I’ve recently gotten back to WoW after a break of a couple of years (and playing BfA on release for like a week) - I’ve spent the past week or two levelling a new character, gearing up a bit, getting close to finally unlocking flying in BfA zones, and a bit of casual/walk-up RP. I could do with a bit of advice and asking around, though, so here I go!
Firstly - what are the “hubs”, for both factions? I know of both Orgrimmar and Stormwind, of course, but are there any others? I recall back when I last played Silvermoon was as well, and when I was levelling I saw people from both sides RPing in Booty Bay, but are there any other locations I might be unaware of?
Secondly, I’m looking for people to RP with! I don’t really have much contact with the people I used to play with and this is a new character - I’m quite enjoying going with a fresh start like this but it does mean I’m somewhat lacking those! Are there any places (other than the forums) good for asking around for this on an out of character level? I’m looking for people and/or a place to play my Nightborne Arcanist here doing… mage-y and research-y things - I err towards smaller-sized groups because I find it easier to keep track of things, especially after a long day filled with reading papers and journals!
Thanks for any potential help - looking forward to getting back into RP here on AD
Given your a mage, I’ve seen folk rping in dalaran’s inn in Legion, so might have a look around there? It’s a mage city after all, thou you will need crossrp addon and tongue potions.
You’ll find some RP in Silvermoon too, though there’s a whole range there in my experience from hyper-exclusive “belves-only” to bizarre orc ERP characters, but underneath all that you can find some genuinely great stuff!
Oh, there’s RP in Dalaran? That’s cool, I’ll definitely keep a look out for that!
I’ll brave the odds sometime and give it a try as well! Who knows, maybe the Reliquary has some dusty tomes laying around!
Oh, now that’s unexpected - that’s really cool though! Uldum’s a really neat zone. Looks like I’ll be stocking up on some of those Elixirs - thanks for the responses so far!
Hey hey person! I can see you’re playing the best race in the game so let me jump right in and help with some of your questions.
Org and Stormwind are the “Main” ones, however there are many useful pockets of RP being kept going by guilds and communities. Some off the top of my head are Feralas (Night Elves), Azshara (Horde), Silvermoon (Horde Elves) and Lordaeron (Loyalists, Scarlets, Ebons).
Did you know the best PCU guild, dare I say best guild on AD, is a Nightborne guild [PCU] Eternal Sisterhood - The Guild Formerly Known as Moonlight Melody check us out. We’re the centre of all the zany on this server and have something for everyone. Although we do specialise in Cult fanaticism, Highborne aesthetic and being mildly lawful evil
Eternal Sisterhood, as mentioned above, is a good choice!
However, if you aren’t big on the Elune worship aspect (filthy lesser tree-hugger night elf religion ) and are looking for something more related to militant service, Highblood Myrmidons are recruiting as well - nightborne and blood elves alike.
I believe a lot of it is managed by the Mage Quarter discord, you can check them out here. They occasionally hold Mage’s Fairs which are faction-neutral initiatives intended to briefly pour some life and love into the zone. It’s probably a good port of call for mage and research-related roleplay for your Arcanist. https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/mage-rp-the-mage-quarter-the-ad-mage-rp-discord/55189
You got it! Cool to hear where Night Elves have shifted to, though, as well as learning Azshara is used for RP a whole bunch! The port’s really cool.
I think I interacted with some of you a week or so, actually! (Maybe even you? I don’t know - horrid with names honestly!) I’m not sure if the fanaticism route is something I’m wanting to do with the character yet (Highborne aesthetic is a given, of course), although I’ll definitely consider it - it’s a super cool concept, and something I hadn’t even really thought of (up until running into you guys, anyways!).
Really cool as well! I think I’ve seen some people of your guild around, too How “combat heavy” are events and the likes, usually? I’ve come from a tide of combat-oriented events so I’m admittedly a bit worn out on those for the moment (I say, returning to a game called Warcraft…) but definitely something I’ll keep on my radar as well - thank you!
Oh, brilliant - I’ll definitely do that, good stuff!
I think it is indeed fair to expect that most events for the Myrmidons are combat-centered but the officer team tries to throw a wrench into the works every so often — just a couple of days ago Highbloods were forced into covertly kidnapping a madman from Orgrimmar without people noticing and they spent most of the time talking / investigating.
If it’s any consolidation (see: a flow of combat events), we do our best to ensure all of the events requiring NPCs actually get visual representation (aka get NPC’d by other players) and we don’t really rely on any /roll system, making it simple to hop into.