RMT/Boosting for golds = Killing community?

Where did i say skill doesnt matter? Skill matters in all walks of life, want to be an F1 driver but dont have a driving licence? NO PROBLEM come on in… Want to play in the world cup but dont know how to play football? Come join our team!.. no it doesnt happen like that.

There are different levels of content for different levels of skill some people are happy to play the lower level content because it meets thier needs, others push themselves to play the harder content and get the Heroic content done and then there are players that want to Mythic raids and beat the best content, they invest time and effort to get good gear and learn the encounters, ensure they have all the consumables and enchants to perform to their best.

And then you have the people that dont want to put in the effort, dont think they should have to spend time farming for consumables and making the effort to get the best gear available to them but… still dont understand why they shouldnt be carried through the highest content.

Do you think people magically get these ratings awarded to them when they log in?
They work for them doing keys and building thier score as they go.
I started doing +2 keys and worked my way through pretty much every key level, building up my score beating some and failing some until i reached a point where i didnt feel that i could push anymore and started failing keys and being the cause of the failed timers.
I dont understand the sheer entitlement that some people have to think that they should be boosted for free by the community in wow. To me thats a toxic attitude.


Boosting is not what is ‘killing the community’ - it’s just annoying dealing with the spam

The problems are:
(a) WoW token
(b) encouraging dungeons to be speedruns
(c) random group finder / raid finder
(d) free flight
(e) transmog (the old items should scale, you should have to be using that actual item)

They run cheaper prices on loot locked runs, so great for those that just want to clock off an achievement. For example those who were getting their Snr cat mount.

You are making it look like everybody is the same as you and others in your community, which is definitely not what I’ve been seeing regularly in my own community with new people joining that expect easy clears without a single wipe. Our raid groups tend to have 20-30 players, all with different skill levels, most of which between not good and average with a few good players.

Outside of that I’ve seen it happen over and over again in pug raids and M+ where if something does not go the way people want it to they immediately leave. I’ve been in countless pug raids where after a single wipe on even the first boss has half of the raid leave the group.

I returned to the game a few weeks ago after a hiatus of more than a year, haven’t done a single M+ but have good enough gear through the raids I’ve done and skills to clear a +10, guess what happens if I currently would apply for a +10? I would probably not be accepted because there’s no rating to judge me over. So I would need to create groups myself for lower keys, increase my rating, wait a day for people to update their RIO for the updated rating to be visible to have at least a modicum of chance of being accepted and even then people would pick people with a higher rating than I have over me.

I don’t expect free boosts, if I do content I make sure I’m skilled, practiced and geared enough to make sure I tick all the boxes to clear the content. But that doesn’t change the fact that without a high enough RIO score I would have any chance of getting accepted to pugs regardless of skill or gear.

But you would also exclude people that are in fact skilled and geared enough to clear the content, but lack the numericals you see in your RIO.

I never mentioned that I expect people to be boosted, but once again you would deny players that are skilled and geared enough to clear the content in time based on the number you see in the addon.

Without that addon, you would likely check their achievements, find out they have completed Mythic raids in previous expansions on this character and think “Hey that’s unexpected, maybe he has some skill if he has cleared that”.

But since you’re using that addon you’re already assuming they’re not geared and skilled enough for the content you want to do and simply want to be boosted.

Why is it always some dumb random casual that’s spaming forums with that kind of attention seeking posts, then argues under comment section.

Ewh give me “yes” or give me “no” answers only! Nobody likes me and i wana feel special.

Answer is NO, sir cringelord. Bye

If people are geared and skilled there is no reason why they cannot build their IO score up quickly the same way i and many others do.

Im not assuming when people apply for an M+ group i can see their IO and Ilvl. i tend to base my decision on these 2 numbers and the class composition of the group, do i need a bloodlust or a battle res, is there a good buff that class brings to the group etc.

The point is as an old slow witted player i have managed to attain the goals i set out for myself at the beginning of the Shadowlands. Clear the raids up to Heroic level and some mythic bosses and clear some 20+ keys.
I didnt pay for any boosts and i didnt ask for any boosts, i worked for it, watched videos to improve my performance and checked logs to correct errors in my playstyle.
I dont see why this is a problem for other players…

Wont qoute the whole wall of text. What they write on paper does not always reflect reality. Check WoW’s booting rules and bots in-game.
And while they have indeed banned for in-game chats, haven’t heard a single occurrence when somebody was banned for discord chat.
Anyways. If you solely believe that there is no logging, no dps metters and people in savage or ultimate don’t just turn blind eye to somebody’s mistakes cause “that would be mean” simply because a piece of paper says so… well. Aight. If this bubble helps you sleep at night, I wont burst it. :wink:

It only tells what people have done before…in an objective manner. Having 1000+ rio doesnt guarantee the player won’t screw it up. But it at least gives an “educated guess” that the person may be able to do it.

