Rogues are ridiculous, way too strong in PvP

Dude , you do know rogues swap midfight right ? With chest Rune ? Ambush costs 40! And then you swap to whatever you want after Vanish. If your lucky you Get proc for extra combo points and full kidney.

The bread and butter for rogue macros since day 1 if you are playing Ambush specc. Find the best rogue that tou know and let him explain. Reason people use mutilate is becouse Thats all we got atm. Just wait if we Get a Rune that boosts Ambush or cloak . Thats gonna be a sshow

I can ambush>backstab or muti thistle tea Vanish ambush muti again if I really want to kill you. Dont Even need to muti!

In this burst meta how many times do you bandage m8! Its kill before you Get killed

You have to remember if you survive that first burst and dot the rogue its over. Easy as that. If A rogue wants to kill you 100 % he needs to thistle tea. With trinket on rank 5 alot of rogues wont know What to do

Top level :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: what game are you playing that actually has anything that would separate the top level players from the scrubs?

I guess you’re talking about using 5 keybinds instead of 2 to kill 2-3 players in a row.

And no that’s not my Druid just because it has the same name. It’s from a popular fantasy trilogy called the rift war saga so it’s probably pretty common.

All the rogues I’ve seen run QD-Muti-BtE-ShadowStep-MasterOfSub. You don’t even need to run Ambush. Mutilate does insane levels of damage that is simply comparable to half of a Starsurge, and it’s spamable.

Didn’t you say you had Ambush aswell? LOL. It’s either Muti spam or Ambush talents.

You do not even need to play ambush build, just play normal combat build and you will get 500 mutis easily with 40energy without spamming Vanish and Thistle Teas, and it is consistent pressure for any healer.
If both people trade trinkets rogues gonna win, because other class defensives like priest fear, lock fear etc won’t be able to be used and rogue wins by default unless some insane RNG kicks in.
And thats why incase anyone trinkets you insta gauge or blind.

tl’dr you are a fool when you play rogue and should consider learning the class.

what about dispersion? usable in stun
and show me how rogue will kill meta wlock with succ
mutilate is overtuned ofc, but there is more things overtuned aswell

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okay since we mention dispersion

regardless of when you use dispersion, you will die.

use it during CS to mitigate damage from 3 mutilates to be able to trinket bte and fight back against rogue, just to end up gauged or blinded. reset you die. thanks.
rogues will trinket your fear and if they somehow end up far BtE will be off CD and/or Shadowstep will enter the game.
You play cracker while rogues play chess, and it is simply plain dumb how Blizz allows rogues to consistently be broken with mobility, CC and damage. There is no defense to allow consistent CC/Mobility/Damage from runes to go unnerfed.

In classic PvP, you measure your success against a rogue in how many CD’s they must use to kill you.

mutilate needed a 20 energy cost increase, 40 is super spammable.

You are right ,but this dude is theory crafting way too much . I almost believed him…“Justdont” sounds like this famous rogue - Perplexity…wannable maybe?

all you mentioned is more than 30 seconds, becuase if rogue stuns you right after blind - its diminished. Rogue does not have cloack of shadow, and eventually dies after void plague and SWP. Not to mention if its not 1v1 situation, rogue will get obliterated second he opens. But you, priests, with your ability to tank whole raid every 2 minutes, stronger dots than afli wlocks ever had, execute someone with 70% hp.
Just to be clear - in your pockets, insane damage, shields, heal to help others, dog for mana regen, fear, massive damage nuke, better shield wall with 2 min cd, and you still cry about rogue?
Tell me atleast one class, who can 1v1 priest, I tell you - noone. And if rogues somehow manage to kill you - I am glad for them

Wishful thinking but no, to bring a rogue to the SWD threshhold I need to hardcast a MB/MS/MF, things a rogue will kick. With the change Blizz implemented for the next update, that threshhold is even smaller, thus more time you need to bring them to that.

**priests will get obliterated the second the rogue opens.
***execute someone on 45%ish hp
Rogues stun every 20s with Between the Eyes, which can crit up to 450 damage.

Insane damage if you manage to get a MB/MS/MF off into the SWD, and if that SWD doesn’t kill, its you or the rogue,
Shields which exists for 1 mutilate,
heal to break your shadowform, where you also lose survivability,
dog if you need mana,
fear which is instantly trinketed especially UD rogues.
And if priest is looking this bleak vs rogue, you think other caster classes look better?
Rogues are simply overtuned and broken.

Did it? I havwnt seen anything yet

Spirit of Redemption will no longer be prevented from triggering for Priests whose Dispersion or Pain Suppression is on cooldown.Each

Priest now correctly creates their own separate stack of Mind Spike effects on the target, and consumes only their own stack.Fixed an issue where Prayer of Mending was double dipping with Spiritual Healing, and was also increasing by 10% per bounce on top of that

Those are not nerfs.

Tbh classic is a rock paper scisscors in terms of balance, rogues are susposed to murder squishies, ur not rly susposed to be able to fight em as a caster.

Classic pvp was always that way, class is good vs X and Y and bad against Z and D.

you were saying?

does this look like Classic PvP or SoD PvP?

Oh where were they??. They on a different thread?

Well atleast it isnt gutted, doesnt look bad at all tbh

what are you talking about, void plague ticks 200+ and after patch it will be even more. Most rogues have like 2k hp.

He has to get CP’s first

6 seconds is whole duration of kidney shot
really, whole sod talks about how priests are op, we both know they are, you clapping any other class, but when rogue, using whole his toolkit, killing you - you cry.
Rogue, unlike you, even being overtuned cant 1v1 many classes, totally useless in BG’s, but you still cry about them.

i mostly certainly have been hit for that.

Warriors are not in full plate, maybe 3 pieces of plate if they are geared .

Can you post a video showing us how hard you actually crit for on opener?

Was talking about the spriest “nerf”.

Kinda just memeing around how people call for nerfs for one class and immeaditly switch to the next thing they get killed by in stv

Tbh im suprised blizz did a nerf right, although i think SPriests will still dominate in PvP, but they did Majorly suck for P1 x)

looks like Classic PvP to me, SOD is CLassic with a Twist, nothing more SoD was never ment to be really different from Classic lol.

ur class having 3 new abilities, DOesnt change the fact 99% of the game is rerelease of classic.

So what? If you want to get beneficial damage off without killing yourself as priest, you want to use this to kill the rogue without making it easier for rogue to kill you.

Not an issue with Muti giving you 2CP/40energy.

Rogues don’t need their entire toolkit to kill anyone, the damage/CC/mobility basically allows rogues to ignore using Vanish/Blind/Gauge as a means of resetting combat as if they were in Classic PvP, this is SoD PvP, not Classic PvP.

Rogues aren’t useless in BGs if played properly, and it isn’t hard with premades where rogues just camp enemy healers or other high prio targets into oblivion. Or they sit on their own high prio and defend that from enemy attacks.

Rogues get to choose their fights and even warriors/paladins/shamans struggle against rogues. SPriest can’t stealth unless you play nelf with shadowmeld.

Spriests can 1 shot you 40 yards away though. they can also amount DoTs on you which effectively burn CDs for the enemy player due to the fact they tick hard enough to single handerly kill people,

On instant casts.

on the strongest healing class in the game…

ROgues have reduced movement speed in Stealth, they also have several things that stop they Re-stealthing, and require Melee range, which makes Enviroments naturally counter then.