Rogues are ridiculous, way too strong in PvP

you know you have to drop shadowform to heal right?
Also since when can SPriests 1shot? You need to rampup 3-5 shadow spells to apply shadowweave, by then the enemy is at 45-50%.

if you want to talk about oneshots, well mage is the one to go on a 3min CD.

Ofcourse i do, but a DIsc priest can utilise the tools 1 shotting players. lol.

SWD hits for 2k critically, that is a 1 shot lmfao.

highest ive seen is 1.4k-1.5k and thats with 8% crit.

even at those levels, u only need a double tap between mind blast and SWD and thats still a overkill lol

Shadowpriests are Gods even in classic PvP, the only class that can take em 1v1 is a warlock lol. now they;ve had all their mana issues solved + More Damage its weird anyones trying to say their not busted.

Let’s not try to overlook people’s whining about SP when Rogue is clearly more busted.

i play tank rogue. ive managed to kill lvl 40 warriors, paladins, a melee hunter, and a few feral druids, as a lvl 34 rogue (now 36). all of those lvl 40s could 2 shot me if they knew what they were doing, if you are a pve player with pve runes and pve talents and u die in pvp you shoulf feel shame, not cry on forums

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Mutilate hitting harder than mortal strike is a top troll by Blizzard.

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Rogues Busted. but Spriest is worse lmao. Rooting a ROgue ends a Rogues damage, Spriest will just keep casting at you. Im sorry. but Shadow is 10x Better then it was in classic. and it won Every duel vs a Rogue. now u suddenly think it isnt the case? lol

SHadow, has always been better then Rogue in 1v1s.

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Yeah blind A dwarf or Druid that knows how to play. Im saying if A rogue wants to kill you with cooldowns and prep. You could be Jesus you will die . Sod or Not. What Sod did we dont Even need to pop those , we got no alternatives apart from it atm. I dont wanna play muti build

These noobs dont understand , as A Druid. You just trinket at rank 5 abolish poison and farie fire. And you can kite for life. A rogue needs way more prep for A kill then any other class in the game. How many buttons do you have to press to kill A rogue. 1 dot from range if we aint in stealth its gg

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Dont mind this dude , he killed people from 40 yards without any backslash. And his I win button is gone. Every time I open up on some1 i Get tagged with 40 dots. While he stands and kills people from 40 yards and cries about balance

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understand this. You can go invisble. Rogues get to open first on EVERY FIGHT, you get the advantage, every single time, every time.

If i could have any ability at all on my char, it would be stealth. The fundamental massive advantage rogues have…just passes you by…and you whine at priests. Delusional, you’re delusional.

Rogue has some of the highest skill Scaling in the game. Show me your logs before you talk stuff. Justdont wotlk Mirage, Justdont Wild Growth Eu! So Lets see Who the noob is.

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Mutilate, Mutilate, Mutilate, Mutilate, Mutilate, Mutilate…

very skillful.

Nerf Rogue


Bull. I have 2nd best dagger in the game and I cant hit 1k even in cloth at my level. Gtfo.

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Holy moly you are clueless. Vanish, even with a FF from a druid, will always break roots, and roots from druids have such a low damage threshhold, one surge and its gone in 90% of the cases.

You literally do not even need CDs to kill anyone right now LMFAO. Rogues will always want to kill people and they have the most cheap kills for 90% of their gameplay, you avoid any class that you do not wish to fight and fight those you want.
Literally free honor guide.

Sprint > autoattacks > QD > BtE , pray for no Nature Grasp to pop, if it pops Vanish to break the root. Quite literally solved matchup. Even if the druid hardcasts roots, QD does damage, and damage is pushback on casters.

