I am SURE I wrote a post about rogues still not having been nerfed - was it deleted, removed or am I being censored?
In any case, what’s the philosophy behind “completely OP class that can make any other class feel helpless”?
Why are rogues allowed to stunkill other players without them being able to even hurt them back? Only a big group can handle a rogue, but 1 vs. 1, NOTHING can do anything. I presume Paladin can survive a bit longer, of but every class I have tried so far;
Shaman has been able to “Handle” a rogue sometimes A BIT, but not always, and not that much, and if a rogue wants it dead, my shaman is dead.
Tank DH has been able to sometimes escape a rogue
Warrior has been able to sometimes kill a rogue, with help - and with the jump, it can sometimes escape, but usually not
We were in Arathi Basin, and I was guarding GM. I was stealthed, but rogues can always somehow see a DH in stealth, so that’s completely useless (should be proper invisibility, like druids have, but even then, rogues can probably see it, so at least THIS ability should be nerfed, so rogues can’t ALWAYS surprise someone in stealth).
Suddenly I was SAPped, and I started calling inc, but no one came, I tried to survive as long as I could, or even hurt the rogue back, but in of the 2% of the time I was able to spend outside stun, my punches didn’t have much effect, and Rain from Above was of course only prolonging the painful stunkill-death, because the rogue just vanished, and of course came back immediately when I landed.
DH is supposedly able to do something about rogues, so DHs are not ‘allowed’ to complain about rogues, but this is completely insane. Has anyone ever really played DH against a rogue? If there IS something a DH can do, I’d like to know it. I haven’t been able to figure it out so far.
The only thing I can do is die quickly in stun. The other thing is Rain from Above, IF I am able to use it, but that’s useless, because rogue just vanishes. The third thing is ‘spectral sight’, which is ONLY useful if I somehow know to use it before I am attacked, AND have fast enough reflexes to shoot a glaive and imprison the rogue before it SAPs me for 7 seconds.
So basically that’s useless too, because by the time I can use it, I am already sapped or dead.
Rogues should be nerfed, but for some reason, my whole topic about it was deleted, although I told my story about my warrior being stunkilled by a completely unstoppable, OP rogue (aren’t they all?) without being able to do anything.
If you’re going to make one class 100 x more powerful than anything else (and it might be even more than 100 x), at least give other classes a chance to OPT OUT of being stunkilled by it, ok?
Just give every other class a ‘rogue immunity’ spell, some kind of teleportation to a random location and not being able to be selected or targeted by rogues for 2 minutes after that, or something, so they can’t know where you are until you’ve escaped or healed or both.
Or just some super jump away from the rogue, that also stuns the rogue (without them being able to escape the stun) for 30 seconds or whatnot.
Just SOMETHING to make them at least consider NOT attacking you. Right now, there is no reason for rogue to not attack, and every incentive to do so.
If a class can stealth SO much and stun SO much, at least make it WEAK, so we can kill it quickly. If a class can be FAST, make it WEAK. There’s no reason to make a class that’s fast, strong, stunny, stealthy and can poison you so you can’t ever stealth if it dots you.
Come on, give us a break with these stupid rogues, I can’t understand why they’re allowed to not be nerfed at all for all these years. No class should have ganking impunity, there’s so much that could be done about this problem, just like every other problem, but nothing is being done.
Is ‘classic’ supposed to fix all these problems?
Just remove the problems from the game, and this could be a really fantastic experience!
Hm… now that I think about it, could my post have been removed, because I happened to mention that the ‘other europeans’ could be a problem?