Returning player

Hi everyone look to return to the game I’m on the lookout for a a place to chill and relax after work

I mainly looking for M+ type of guild I’m not against raiding at all but seems most I have seen alls try a little to early for me I normally get online around 20.30-2100 st so these times would be ideal

I’m also in my late 30s so would love to have a guild around the same age group but not really required as long as we can have a laugh etc
Mainly play ranged but still undecided on what would like to play currently

Many thanks

Hi, sounds like you would fit in with us at Lucid. We are a chilled group that does content in a friendly and supportive way with no pressure to do anything.

My Bnet is MarkBurnell#2927 and Discord is markb1511.

Here is a little more about us