Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

Eyyup. Hopefully there’s some news soon on that cause so far that patch does little to nothing for the way I play WoW.

Awesome thread.
It would be good to have some items to lock your character into casting animations or combat stances without really the need of targeting an enemy.


Combat/casting stance toggles.
Alternatively functionality like browsing and looping or freezing certain animations, in essence, kind of what narcissus allows you to do.
Except in a way it would show for others, that’d be nice yeah ^^
Would open up a whole lot of options.


Would like that functionality a lot, especially if you could simply aim your ranged weapon forward and such.


Cheers, feel free to spread the word if you know likeminded folks from your server who’d support the cause ^^
Would mean a lot to us.


You can use a Scrying Roguestone to stay in omni stance, it causes you to cast farsight. Can be handy.

The tanks are running dangerously low, not sure what to do when they run out.
Don’t have a back-up plan.

Truth be told , I don’t think it should take people having to go to rp centric private servers like RPH and epsilon and such just to be able to have any kind of rp support feature wise.
A lot of these ideas would be really simple improvements, but I agree with the overall sentiment that , it’s been nearly 17 years and so far nothing major was ever done to really push rp servers or their functionality in any way.

It’s such a waste of potential considering how much you can do when given a few tools to get creative with.
I mean, the people working on WoW have to be aware just how much people do privately with the engine right?..
I don’t think it is very likely but as far as I know, they did team with some people from nostalrius at the end to work on classic WoW didn’t they?
So why not reach out to people in charge of rph and epsilon and get something done for retail rp?

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Happy for people that have found alternatives and that those communities have grown pretty large. While its neat though, I don’t really enjoy how small and fractured rp has gotten on retail.
It’s not like people don’t have the ideas or that there is a lack of players willing to do more, it’s just that the environment isn’t there for it despite the fact that add-ons have made wow in my eyes one of the most easy to get into mmorpgs if you’re looking for rp.
Only so much you can do with what you’re given while the lack of moderation has led to even more people quitting due to harassment, sometimes sexual, that has gone unpunished.

Not right if you don’t even feel safe at times in the game you pay for monthly.

Thanks, I was not aware of it.

A lot of people aren’t.

I think I recall reading that they supposedly sat down and talked things out resulting in hiring a few people of theirs to work on classic, but not sure how true that is.

Agreed, not sure if the report changes (supposedly whats used in Overwatch) are going to help but who knows.

As for the rest I dont know… It’s gonna take some people to actually speak up for the roleplay community and I don’t really see anyone doing that.
The players do, but that’s not changed anything so far and I don’t know if anyone on the dev team or in charge actually care at all about the state of roleplay… even if you don’t rp yourself, you can see it’s in a bad spot and that people are repeatedly asking for some improvements.

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The fact there have been countless posts like this and from what I’ve seen none have been graced by a bluepost says something.
Communication is still non-existant when it comes to direct feedback of anything rp related overall.

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Not fond of that either, but that’s how it is unless proven otherwise.
Began to feel like an afterthought when nothing was substantial was done and got increasingly worse over time when that started to sink in.

Also said it before and saying it again, can blizzard please take a stand against sexual harassment ingame and people doing stuff that blatantly goes against both the ToS and any form of decency ingame?

The amount of worrying stuff you see on twitter and on forums from people that share their bad experiences isn’t normal anymore.
Stalking other people, being harassed for e-rp, people performing favors for actual money (see goldshire) which is done in a STARTING ZONE new players would directly get in contact with unknowingly, and to top it off you get people that are literally playing characters that are severely underage in those scenarios and even have the gaul to defend it on the official WoW forums… yet all of those people are still playing and have not been punished or outright removed in any way.

This cannot be allowed to continue, because while I support blizzards attempt to be more proactive when it comes to the safety of their employees and representation, the line has to be drawn ingame as well and it’s the wellbeing of players over money.

And that includes removing elements that cause players grief and distress and have a bad effect on the mental health of people, especially if for them WoW is one of the few games they consider a safe space and a much needed source of social interaction.


Wholeheartedly agree. This isn’t going to work because there arent proper ways to fight back against this stuff.
‘Block and move on’ isn’t going to cut it when this creeps into everyday casual rp spots and ruins everyones day.

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Not to mention people doing some disgusting and/or questionable things in the few rp hubs that remain ruining the atmosphere for everyone else.
Valley of Honor, Silvermoon… Goldshire as mentioned, you name it.

Shouldn’t have to tolerate it and look the other way, it has to go.

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Needs to be said more often cause not enough people speak up about it.
That people who have been previously targeted by this aren’t openly talking about it I can understand, it’s not an easy thing to say… but that’s precisely why people should help to make a stand.
Toxicity and vile behaviour should be punished harder.


Oh I wish. The game mechanically having some issues is one thing, but its still an mmo and a safe space for social interaction matters.

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