Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

Game can be fine but if everyone is being toxic as heck and does stuff like this its only a matter of time till it gets to you.
I can ignore it for a while but just knowing its there rubs me the wrong way.

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Sorry if that derailed the current discussion, though I strongly feel that the tone set by some players is something to be looked at just the same, and frankly that shouldn’t allow for actually harmful things like mentioned before and stuff that violates the ToS cause it massively impacts the enjoyment of others in a negative way.

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Push for a better game all around.
Social aspects and gameplay alike, and that should make everyone feel included.
Casual and hardcore pve, pvp, and rp aswell.


Absolutely :ok_hand:

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I think Blizzard tried to solve this issue with Expedition Island. This is the only starting zone, based on the PTR that new players can select. This way they don’t get into interaction with the Goldshire folks, unless they choose Chromie time over BfA to level. It is more a plaster than a real solution but it is still something. In other MMOs, the starting zone is often isolated to keep out goldsellers who do not wish to bother with levelling characters to level X to advertise.


Sure feels like it.
Personally I dont get why things like that are just allowed to continue, cause what subs you lose from a banhammer here and there you could get back manyfold if people felt safer and would bump into less creeps overall.


I think the game and its community overall would be a in a better place if things were a little more moderated and in some regards a little stricter.
It’s the internet and opinions differ, but while there’s some genuinely nice communities and people, a fairly vocal crowd makes it seem like one big dumpster fire.
I used to think it was always just a vocal minority but i dont know anymore.
Every other conversation or small argument escalates and seems to quickly devolve into finger pointing and 5d chess about who has the moral highground and can devaluate what the other person said more.


Perhaps that was also a consideration for the new starting zone but it crushes your worldview all the same once you see what goes on beyond the neat instanced areas you go through first.

Honestly, I really wish the duration of prisms were longer. One of my main forms of RPing is by doing prism RP, and the amount of times I’ve forgotten about the timer is quite embarrassing-


Oh same
 it breaks your and everyone elses immersion suddenly and you dont really want to tell everyone ‘hey please wait a couple minutes for me to go that specific place where that npc is to get it back and then come back here’ 

Its just such a needless tedium. Prism rp is so much fun and has potential.


Easiest thing to fix really but you don’t get any answer or bluepost when it comes to rp stuff usually.
Prisms for everyone and make em last, honestly. It’s just a cosmetic thing for rp and it would be awesome.


Yep, with you on that one, along with most other consumables and toys really

They could be great, but are just artificially held back.

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Please. Save. RP. :clap:


yes please

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Make it happen, honestly

Thing is, I have never understood why Blizzard do not pay more attention to Roleplayers. At times it is’ free money’

PvP’ers dsgruntled about Unbalancing? They may unsub, PvE’rs disgruntled about Content Drought? They may unsub, RP’ers? Just carry on writing their own content, social events campaigns etc.

Thing is, it -isn’t- even a zero-sum equation for Blizzard. Now it -would- be Zero-Sum if all that RP’ers did was RP, but that isn’t the case, they PvP and PvE as well!

It just seems madness to ignore the demographic who are kinda most committed to the game?


Pretty much, because in order to obtain mogs people want you run pve content or engage in pvp to get marks all the same.
Plus rpers usually have plenty alts, go through the leveling process again and are part of what keeps the dungeon queues running smoothly, and so forth.

I don’t particularly know why either but it does seem like not even small effort is made most of the time to cater to rp at all.

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Speaking facts.

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Honest truth right there, feel the same.

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Amen :clap:

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