And since mythic+ is not mistake forgiving, and 1 mistake can brick the entire key(depending on key level). How do you propose people choose 4 people from… 50 signed up people? And don’t suggest with “talking”. Everyone will claim that they are “Method players on secret alts”, they will say anything you want them to… as long as it gets the invite.

So invite based on what? Can’t take all 50 with me now so somebody WILL be left outside. Take based on name? Transmog? Achievement points? :rofl:

Perhaps this should be the new standard, we could have a trial of style before each run! :smiley:

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Still the same result: You deny them based on a number you see in the addon.

Assuming you have two players with the same class you need and same ilvl. You would definitely pick the person with either the higher RIO score or even a score at all. Even if achievements would make it painfully obvious the one without the score is the better player.

I stated it in my first post, perhaps you scanned over it or are attempting to ignore the fact I mentioned people use it?

That doesn’t change the fact that if you even mention 3rd party tools or it’s capabilities, that includes whether or not somebody does enough damage or not, is in fact a bannable offence.

For two reasons:
#1: You harass the person you’re telling is doing too little DPS or making mistakes.
#2: You make it clear you are using 3rd party tools to even come to that conclusion.

Achievements do that as well.

Well some claim this game is heavily social so talking shouldn’t be a bad thing right? But oh wait there comes the other bad thing out of the corner “I want to use my time efficiently”

So once again social interaction has a lower priority when it comes to M+.

Exactly proving my point.

Which can be account bound. If you did all +15s on a dps rogue, doesn’t 100% automatically mean you will be able to do with a tank or healer class.

And what do you think m+ is? Its NOT social gathering or a tea party where we can discuss the weather and what not. There is time and place for everything. If I raid with a guild and the average raid time is 2-3h. Do you think that people will waste all those 3 hours standing at the entrance and discussing the latest cat picture on twitter?

If you believe that the main “goal” of m+ is to discuss what each other did in their last vacation. Then I can understand why people want to avoid inviting you…

Still shows that you have experience, which is what’s important for any type of content.

Don’t become angry, feel attacked and take it out on me personally, you will only prove another point about this community.

There are many kinds of communities, there are discord communities which new players have no chance of knowing.

But the most important ones are in game guilds.
And it’s just as much up to the new players to engage with others.

I remember when i played legion and started doing some M+ (only pugs) all my at that time friends had left the game, and i was in your typical cancer guild. But non the less someone asked if anyone was interested to do some low lvl key.

Because i said yes, it enabled me to meet a bunch of people that i still talk with to this day, a bunch of us are going to Download 20 in England next year.
Instead of fighting to get into normal pugs. I now have the connections and what not to get into CE guilds when i want to go for CE.

And it all started with saying sure, i can join for a key that was below the level i was already doing.

Blizzard could never make systems and what not for this to just happen. The only thing that enabled this, is players putting themselves out there. And dropping the “me me me me” mentality for 5min. And know what, you gain so much from doing that.

“I know how to drive a car so I must know how to sail a ship as well”

Oh. I am calm if not amused. Since apparently m+ should be a tea party, lets just stand at the start and discuss each other day and socialize. :rofl:

We all know playing a class functionally well it isn’t exactly rocket science.

Oh, because you started to make it personal with your last remark it would seem you were not so amused.

I will say, M+ is a great piece of content where you can meet people.
But you’re no using a push key to talk about that cool party from last weekend :stuck_out_tongue:

The tea party is between the keys. But too many people dont want to interact with other people, and leave after the first key and then would rather spend 10min finding a new group.

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You use meters after mistakes to find out what happened. It is very possible people died by a total group failure. And it is i think pretty well allowed to point the group towards “interrupt the fist-cast, i take first”.

This has nothing to do with being toxic. Analyzing what happened is a big part of the game and doing it the next pull better.

You’re quoting something about FFXIV, so it’s not in the context of WoW.

A DPS only cares about getting his 1-2-3 right, tank or healer has more to worry than just their rotations alone.

It takes more than a some random forum to annoy me. So you haven’t answered my question. How are you planning to “socialize” in m+? Are you planning to talk the boss and mobs to death there? :smiley:

I’ve meet plenty of peps as well, some are still on my discord as “pen-friends”. But like I said, there is a time and place for everything. You focus when you need to and talk when you are on a break.

Really now?
O boy…
I will have to surprise you but thats how any raiding guild works out there. When people are on break, raid leadership quickly checks the livelogs to see what can be improved. Any somewhat serious raiding guild anyway…

Having played all three roles, it’s not exactly rocket science.

Making fun of people > Proves a point about this community.

But in WoW it’s not a (possible) bannable offence unless you really go off the rails. In WoW addons and logs are allowed. Which was I think pretty clear.

You were dodging me previously with “u angrey” cover, now you are using the “u mean” smokescreen.
Well you are the “WoW is so antisocial and socialisation in m+ should be priority over…doing the dungeon even” activist.
Well. You got the podium, argument how do you believe this will work? Or your only shouting “slogans” without any real substance to it?

Edit: And do actually try writing a real response than using that flimsy “U toxec” cover.

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