Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

Good stuff, keep it coming ^^

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On the earlier topic of what races people would like playable, topics on the US forum usually provide a nice read like this one here:

There’s several more on there, but I really like the prism idea because its a quick and easy alternative (for now anyway) until they decide otherwise.


There’s a few more aye. I’ll link some of the other is people just want to have a read
 the sethrak one got reply capped 6 times already so you know there’s plenty of demand for it
 again prisms are the solution if implemented better for what would otherwise be years of work probably.

Some of these posts are a little older in terms of when people started speculating, but fun regardless.
Cheers ^^


Good read, on a sidenote is anyone here active on the US side of the forums at all?
Would be worth reposting the topic over there and linking it.


There’s so much interesting lore bits but from a rp perspective you don’t really get interact with it in a lot of ways.
Due to rp being in a lot of cases hub-centric you got to bring that bit of lore with you there, rather than it coming to you and the best way to do that I would say is a few people from a distant place.
Storytellers and mercenaries from afar would be fun.


Those would give so many players a way to do so much more
 both for rp and customization.
There’s new ‘allied race this’ and ‘allied race that’ threads popping up every other week on the US forums for example and while neatly written, I don’t see any of that happening
 not anytime soon anyway.


Still on a massive amount of Hopium for Sethrak, but I’ll take the prism approach any day. Would love to see more diversity that befits the wild and crazy world hearthstone depicts a lot better.

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Hopium is the new Copium but I’d like to imagine it can get better rather than giving up on WoW altogether.
To much time spent and to many memories at this point to completely let go but the novelty has also worn off, so it shouldn’t be that untouchable thing immune to critique.
Got plenty areas it could do a lot better at if they were properly addressed.


A lot of that and then add some luck a bunch of other ingredients and then maaaaybe
 hopefully. Dah said it now as well

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Even here. Just saw another ‘please add sethrak’ post and I get it, I want them too. But it’s easier to let you model swap with some moderation to avoid abusing that feature too hard than trying to implement another 5-6 allied races which may actually bloat the game a little and take a considerable amount of resources.

One thing people forget is for every actually new race added, its another model to consider every single time you add new armor, so you gotta rig stuff for even more things. It would be fun sure but its gonna complicate things for the devs even more.
I’d be fine with a few base models and limited customization instead, don’t need to have everything fit and show perfectly.
Hrothgar/Viera get away with it too and most people dont mind it.


Hopium may have just become my favourite word when it comes to WoW.

Agreed with that one though. Doesn’t have to be perfect, most of the models work as is and look fairly decent.
Plus the point is having a vaguely accurate representation for rp, it’s not meant to have the same depth as the currently playable races, it doesnt have to.
Nothing wrong with leaving some things to imagination as long as you have something that resembles what you have in mind at least somewhat decently.


Aye, a workable solution that doesn’t require a ton of effort but can do a lot of good, as was the intention.
Just opening things up a little.


All of these would be fun, including the post above.

I think a problem that comes up several times is that due to a lack of new things to roleplay as or interesting new lore to build characters around, more people are prone to come up with stuff that either heavily bends or breaks existing lore just so that they can feel unique and feel that whatever they came up with is ‘their thing’.

Just about any char concept as of now has been done and exists already, so I get that in order to avoid feeling like you’re a copy of someone else in a way, you start coming up with more and more bizarre things which often backfires cause its to far from the norm, coupled with inexperience in some cases.

There really does need to be something to open the world up a little for rp, and it’s fine if its for rp only and serves no purpose otherwise because that’s exactly where a creativity block is felt the most.
Limited access to races, limited interaction with the environment, and for many limited availability or rp because there are a ton of low-pop or faction imbalanced servers where people struggle to really engage with each other.


I don’t get it. There’s plenty of good unique character concepts that are in line with the lore but barely anyone has done yet. You don’t have to be special race to be unique. Instead of using a special race to make your character unique, your character could instead have a unique personality and outlook on the world. Usually playing a special race somehow ends up with you being less unique anyway. Why focus so much on trying to be unique, anyway? Everyone I’ve seen is unique and they have normal races, normal classes, and a normal story.


only time i roleplayed
 was during Age of conan launch

i role played a homeless begger who sat outside the pub in the starting island asking for coin

i got pretty rich in the end


That’s true. It was more of an observation I made of something which seems to be getting more frequent lately, or perhaps I am just running into people with odd roleplay habits.
Especially horde on AD, what little casual rp remains is usually plagued by concepts that make it extremely hard to interact with but ive seen some oddities on alliance as well.

Our few guilds under the same umbrella primarily engage in dnd-like adventure rp and for that having access to more races would make things far more immersive than having to rely on raidmarkers for would-be enemies or other npcs because there isn’t any way to visually represent them as a player, at least not accurately.

Though that said I do have a few character concepts I’d personally like to play out that would involve the ability to play something else myself which would make for interestings plots. Not for the sake of being the center of attention and ‘special’, but more for the sake of introducing a narrative or little event of sorts to other players.


Very much the same here.


I worded that poorly perhaps, I’ve seen that mindset in other people primarily.
For me personally, it’s not about being unique so much as it is about variety and I’d like to have a few more options available.
Also as the post above says, it would be great for immersion in terms of event planning.


Hoping they’ll reveal more about their plans for 9.2 soon cause while the zone looked pretty nice I don’t really see much if anthing that could be used to help the current rp climate.
Would be a real letdown if there’s nothing till 10.0 whenever that will be or even later.


The art is fine and the art team did a pretty good job, but current issues aren’t theirs to solve.
It’s other parts of the game really or the overall direction it was being taken in.
9.2 better have 9.1.5-like improvements all around and then some because none of that so far makes me want to go back to rp, there’d be nothing new.