Returning SP looking for guild!

hey hey WoW forums!

I am looking for a guild/home that raids 2-3 times a week and have social side too, not just mainly raid log!, I know its late into this tier already! (Maybe a small community!)
I’ve been playing since Vanilla with a few small breaks here and there!

I know my logs and gear isn’t lookin good or gear is perfectly stated right now, working on it as we speak, getting crafted gear made and so on!
basically returning to raiding after a small break of trying to raid higher content and just been messing around with friends, but wanna raid again!

would love to have people to either play other games with outside of raiding too or m+ (Help each other getting keys done each week)

I can raid any day as we speak, I can raid from 20:00 to 01:00 within these raid hours
refer to raid 2-3 hours though 3-4 can work too!

I would like to join a guild that’s not “fresh” per say, rather join a guild that’s been around for some time!

My raid info
(I know my logs are not the best, I am more of a I do mechanics and get bosses down)

I hope to hear from you all

if you need to know more, reach out to me bnet or discord!
Contact info:
Discord: Nazkol
Bnet: Nazkol#2254

Hey there! =)

I think Ministry of Silly wipes could be a good fit for you, we’re a social guild first and foremost, but we try our hand at at least heroic raiding, and some people who like pushing higher M+ keys where they can =)
We’ve been going for over 2 years, so somewhat well established now id like to think =D
We’re our own Discord, and like to play other games together outside of WoW too.
Admittedly a little quieter now that its nearing the end of the patch, and a bunch of new games out, but even those on other games chat regularly and hop on to help out if asked ^^

Please have a look at the thread I linked, and if you’ve questions, or we’re what you’re after, feel free to reach out! =)

There’s our Discord link at the bottom of it, as well as my contact info ^^

All the best! o/

Hey, we are currently expanding our raiding team, we raid 2 times a week for 2:30 hours. We do both normal and heroic progression as well as m+ keys between the range of 10 - 20.

As much as progress is important, we also want to have fun and a laugh along the way, after all this is a game.

If you want to discuss what we do some more please feel free to message me on discord: kobra157

Hi hi.
I’m just checking if you found your new home? :slightly_smiling_face:
If not, we have a super friendly hc raiding home for you :wink:
Our guild is named Your Choice, we are on a different server though, Emerald Dream/Terenas.
Its a smaller nicer to so hectic server.
Your Choice is an mature, active heroic raiding guild.
Looking to add dps to its raid and M+ team.
We like to promote team work and helping each other out to achieve our aims.

Currently looking for more dps for our raid team and for our M+ groups. Would love some ranged :wink:
A mature guild with focus on having fun with an active community.

Raid time: Monday and Friday 20:30-23:00 server time.
Current progression: 9/9 HC

Contact kobra157 on Discord for more info. Hope to hear from you.
Thank you for reading and take care.

Hey there , you still on the lookout for new guild ?
I think were a good match, so if youre interested in knowing more. You can contact me on discord

Or check out our guild recruitment page: Purgatorium recruiting

Sent you a request on Discord :slight_smile:
( Schali )

Hey there! We may be a fit for you!
We are raiding Heroic/Mythic casually, trying to go as far as we can:)

small bump!

Hey! Check us out :slight_smile: