Rogues and locked chests

no, because that is a profession a thing available to anyone not unique to a warrior.

Simple as that, if a engineer has bombs and they would increase tremendously the dps, i wouldnt expect him to use them if he doesnt want to.

As i wouldnt expect n alchemist be always under flasks or potions.

There is stuff NOT part of the class, a bonus, additional things.

I know i’m baiting into a troll trap here, because this is a change of subject, but just in case you were really wondering this is the answer.

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No I’m genuinely not trying to troll bud it’s just a discussion. We can disagree and still be cool! :slight_smile:

Just like someone invests their time/gold into a profession, I’ve invested my time into lockpicking. It should be up to me whether I share it or not. As if I weren’t there, no one would get it.

FYI: I mostly /roll for them unless the group are complete buttholes.

They tip because I can open locks. Maybe it’s different this time around, but during Vanilla, only three of our eight rogues had leveled their LP skill when they started raiding. I have had rogues send me their lockboxes to open, because they could not be assed to level the skill themselves.
I don’t usually even advertise the service, it’s mostly people running up to me and going “Hey, could you maybe open [lockbox] for me?”, so it’s not me going out of my way at all. If I were, I would maybe haggle for payment of the service beforehand.

Also, unlike mage portals, it’s not a one-time thing where you learn the spell and you’re done. As you point out, even mages take money for portals outside of groups, and that’s something they do not have to spend time or effort to level (imagine having to cast a hundred portals in SW just to be able to learn the teleport to it…).

It’s more like having a herbalist along, insisting they pick all the flowers, give them to the alchemist (unless they’re the same person), and have them brew options for the group. Who does that? Nobody. Because it’s their trade skill, their business.
The only difference between herbing and lockpicking is that everyone can use a trade slot to learn it, while all rogues have access to lockpicking. Doesn’t mean they have to level it, and from personal experience, a good many do not. If you seriously invite a rogue “for his lockpicking”, as someone in this thread argues (especially during leveling), without explicitly making sure he has what you want, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.


Professions are optional and everyone can get whatever one they want yes, so get blacksmithing or engineering if you want locked chests so badly.

Also I have open numerous lock boxes so far and no a single person has offered to tip, interested in hearing other Rogues experience.

I don’t agree the comparision is different.
My point was that personal effort one puts in being able to lockpick is meaningless in group/raid content, so I gave a fitting example.

I guess the hours a Rogue spends leveling their lock picking is worth nothing?


I’ve mostly received small tips for mine. Never asked but they throw like 2 to 3 silver my way. People are saving for mount at 40 so not expecting anyone to tip, really. Would expect it more at 60.

To rogues claiming lockpicking is like another profession, let’s be honest: we would all level it up even if we could only use it for ourselves.

The only “effort” we put is spending 10 minutes to do the rogue quests we all do anyway or those of us who want to maximize it as soon as possible to get the most of it - but we’d end up getting there anyway. Lockpicking is free and you eventually, sooner or later, train it with nearly zero effort.

If you want to keep the stuff only you can open it’s fine because it’s your choice as a player, but it’s not your right, as it isn’t any other player’s right to be able to roll. In a group effort we all decide what we bring to the table and what we’re entitled to, the same way we may agree to let a player get an item they need more than the rest, roll for off-spec gear, or clean some extra trash because some player needs a quest.

Besides, I certainly prefer people saying it upfront over pretending not being able to open chests only to then be the last to leave an instance (I’ve met more than a few of this kind over the years).


I’m a Rogue in Classic atm and I let the whole party /roll on it. Lockpicking is just one of the tools I bring to a group with my class, I’m okay with everyone rolling for it.


I get what you are saying, however if like you are saying it cost you time to be able to pick the lock as opposed to a BS who it would have taken time and money to get where they were to pick the lock. Would that not mean the BS was more entitled to open the chest than you? Seeing as they have invested more to do it?

Personally I think everything should be rolled for as a group effort most rogues can just stealth into a dungeon and loot all the chests they wanted.

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No one has priority on them. You go in there as group, and you roll on the loot as group. Even on chests


As rogue myself, I always let the party roll like any other chest. Being able to get to the chest in the first pace in a dungeon is a group effort. I could not loot the chest if the group did not get me there, so in my opinion they have as much right to the chest as I have.

Me being able to pick locks is just part of my role as rogue class and adds to my value for the group.

Generally in my experience if someone wins a chest roll, and in it is an item someone else in the group could really use as an upgrade, that person gets it from the chest winner anyway.


I agree but chest runs in stealth are anything but easy! You can’t open then in combat, and if you Sap/Blind you still get aggro :slight_smile:

haha never said they were easy just possible :slight_smile:

No! Locked chest should also be rolled for. If it wasn’t for the entire party doing that dungeon, you wouldn’t had the chance to open it. Is your skill? So is the Taunt skill for Warriors, or Sheep for Mages, etc.

You need food from the Mages? “Food plzz!!” or maybe that Stamina buff?

…exactly! Whoever says Rogues are entitled to open the locked chests from dungeons without /roll , are the ones who are also defending Ninja’s by saying “lololol it’s just a green item, get over already”…

Good for you man

I don’t remember lockpicking as a chore at all. When I leveled my Rogue in vanilla (As sub ;_; ) I wanted to be a thief. I pickpocketted from the very start. It gave me extra money, and as a bonus, later on somewhere around the Barrens I think it was. In addition to money, health pots, greys, and the odd gemstone, was lockboxes. These gave me all the ingredients I needed for poisons, and some extra stuff like money I think. So it was just this extra thing I did before starting my opener.

I do remember hitting a barrier at some point, getting no more skill points, and not being able to open the next rank. But at this point I started offering to open the green lockboxes that drop sometimes.

I never really saw it as a chore. Perhaps you find it differently, but outside of locked chests, it comes with plenty of perks. Especially during say an SM run.

I as rogue gets the chest. Or atleast let me
/roll 1-125

I can get to 80% of the ingame dungeon chests without a party. So unless you let me roll on all herbs and mining node’s then gtfo.

Mages and warlock dont need to grind for hours to lvl their summonong or portal skll.

Just like herbs, mining nodes and skins which also take time to level, locked chests don’t explictly belong to the rogue just because he has lockpicking utility. And if some entitled rogue claims so but you have a blacksmith who can open and wants to roll for the chests, the rogue arguing about it would be swiftly kicked.

Chests are for everyone, locked or not locked. You can always ask about locked chests if people care about them enough, but don’t need to be an entitled douchebag for couple silvers worth mana pots or cave mold.

It’s a group effort to get to the chest. If you refuse to roll for a locked chest then I refuse to heal you because ranking up my heals and buying water costs money too.