Rework -> Your spec becomes overpowered

Even though aug is a phenomenal spec on its own with very good visuals and interesting gameplay, it really hurts the balance way too much.

My very first character was a Warlock when I started playing during TBC.

When Classic first came out as a reboot I did a Hunter. On HC and Era I played Priest. TBC Classic and Wrath Classic I did a Ret Pala. Classic Cata will probably be Pala again xD.

same except in wrath

Because a better dh would do more damage, as evidenced by the tonnes of better DHs doing a LOT more damage.

Enh shaman is in a good place, only spec I care about so I’m happy.


this charakter is not even max lvl… so what makes you think it resembles something even close to my main… but yes it was a charakter i played in my edgelord -phase… but like normal people I grew out of it when I became an adult.

I play shaman for many many years now.

id didnt look at the level just class. was pointing out it was a little hypocritical

We had. Which is a good thing. Because it makes people try out other things again after improvement, actually seeing said improvement and thinking “Hey, that isn’t as bad as it used to be. I will play this class more often now”.

Like, let us say Blizzard would rework classes like Mages to be more pro-active in their gameplay like Evokers with steps-casting and casting while moving. I sure as hell would play A LOT more on caster classes like I do in other games than I do now in WoW.

And those people can’t be helped, because they are mainstream slaves with no real identity in a game. And they are also the people that allow metas to exist in the first place.

if the design is not good enough you make sure it’s op so it looks good. retri got a rework in first season it was a step forward but after it got tuned , people realised it’s still not a very good spec because you mostly choose either playstyles, some builds are build on auto attacks in a newly reworked class, in 2023. mage is the only good rework i’ve seen so far .

ret was so op when it firt got reworked that they had to nerf it quickly.

they dont know how to balance all of this
because the game is complex and its hard for them to adjust everything , but sometimes they keep a class weak for the whole expansion

its hard for them to adjust and balance all of this
because the game and the way spells and items work is complex
but sometimes they keep a class weak the whole expansion

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Well, the pattern suggests that they do it on purpose


Ofc it’s a classic mage with this “problem”

It would if I would play an edgelord class, which I dont.

Just go and see fury warrior dungeon logs.

First Fury warrior in Atal Dazar played with first Dh in same dungeon, he outdamaged warrior by 70k.

In Black Rook hold best fury in the world was outdamaged by rank one DH by 120k dps

In Waycrest Mannor, warrior with 100 log was outdamaged by DH with 88 log, by 90k dps.

And so on, and so on…

Now why do I mention results of top players dungeons, because this people are best of the best for given spec, they know to play their class to perfection and if best fury warrior in the world cant come even close to dh teammate, issue is not skill. That can only mean 2 things, Fury is seriously undertuned or DH is seriously overtuned. And given that Fury warrior is generally on par with most other specs I would say that spec is not undertuned at all.

The sad thing is that you feel like that as a fury warrior, but imagine you are a windwalker monk. The other annoying aspect is that Blizzard is scared now of nerfing DH in a meaningful way, because all the meta rerollers would probably quit the game

Classic warlock is so braindead, I’m almost reluctant to play it.
Also apparently every Joe and Andy pick him because pet trivilizes everything and unlike hunter he doesn’t need to buy arrows and feed pet, just spam soul steal for shards

Whas this not already during S1?

Yes, every game does this, balance is not fun, lol and dota have ridiculous balance problems not because their balance team is bad

It is not hard to balance the game at all, they just choose to not to.

How often were a class behind by over 5% and they buffed it by only 3%? How often they do aura buffs… how many times you saw buffs and nerfs over 10%?..

we have been there. they do it on purpose.

The famous ‘‘We rather dont want you to play demo-lock’’ while nerfing it by over 20% so it was useless.

Not to mention how much feedback they get by experts of their classes, yet they still fail.

Do people remember when the best BrM-Monks told Blizzard that the spec wasnt working and Celestrion (or how he was called) wrote a guide how to play the class?

Yes, blizzard does everything on purpose and dont want to make good changes

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