Return to WoW and Get Shadowlands Free!

What if you recently bought the game without knowing that it was going to become free?

Depending on how recently it was you could try asking for a refund.

u got loot and stuff

If it was a day or so, you can ask for a refund politely. They’ll check if they can do something.

I’ve been playing Shadowlands for almost a month now.

I agree, here with Tyllaniell, a free boost for people that don’t own the game :stuck_out_tongue: but nothing for the people that have! lol

you know world of warrngcraft: casinolands is terrible when they give it away for free

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Nice gesture definitely. But what about the people that paid nearly ÂŁ80 at the time for Shadowlands? Would be nice if they even offered us a free character boost or something

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You already gave them your money.

Haha you’re right, just a bit of a slap in the face lol

Yes I know, I made a thread about it, yet people seem offended in Blizzard’s name at the proposal to give everyone a free boost.


When something is soo bad, you can’t even give it away :slight_smile:

Looking forward to the new expansion though, looks like several steps in the right direction and hopefully we can put this debacle firmly behind us.

remove shadowlands so no one has to go there again, add all tmog to some vendor

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gift box is still not shown :frowning: when will it show really wanna play shadowlands


Have you bought any expantions on that account before?
I haven’t on mine - so I won’t get it. :roll_eyes: I even went to the upgrade link on my account and got the same offer. But if you read the article, not the promo, you will see that you have to have bought atleast one expantion on the account in the past to get SL.

Its a shame that people like me that haven’t played previous expansions can’t get Shadowlands Expansion gift. I have been subbed for about 4 months but never got around to buying shadowlands so i have been playing up to level 50 and just enjoying what i can until Dragonflight comes out. It would be nice if I can get a piece of that shadowlands expansion event and level couple of characters to 60 to get ready for Dragonflight. Devs please give us a chance as well, i think we deserve it. :slight_smile:

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i have bought all expansions seperate boxed collectors editions :slight_smile: execpt shadowlands so i dont know why its not showing up :frowning:

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Guys i have bought TBC deluxe edition last month and when i check my gifts to receive shadownlands base edition free i dont found anything can someone help me pls
i wanna know why i didnt receive it yet

Retail and Classic are 2 differents game!
You need at least a retail extension, there is no paid extension for classic.