Rogue Privileges

Most players me included are advocates for stronger racials for those who’re lacking- thats absolutely fine.

You’re not here to balance anything you’re here to dominate what you dislike.
And thats not alright, large portion of the community like Shadowmeld the way it is,
and you also dont want to meet people in the middle either.
You’re an impossible idealist who doesnt even negociate compromise.
So let me ask you, why did you really made this thread ?

Uhm bro you were dropped on your head as a kid or what is it , this sentence makes no sense.

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If he doesn’t nicely respond to my amazing offer
He never wanted a nice discussion about it

Just what you said, to dominate and assert his view as fact

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You tried to ego-check me to stop pointing out the shadowmeld dominates every players racial choice right now by doing some goofy ‘2k’ max argument, while simultaneously hiding your own characters from sight. You stopped doing this the moment I linked my checkpvp.

You’re not here for any reason other than to find a really bizarre excuse as to why its okay for 100% of ferals in the top 30 to be night elf, and like 80% of all rogues to be night elf.

Keep coping.

I didn’t make the thread.

Is that why you think I made the thread? Curious.



we’re not talking about 1% gains here. It is night and day difference playing Assa night elf vs Assa undead. Same goes for tauren and any healer during damp metas.

You’re strawmanning by roleplaying as if shadowmeld is some 1% bonus on par with war stomp or gnome racial. The reason you and the other guy are night elves is for no reason other than they have the strongest racial and you were literally telling me it could result in you living in an impossible situation earlier (healer in africa, or in cc, you in the open on low hp.)

Everyone else in that situation DIES. You are arguing that is the difference between life or death, which it is - it can absolutely do that. It can also give you tons of mana, tons of damage, free CC or free CC immunity.

And since you’re so resistant to losing it, then you need to start coming up with ideas how to make other racials as strong if not stronger than it, unless you want to keep it as the tier 1 number 1 racial for another expansion?

Personally its hard to come up with a racial as powerful as:

  • Instant combat drop, allowing instant drinks and instant stealth
  • Immunity to travel time CC, traps, stormbolts, or if timed well, even instant CCs like fears and blinds
  • Immunity to travel time damage, like chaos bolts.

What racial can be made that is stronger than this? Without just giving trolls a 20% damage increase on a 3 minute cooldown, or gnomes an undispellable freedom on a 1 minute CD that also sprints them?

You hijacked it *
what other race should ferals be bro ? what issue do other racials solve for ferals?
Maybe I need a 3th Dash ability , should i go worgen ?
Or i need maybe to knock someone down? - maybe if i was a boomie, id go kultiran.
Anyone would pick Night Elf for the lack of restealth in ferals.

I am not coping- you are.
You’re the only person who presents ideas like this thinking it will have a positive effect.
Even water though its a liquid and accepts any shape if you hit it with force it will feel like you hit a brick wall.
its like chatting with an AI, i already told u why my character is opted out of Check-PvP.
Its really unpleasant that you make me repeat everything numerous times.
And I dont need to ego check you, you’re obviously egocentric and not only that but you’re antysocial as well.
You might as well google “logical fallacies” because everything you say is not only biased but also super faulty and illogical.

Daddy Chill
:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Not even close

No you absolute walking banana
It’s because it’s either…drum roll :drum:
Night elf…or Blood elf!
Did you give that any thought before :poop: posting?
I’ve got a zandalari druid and a Troll druid , and I played both in Arena in Shadowlands

Different uses for different scenarios. WotF a fear at the right time and it’ll stop a loss and allow you to win to finish the Lock. If it happens to a warlock , they could cry like you and say omg remove WoTF on warriors they have too many ways to get out of my spammable fears!

That isn’t a strawman either young man. It is giving you an example to hopefully aid with your lack of perspective about different situations.

Are you that dense?
If I was undead and in a full fear and my healer is on 15% but I can WoTF it and stun the Dps smashing him , it’s potentially the same outcome isn’t it Einstein?
Note - Keyword - Potential
Meld doesn’t gaurentee anything
Thanks for listening

Oh my life
Can you stop manipulating and outright lying
Please read
And re-read
And read it one last time until the rotten eyeballs in that empty crevis aloft your shoulders understand


Sounds healthy that does :green_salad:
Maybe a race change to Night Elf would make you feel better bro?

