in Legion, Suramar’s rep was WAY easier to grind. You had the world quests, the emissaries, the SHALARAN RUINS, the kirin tor cache…

Took me more or less 1 week and half to reach exalted. That didn’t feel painful, and also the story in Suramar was perfect IMHO. Zandalari and Kul Tirans in the other hand, don’t have so many means to grind more rep, so you really have to grind it in way more weeks, which is a real pain even for me.

Perhaps giving I don’t know, TORTOLLANS emissary a cache like the kirin tor one would help?

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I don’t even know what to say, you’re comparing needless 5-9 week grinding of WQs to free loot dropping all around. This is the cue of a person who has no good argument so goes to random points to look like he’s right. No, 5-9 weeks is not reasonable, you said it yourself, you didn’t grind, neither did I, we got them easy way, but to remain arrogant and say “It’s reward to those who played entire expansion” and make that as excuse for everyone who didn’t to have to suffer through tedious waitgrind for neaaaaarly 2 months, is just entitling.

The game is filled with catchup mechanics that started in Wrath of the Lich King, if they’re going to put catch up mechanics for new players with gear, which kinda ruins it for players who played whole expansion as you say, there’s no point in doing it with reputation, which is nowhere near as fun as grinding gear. You’re just doing the 5-6 WQs, then waiting for next day, and so on until the 1-2 months passed and the race you joined BFA for is unlocked.


These would be two solutions I’d suggest to Blizzard.

At the launch of any expansion, the requirements for an allied race are just as they are now, but with each patch the rep requirement is reduced by 1 stage.
patch x.0 --> exalted.
patch x.1 --> revered.
patch x.2 --> honoured.
New expansion --> rep requirement removed (only the other achievement parameters are required)

The other solution would be to just remove the rep requirement all together from the very beginning.
Giving you increased starting levels depending on your rep level.
If you reached friendly on a character you start at lvl 60, if you’ve reached honoured you start at lvl 80, revered lvl 90 and exalted lvl 100.
This way you still please those that put time and effort into a rep grind by giving them free lvls for that allied race.


Think you’re off by levels. Your idea should be friendly at level 1, honored at level 10 (Spec milestone + bgs), revered level 15 (Talent + dungeon queue milestone), exalted 20 (Riding).


Well, those can always be adjusted :grinning:
It was more the concept that people get rewarded for doing the rep grind, instead of feeling their are penalized for not doing it.


We are currently penalized for not doign world quest every day :frowning:


Think of it the other way. We are rewarded for playing the game and doing WQ’s etc (nearly) every day. Crazy thought I know.


What rewarded by 360 itlvl?

The reputation you all seem to think is so hard to get. I feel I’m playing a different game to people in this thread. Some of my alts have met the allied race unlock requirements.

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It will be rewarding if every day after every done wq I will get main story progress but no.

Just do emissaries and wq with bonus rep. Remember to use a contract. There isn’t much grind to it if you play smart.

I always think these kinds of topics could learn a lot from the High Elves one. They stick to one big long discussion and I actually think it’s much more effective than several topics spread out that all die out.

The portal one is the same, people keep making new ones and they just need to add their thoughts to the one big thread.

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Aww look at you feeling all special.

I’m sorry, I’m old and memory is not what it used to be. What reputation did I have to grind to make a blood elf? Or a worgen? Or a pandaren?


Orgriomamr is not playable again, because opver 100 hordes sit in portal room, so I got 1 fps and oftem game crash there.