Even more cluelessness from this onetrickpony playing rogue only, and even that is lacking in experience. Your prep for anyone is literally this:
Stealth > CS > Muti/Ambush > Muti/Filler > BtE > Muti/Filler
Shadowstep to close distance, Vanish to un-root yourself, QD to slow enemy and by then BtE is off CD. Half the time the enemy sits in your stunlock and is getting ripped apart.
Kick for any CC cast on you
Gauge/Blind for utility CC/resets

Since you think SP is broken this is what they need to do against anyone:

  • 3-5 Stacks of ShadowWeave
  • 2 dots + VT
  • one hardcast from MB/MS/MF
    you kick any hard cast and trinket/WotF fear, its literally a solved matchup, even with Dispersion.

People are delusional if they think rogues toolkit isn’t OP with the additional runes they got.
Muti hits for

  • half of a SWD/Starsurge cast on every cast.
  • more than MS from warrior
  • paladin SoC judgements/exorcism
    and it is literally spamable, distance does not matter due to many gapclosers.

Get outta here, your Muti hits for 500damage for every 40energy you spend.

spamming 500 mutilates aint skill, its the mark of a garbage player, and the balls to call that skill scaling in the game is absolutely funny, even rets have more skill than any rogue in the entire game, which aren’t getting hard carried by 20y stun/slow runes + Muti + Shadowstep to beat anyone in PvP.

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Lol are you really using Warcraft logs on a lvl 25 10 man raid that is about as difficult to complete as Wailing Caverns as some kind of skill indicator? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Seriously this honestly makes me chuckle that for some reason you think stacking some world buffs and effectively spamming less than 5 keybinds on pretty much a target dummy raid bosses makes you a highly skilled Rogue player.

I also can’t find you in any wotlk arena ladders for the last 3 seasons. Considering 1850 is like entry point when you can actually start calling yourself a skilled player you don’t even reach the criteria for that.

Parsing high on raids that are like 16 years old or a lvl 25 raid isn’t a sign of skill you absolute muppet :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Edit: I just checked your logs for wrath and I honestly wouldn’t be bragging about having logs with an average overall score of like 75-85 as some kind of badge of honour lol


did u had the Homon pets or how they are called from the priest on you? they reduce your armor by an high amount

if i see some warri, or ret´s have the debuff, i ambush them for 1k, otherwise my ambush does only 650-700 on them

if it crits, 41% crit chance with gear, and your mainhand needs to crit, because your offhand does 50% less dmg.

i dont deffend mutilate here, But be honest before throwing around random facts

i dont know, it looks like that most of the priests doesnt have this issue, and end up a ab bg with 27-35 kills per game

Most likely new players, or not so good pvp players on a class who is really squischy if u facetank dmg like a warri

Sure, a random pala, who only Hoj someone on cd, and hope that he can kill someone in a hoj have high skill cap, yeah every random ret is better than pshero, did u even read, what u write?

If you add both MH and OH damage, it’s consistent 500damage.

because you probably ended up in a premade with healers and players that can’t kill priest whatsoever.

You could literally be Hydra in PvP and get screwed over by rogues, SP wins the rogue matchup if the rogue is an idiot or blackout procs.

More than you can comprehend apparently, rogues spam stuns, ret paladins have 2 CCs against a rogue, each being a min CD.
This is rogue: Stealth > CS > Muti/Ambush > Muti/Filler > BtE > Muti/Filler
This is paladin: Repentance > get close > do a few autoattacks and pray SoC procs on few of them > HoJ > more autoattacks > pray for more SoC procs. (use Judgement/Exo on CD)

Pally doesn’t get any slows, Rogue does.
Pally doesn’t get speed/shadowstep, rogue does.
Pally can’t pick fights, rogue does get to pick fights and always get the opener.
To think ret is even remotely as good as rogue is actually being delusional and coping.


All Rogues are fotm noobs end of story. It takes more skill to play a BM hunter who presses bestial wrath and goes afk to the toilet than it does to play a Rogue in SOD.

Your days are numbered and are already marked to be nerfed in the next few weeks.

Look forward to all the whining and crying when it actually happens.

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