They can be 6 total races. Apparently Shadowmeld isn’t that strong, so surely you’d have no problem with being a worgen feral?


I agree :slight_smile: its an incredibly strong ability to be able to press vanish on a feral or healer :slight_smile:

I mean you say this… but here you are earlier in the thread…, unprompted:

Yep that is…* double checks * - yep, that is definitely you earlier in the thread trying to silence me by bringing up some random rating.

It is interesting to me that you stopped doing this the moment you realised my peak was higher than yours though - which, by the way, I don’t care. I don’t care if you were 3k, I don’t’ care if you were 1k. The great thing about facts, is that you can just link them and watch people get mad at reality


great job not metaslaving in shadowlands!

When you race changing homie?

I am not paying Blizzard £19 to gain vanish on my warrior.

But it’s hella broken according to you?
Surely that’s worth it so you can win way more games from the disgusting overpowered ability?

Absolute bargain that

No, i’d rather just stop playing arena until they fix the broken stuff.

So if they change meld
but warlocks and boomkins get no nerfs and only made stronger through the patch
You’re cool with that yeah?

Solid prioritization?

no, your brain can’t handle more than one change at once - mine can. false dichotomy - look it up

You’re so nice to me
Always giving me compliments :heart:

for the record I never claimed it was going to be this
but the faster you understand and come to terms with the idea that Blizzard are incredibly unlikely to change shadowmeld the happier you’ll be

You ignore nearly every counter point made , make false statements and tunnel vision with your view, even going so far as to manipulate what others have said

For what?
To attempt to prove that your PoV is correct and nothing else?
Race change to night elf
Or shut the up about it
Warlocks are gods
You have wotf

Quit crying

First you roleplay as if it isn’t a big deal - countered by the following:

Then, defeated, you fall back to 'well, they won’t change it anyway :nail_care:

Ok Stinks - if you think they won’t change racials, thats a fantastic opinion you have - one that i don’t care about. I just watched them nerf orc racial, so personally I think they’re completely open to rebalancing outlier racials.

All of your counter points are ‘b-b-but, it isn’t a big deal’ or ‘b-b-but orc racial’ or ‘b-b-but they wont change it’ - those are your points and you’re welcome to believe them. Some people think the Earth is flat, i’m not gonna argue against that, its silly and pointless.

I don’t need to

Would you rather WoTF out of a fear or vanish the cast, the coil that came before it, the chaos bolt that came after it, restealth and then walk up to the lock and cheap shot/rake stun them?


Speaking of brain capacity…

Trying to help you cope with it brother
It’s a losing battle
I don’t share your view of it being a huge factor in broken balance
:kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

I can see rationale debates aren’t your strongest suit
This isn’t the basis of my counter points
It’s up there for you to re-read and understand

For the 3rd time
It shows people trying to gain any competitive edge
You’re running on dial up, up there I swear

I’d rather WoTF a fear over Melding it. Compare X to X in this instance not to Y please

You can see the class I’m on or is it time to book an optician ?

#2 melee complaining about a racial that helps #1 melee
Just imagine :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Bro, you must understand how weird this opinion is. We can use a class that can be both undead and night elf as an example - rogue.

Lets see where the first undead rogue is on the list:

oh, its me lol

rank 118 on my rogue alt:

So, 117 people above me decided, more or less, universally, that they’d rather meld than WoTF.

Here they are:

but yeah err, maybe they’re wrong and you’re right and WoTF is better than meld. Could be possible i guess… in the same way the Earth could be flat I guess…

To fit your narrative yes? Because other classes cannot access Shadowmeld or anything?
Those rogues have really hurt you huh?

To gain a better competitive edge
Roleplaying a parrot for you rn but we move with it

Never claimed this
Try again

More subtle insults
Wow you’re really good at that!

Now you can reply properly rather than tunnel visioning on aspects that you think prove your feels on the matter
Or just accept that your crying hard over meld cos of rogues when it’s more their current kit on Sub that’s the issue :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

Race change already to save yourself the tears and heartache

Also… Ferals having access to a restealth option is fine, why should only rogues get it?
2m CD no?

I said it earlier but i’ll say it again as I get there is a delay dial up
If you think you’re losing games due to shadowmeld , you aren’t
You and I don’t play at the top of the %