Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

Basically along those lines. More of that would be good.

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To be honest I would hate the Garrison to be an updated feature, for me this was a prime example of people not socialising/going out in the world, why would they when it was so profitable to remain inside, herbs, mining, fishing etc. I assume an update may include updated resources.

If they updated it in a way that there was no profit to be made, i.e. cosmetic only, then I would not be so against it, although I would prefer they gave us player housing :wink:

I know it is always subjective and others will have different views.


I have to agree, if player housing happens, in my opinion, that should be about cosmetics and not about gameplay. The gameplay is to gather the cosmetics placed there. Then people will be encouraged to leave the house every now and then to play the game and to return to it to admire it as a form of collections again.

My main problem with Torghast as a solo / role player is that I have no incentives to go there as I don’t need legendaries. Companions we will leave behind in the next expansion. If it awarded furniture, I would farm the hell out of it.


That’s fair. I don’t mind engaging with other game mechanics to a certain degree at least for the sake of getting something for rp.
If there is a clear way to obtain it and it feels somewhat rewarding at least it’s fine.

I’ve just grown extremely tired of feeling that almost everything that can be used for rp outside of mogs, usually comes coupled with some form restrictions or isn’t possible outright.
Cooldowns to long, duration to low, time gated (firewater, inky black outside of AH) or painful to obtain (small feast or pygmy oil for size options for example).

There is so much basic functionality that would greatly enhance rp, most of which listed in the opening post that I feel is a case of, why not just put fun first and the rest 2nd?..
I bet you that if people had a more positive experience, they’d gladly spend more time ingame and would probably engage with other parts of it more as well.


Not sure if this was already written here (and I won’t read thru 404 comments atm). But I wish they would add an “icon system” like FF14 has, indicating what the players are looking for, including an “RP”-icon for Roleplayers to be directly identifiable.


There is an addon that I use that makes me able to see if others use the same addon. It makes it possible to read a description of the character and even their background.

But it would be neat with a small icon to just show up as well.


TRP3/MRP should kinda be pointed out more considering how vital it is for roleplay on rp servers or implemented automatically as part of wow.


As said it exists as part of addons most people use, but it would be nice if it was in the game to begin with.

So much that ^


That and the already suggested typing indicator would help in terms of functionality I feel, all the stuff id like to see added to the game itself aside.
Would be a neat quality of life change.

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Working for something is fine and it feels rewarding if it’s for something you enjoy.
Reminds me of something like collecting the trophies from slaying bosses in ESO which you could then hang on the wall to show off your victories.


Working for some vanity items isn’t bad and if I really had to I’d gladly farm rep again to unlock sethrak or arakkoa for example if it came to unlocking something i’d like to play as/use.
But that’s just it
 you see something you wanna obtain, you engage with the game outside of rp to get what you want and once done you’re fine until you set your sights on something else, but that’s up to you.

Being forced to do content you don’t want to do on the other hand, isn’t fun.
Feeling like you have to do things to keep playing the way you want such as having to fish to keep firewater stocked during opening times for darkmoon or feeling easily left behind if you dont keep up with the powercurve with everyone ending up with 2-3 times your hp and more.


What is or isn’t fun changes from person to person but I’d say most people will try content they dont like as much if there is a nice enough incentive for them and they like they like the reward. Up to a certain point at least.
Even though people may not like pvp they may do it for marks to buy a mog set.
Even though people may hate doing world quests, it previously unlocked allied races so they did it.
You’re not forced to do it, and once youve done it its yours to keep forever.
But if you have to keep doing content you don’t like and there’s nothing that interests you or its chance based and luck just isnt on your side, you get frustrated and want to avoid it altogether.


Always enjoyed having those big old monster heads hanging over the fireplace.
Also feel they implemented toys and appearance altering items more nicely.
They aren’t locked behind long cooldowns and add really nice customization, anything from stuff like the were-forms that even look different depending on the race you played and skelletons to different skin-effects and postures.

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It’s nice to have a civil and open discussion for once about it to hear different views though.
Doesn’t matter if your opinion goes against what some other people say, it’s valid all the same and probably makes some good points to consider.


Something that is surprisingly rare these days <-<


Considering the last question round went so well

How about
 what mogs would you like to be available the most for rp?
Something a particular boss or npc wears that isn’t available but you’d like to have for your chars?
Or something that doesn’t exist yet but would really be the icing on the cake that your outfit?
You name it, anything goes.

For me, I’d like to see facelifted items in the style of classic. Not to outlandish and what you’d generally see in low-fantasy settings. Chainmail, scalemail, plate, studded leather, you name it. A way for cloth users to have a bit more variety other than robes or plain vests would be nice as well.


There’s a few armor sets similar to heritage armor which I’d like to see players get cause it gives you more options for thematically fitting clothing for whatever race you play.
Also wouldnt things like scarfs added which would be a nice helmet slot alternative.


I would like to see simple, classic, medieval looking sets like the starting zone gear usually is. Also, tools and everyday cothing. And, in general I would like all gear that NPCs wear to be available for players.


Genn’s coat please because its worgen heritage armor but way better looking.
Also I’d love to get robes in the style of Khadgar. Something that seems far more functional and realistic in the design.



These for example