Rework -> Your spec becomes overpowered

Blizzard can learn allot of things from other mmos like Guild wars 2. And final fantasy and Eso.

Class balancing is not one of them. Blizzards always been the best at Balancing classes. Pve and PvP alike, Compared to other mmo games.

This is false. Especially when you keep in mind that the main focus of this game are competitive oriented content, while FF14 and GW2 is not.

You don’t think ff14 and gw2 are competetive oriented? Sure they focus on their story allot more than WoW does. But they both have their own Endgame in the competetive field.

Some classes in guild wars 2 are just always the meta in pvp or pve. No regard for your class/race fantasy or class you want to be.

In guild wars 2 you start out as a fantasy rogue. And end up as a Sniper or what not at end game.

WoW doesn’t do that. Or it tries not too. Compared to most mmo games out there. WoW does the best job at keeping all classes and specs relevant and usable towards all endgame content. More than most other mmo games we have. In my opinion

This will never change and FOTM, is a feature games implementing in order to keep players, playing. Re-works are done for the sole reason of overpowering and creating a hype train so people reroll.
There is no more class fantasy in WoW, if you stick to your favorite class/spec, you might be missing out on end raid or have a really difficult time getting anywhere.

No I dont think FF14 and GW2 are competetive oriented. Do they try to balance for it? Yes… but both games have other priorities.

i play all 3 games (Since I am an MMO-RPG-Nerd), and WoW is by far the most competetive oriented and Highend-focused MMO.

And because of that its extremely disappointing to see things like god-comp in S2, or DH now.

WoW also has a PTR and more or less open betas und alphas and yet still manage to release stuff in a rather horrible state.

And I disagree with blizzard trying to make all specs/classes relevant… just look at elemental shaman… it has so many problems and they refuse to fix it.

Its funny that shaman was once THE SUPPORTING and UTILITY Class (with paladin) and now its the only class that lacks unique (Ele and Resto) utility for the raid… jus to give one example.

And the reasonings behind most of blizzards moves are rather questionable or not even there.

GW2 and FF14 dont try to be that big E-sport game… wow does and it fails at it from a balance and often design point of view.

My point is though… That compared to our other mmo games out there. WoW is better at balancing their classes and specs than other mmo games.

Blizzard has taken allot of inspiration and things off of guild wars 2 this expansion alone. The open events everywhere. The new Evergreen approach. Obviously dragon riding.

What I am saying is they shouldn’t copy off of Guild wars 2 is their class balancing. Cause I think Blizzard is the best at doing that out of all the other mmo games ive played.

And as for this example… Whenever this happens to me. I always feel its a Skill issue with me though? I mean I can see other Elemental shamans in groups with my main for example. Doing great damage and dps. Same with most other classes and specs.

I thought the general consensus was that FF was better at it but they give themselves way less work by making all their relevant content purely single target.

That might be. I don’t know the general consensus or opinion on that. I can only say my own personal opinion. I feel like wow took allot of inspiration of Guild wars 2 this expansion. But Guild wars 2 class balancing wow will do better without <.<

From my experience with FF the balance is definitly easily on par with wow… while also being less frustrating due to ff not focusing its main content on high competetive content (even tho they ofc have it.

GW2 I cant say too much about the overall balance since I am still too new to the game… to give an overall feedback to their balancing behavior. Will need some more time.

Anyway for ele-shaman:
I am the first to admit when I lack skill with my class… but in eles case its not the case. I usually have parses over 95 in M+ (the content I play) if I dont quit fast I usually be in the 99 parses.

Its definitly not a skill issue for me.

Ele lacks overall dmg in m+ one of the reasons is that the spenders are extremely bad.

I could explain everything in detail to you, but that would take some time and I am not good of presenting stuff over my phone (my computer is broke atm)

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They also don’t have talents (or any class customization to begin with), they don’t have things like different damage profiles, every dps role basically does damage in the same manner, just flow of rotation feels different.

ffxiv dpses are being more and more homogenized with each expansion, many jobs lost almost half of their abilities that made them unique throughout the course of game lifespan, drk while not being dps job lost literally half of his skills.
FFXIV are in it’s WOD period, simplfications and cuts regarding class/job gameplay everywhere

affliction locks are pretty top tier, if the player is capable of it. The set bonus is strong for M+ and for raid. You have to have 4 set though and being able to play it to the max, which maybe of all 100 affliction warlocks globally only I can

yes to be honest,
and under 20% nerf or buff is not effective enough
it seems they are just playing with 5% or 3% .
i dont know but my friend said something good about this he said everyone have right to enjoy their class no matter what but it seems it will never happen

none of the classes does suboptimal for raid completion dps

well yes but on AoE MM is much better then BM tbh. if u can play it ofc.

It’s better burst but it’s not consistent across longer periods of time and way less flexible for stuff like M+

well yes but still has better AoE options.

Speaking from a solo shuffle pov as a holy priest.

I didn’t really have that much of a problem with retri when compared to DH. Their burst was extremely telegraphed, you knew when it was coming.

Meanwhile, DHs are just constant pressure. Constant damage. Then suddenly someone dies and I can’t even tell when they’re going to kill someone.

Retris at least had an extreme warning in that wings are up, that’s hurt time. DHs don’t seem to have anything like it that I can see at a glance to know it’s coming.

Ok, but you hard counter ret pala as a priest and you synergize very well with it.

As of today though, ret is balanced so no reason to argue.

Well my alt was Windwalker Monk not that I played it much to be honest, so yeah I feel both ways on this one.

I just used Fury warrior as an example because I am familiar with the state the class is in.

I also main warrrior. I think fury is overall better off than arms. However… The gameplay of fury is so mindnumblingly boring and spammy, and it doesn’t change between season, because of how bad the talents are designed :face_exhaling: So yeah, I play arms or prot usually. Sometimes I swap to fury, if I feel like it, because it’s just set up, and sometimes arms gets also a bit old.

Also, frenzy is the most annoying talent in the game