Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

I feel like a fair number of zones are missing weather to begin with or have it happen very rarely. If so, usually with very little variation.

Going through it there are several levels of severity for snowstorms, rain, fog, sandstorms, etc all in the files but weather overall seems to rarely progress or do much other than… ‘this one zone is sunny, sometimes it rains a bit’. Would love it if they would either make weather more dynamic or simply add the mentioned set of weather or skybox potions for rp purposes.


Having a big sandstorm on demand for Tanaris or Vol’dun events, or some heavy fog during a late night patrol through duskwood… man that’d be so good.


when are they adding RP IO score system to wow show ur rp exp to other players :rofl:

Yesterday we had that awful, dark, rainy weather in Elwynn and it was so cool! I would like to see thunders too. (With an opt out among the accessibility features for people living with epilepsy.)


Would be good to add that just in case to keep the game enjoyable for everyone agreed.

And yeah, elwynn is one of the few zones where I see weather, or well…just rain anyway actually happen a bit more frequently… but then it breaks as soon as you enter SW or any other nearby zone.
Wish that carried over, but a potion effect would also fix that without having to completely overhaul how weather works itself.


In Elwynn it seems to rain a lot. Shame considering that the one town that could give players a cozy tavern atmosphere is used for the wrong things.
Other than that, I love the zone though.


There are lots of huts in Elwynn, no need to go to Goldshire for RP. It is a really nice place with wood, lakes and small huts and farms scattered around. It even has a logging camp with a house and some more cottages. Lots of RP potential. We went there a lot with one of my former guilds and we used the farms there for our storylines. Guilds also use Westbrook Garrison as their headquarters and some guilds organize meetings in Northshire Abbey.


but but mommy says that goldshire is a bad bad place

Surrounding area is pretty nice that’s true.
Not really a lot of zones that give you the same kind of atmosphere cause it’s one of only a few that haven’t been torn up badly in the cataclysm or were otherwise damaged.


Only other forests like that that have a vaguely similar feel might be eversong or grizzly hills maybe but even then… good old elwynn.
Hillsbrad used to be, but thats busted now with huge forsaken buildings and blight.


Southshore was one of my favourite places to go to before the slime. It was often used as a resort.


Hb used to look kinda nice. Now with the exception of the alterac bit which seemingly wasnt touched (I cant see the difference really) its got a huge forsaken footprint.

Though back on topic, I would loooooooove me those prism changes or ways to solo rp using other models…
Sethrak trinket peddlers, some old soothsaying arrakoa, ogre bodyguards for a shady goblin merchant… I would love to play out so much more , pleaaaase


It was quite nice yeah. Shame theres no way to phase into older versions of a bunch of zones. I miss old loch modan a ton as well when it actually had a lake.


Another thing crossed my mind, had been thinking about this for a while, but wouldn’t it be neat if there was a kind of emissary mode or something?
Something that would stop the other factions npcs from attacking you, but also prevent any hostile actions from you against players/faction npcs so people cant abuse it.

If there was demand for it you could even have it act like mercenary mode in that it would allow you to join cross-faction dungeon queue while its on as well or group overall.


Oh, yes, I wish we had a reconstruction effort on the lake the same way Western Plagueland is being restored by the druids. Loch Modan was another favourite place of mine for a resort.


Oh same, absolutely. I think a bunch of things have changed and the zones we see ingame dont really reflect how they’re supposed to look right now if you consider how they’re being described in the recent books that were released etc.
Mostly, what we got are zones still in a state of war between alliance and horde, heavily scarred from deathwings rage-fit or overrun by twilight cults in certain areas. During bfa, it didn’t feel as out of place perhaps cause there was more open warfare, but I feel that many places have had a bunch of time to heal and evolve by now. Likely there are a bunch of new settlements, new threats emerged and the landscape changed…

One glaring example is tanaris… you look at ‘the mean streets of gadgetzan’ and how this is a huuuuge city, home to all sorts of people and shady business… and then you look at the WoW representation and we got a fairly small desert outpost with a tiny arena in the middle, no hint of the massive industrialization that has since shaped the zone.


Sylvanas humanoid hunter pet for hunters in 9.2.0 :rofl:

If i recall correctly they mentioned there being more settlements now, even the eastern plaguelands probably recovered a fair bit more since.
I imagine due to the work of the druids you mentioned and the argents keeping watch its probably relatively peaceful there.

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On a sidenote, I know its odd to ask but, if any moderator is reading this, I’d super appreciate getting your thoughts on this as well and if there’s anything else that could be done to get a official response on this.

And because this is something pretty close to heart for me, thanks again to everyone giving this a read and helping upvote/post in here.
Means a lot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Would be heckin nice to have :ok_hand:

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