Returning LF Raiding Guild - willing to xfer

*Character Name & Realm: Karmasutras - Twisting Nether

__*Class & MS/OS: I’m currently a WW Monk, but I’m willing to main a Ele\Enh Shaman, Frost DK or DPS DH. I’d consider filling in healing with MW Monk and possibly Resto Shaman.

__*Viable Alts: Please see above that I am willing to play.

__ Armory Link:


__ Discord Tag: yaycookies#0214

__ Battle Tag: yaycookies#1490

__ Faction: Monk is Alliance (willing to xfer) and Shaman, DK and DH are Horde

__ Days Available: Any day is available as long as it is a 2-4 day raid week

__ Times Available: Anything after 1800

__ Current Prog: No, current progress. Highest tier progress was T12 and T13 where we were World 200-300 and US 80. Around Legion I moved to Germany and started over on EU and never restarted any serious progression due to uncertainty on where I would be living. The plan is to stay in EU and raid here.

__ Desired Prog: I would love something casual to semi-hardcore that completes AoTC/CE and does stupid sh!t like drunken raids. I tend to learn quickly by doing and enjoying fine-tuning my performance and making progress. However, I’m not looking to go sweaty mode. I want to find a sociable group of people to down some content with and is active in Discord.

I am willing to transfer and move around depending on the guild and atmosphere.

Hello Karmasutras,

Zim Zalabim could be the fit for you if your still looking for a guild, we are Alliance on Ravencrest,

Check out the recruitment here

And if you have anymore questions feel free to contact me on:

bnet: glenn819#1838
Discord: glenn819#6544

Allow me to introduce Supercilious of Draenor.

The raid times are:
Monday 7-11pm
Wednesday 7-11pm
Friday 7-12pm

The time frame and days are set in stone, however the exact times are preliminary and may be slightly shorter (.5-1 hr) per day, this is tbd.
(Example: Raid might start at 7:30 instead of 7).

Tank - Medium
Healer - Medium / High
Ranged DPS - High
Melee DPS - Medium

What there is to know about Supercilious:

  • Experienced & transparent leadership
  • High expectations for each individual
  • Everyone is being re-trialed for Shadowlands
  • An enjoyable well-prepared raid environment
  • We are a multilingual guild and speak English in raids
  • A solid core which has played together for years
  • Our Goal is CE with smooth progression
  • We Enjoy pushing M+ Keys

What we expect from Raiders:

  • Don’t be toxic
  • Generally 25+, 20+ minimum
  • 90% minimum attendance in a period of 3 months
  • Full consumables on progression or recent boss kills
  • Prior preparation to the raid, including but not limited to our custom strategy
  • The ability to take constructive criticism and an eagerness to provide help to others
  • Keeping up with all the in-game power systems and showing up to every raid as powerful as reasonably possible
  • Open and honest communication. A microphone is required and you must have the ability to communicate during a raid

How to Apply:

  1. Go to our discord:
  2. Read the Bot message and click " Pog "
  3. Fill out the application thoroughly
  4. Post your completed application into the #application Channel
  5. You will be contacted by an Officer

About Us:
With Shadowlands around the corner, a handful of us returned and established on Draenor late into the final tier of BfA - Ny’alotha. The core of the guild raided together across various expansions and servers within the Pserver scene. Driven by the prospect of the upcoming expansion, more and more people showed interest in joining us once again. Along with this core, old friends, and new faces we set out to create a successful, efficient, and enjoyable mythic raiding environment.

The ideal guild member engages with the guild and enjoys spending time with other guildmates. This includes activities outside of raids such as M+, PvP, or various other non-wow related things. Many of us have been friends for years and have played a wide array of video games together apart from WoW, while this is not mandatory, it is encouraged, we don’t just want to be a raid group, but rather - a group of friends.

Hi Karmasutras

At RAID Shadowlands Legends, we’re heavily considering a Enh sham to our ranks, however all roles are under consideration. We are Horde Stormscale, we’re English speaking consisting of mostly British, Danish and Belgians.

If you want to see our guild atmosphere I can invite you to our discord where we generally get active during the evening. You can then decide if we’re the right place for you.

Here’s our thread, you can add me on Discord if you want a chat.

G’day mate!! We are a perfect fit I feel for what you’re looking for.

We raid twice a week progress, into SL we’ve shuffled to raiding Mon/Tue 20:00-22:30ST the other days we just do … Stuff? M+, achievements, alts … Look we have a lot of fun.

We’re no CE guild, never will be, but we do some Mythic raiding and we’re looking at getting to the 2nd half of the Mythic raid in SL. Our forte is an EXTREMELY lively guild, gchat and Discord (some channel names could get me banned on forums for a few weeks), helpful people, and calendar stuff almost every day of the week.

Rosters ebb and flow, so we’re not looking for any particular role, but more for like-minded people. We have 3-4 people who can pivot to any role (tank, heal, rdps, mdps) so we try to make room for anyone to play what they like. I started tier as tank, then healed, then rdps on my hunter.

Give us a shout if this sounds good to you.

LepantoESP#4381 on Discord

Dear Karmasutras,

Have you ever heard of a guild who has a beter name then the name Hydra?

Well you maybe have, we dont know. But our guild will do events in SL and have a lot of fun in discord or guild chat. our goals is to make Hydra great again! We are a social guild who does raiding and other small fun events. So do you want a active, endgame, social and most of all fun guild let us know and you can try us out. and if you dont like it you can always quit :slight_smile:

With much love,

Hydra social leader DarthDDB

Hey there, if you’re swedish/norwegian add Personal#5770 if you’re aiming to progress with efficienty in Mythic and CE ofc.

100% Match buddy!!

Look at our recruitment post.
Rat Pack

I am 100% confident that you will love what you’ll see.

Once you’re there you should be able to PM any of the officers on that Discord (Woosa, Cronali, Vorium, TbXie) and go on from there.
This guarantees that we will get your message asap and you don’t have to wait unnecessarily long to get an answer.

Thank you & Best of Luck in both your applications and in SL!