Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

It kind of occurred to me that actually we are ALL roleplayers. (No disrespect to those that perfect it). :smiley:

I mean we ALL play as a character, no-one goes into a dungeon as Mrs Smith, the Estate Agent to demolish some naga. :briefcase: :sushi: :wink:


I was also trying to think of any optional holiday events that are purely aimed towards RP and wasn’t sure if there are any.

Maybe something light and fun to stimulate interest without pressure, or help with the ‘heavy lifting of organisation’ for groups ?

A few ideas :

eg) (solo)

  1. A personal character journey over a longish questline with 3 or more possible outcomes from player choice - none wrong / need looking up, (but relies on reading the full quest text).

(solo and group)
2. A location based event that offers mini quests and new npc interactions that individuals and groups can make use of.

These things could offer a player character journal and/or unlock rewards towards an RP toolbox.

Perhaps a new RP prop tab to unlock items (which are created on use - like heirlooms) but can be sent/given to any player for RP use only ?.
(it would save bag space and could be added to make up a collection)


There are none, most holidays are mostly relevant for rp because of some exclusive mog items like the flower crowns and such.

I do like your idea though, overall to add more choice in something like questing but specifically for some fun side event that are mostly story driven.
Something like roleplay props and items that that alter your character or simple spell effects would also be nice as suggested before, having a collectable rp tab for it would make organization probably easier too.

Overall it would help to have more rp-centric things and some are low effort additions so I don’t see anything wrong with it, but we have yet to get any feedback.
Noone knows if any of it is even being considered in the slightest.

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Would be nice to have if it containted a decent selection of roleplay tools/consumables on demand.


If we had more to begin with, them having their own tab would be certainly useful.
Would appreciate some focus on side-content/gadgets like that.

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Would still support this

I’ve a great suggestion that will make things better for RP people: Actually good or at least decent story. It’s a tall order considering who’s in charge of the a story but one can hope eh?

And give more RP friendly emotes


I think I read somewhere in this 500+ thread that someone who is “somebody” was going to look into it

I will not scroll back and look for it right now, but I do hope that was real, and not a figment of my imagination.

I agree that the most likely changes (if any RP-focused changes can be called ‘likely’?) are those that are easy (cheap) for Blizz to do.

Like extending duration and decreasing cooldown on purely visual things like prisms and appearance changing toys.

Although I am not a game developer myself, I honestly believe it literally only requires a keystroke when editing the right file.

Backpacks: They already exist! Several mounts, and some in-game locations have them as purely visual “decorations/spice”.

Slap them into a cloak slot, charge a few Euros if you must, to “justify the ‘man-hours’”.

Typing tracker and made-up RP “items” are already possible in add-ons (Dice Master typing tracker, Total RP 3 ‘items’),

and in such cases, I would rather have Blizzard ignoring it, (for now, at least) and instead make a small effort in changing something add-ons can’t give us (like toy & prism duration & cooldown).

Hoods and mog addition should be relatively simple. The models exist, just copy them into ‘cosmetic’ instead of a specific armor type, and make some simple recolorings like those already seen in some transmogs.

An idea that occurred to me when I read some of the other comments:

“Treasure Hunting”! (Or some cooler name

Put it into Archaeology, and preferably make the “Treasure Hunting” sites yield items associated with that zone. Re-use grey items that can be sold for gold (or the ‘treasure’ could literally be gold (bars or currency, Idc! :smiley:))

Seems simple enough to (non-game-developer) me

I know it’ll take some work, but if they make it interesting, it can make old zones great again.


Can only hope someone listens and puts in a good word cause it really would do a lot of good for a proportionally really small amount of work.

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Yeap, wish there were more of em. Just simple backpacks like the guild wars 2 profession ones for example. Little things for alchemy, blacksmithing, cooking and the like where you got some basic tools hanging off it.

I would absolutely support the idea of more simple backpacks. Unfortunately, what I like the most is tied to RAF.


I agree with everything except the last sentence. Personally I aggressively do not want Blizzard to keep the most requested items behind a paywall. (Honestly, Blizzard should be happy that the few players who remain are still willing to pay the sub cost for this absolute garbage of a product we have been served.)


Aye, same. Some optional/flashy things sure, but there should be a wider selection of just

I really hoped that we’d see more reworked or new sets for simple backpacks/cloaks, armor and weapons in the style of the ‘new’ tutorial island.
Classic leveling gear and some other armors are more down to earth but outdated in terms of texture quality whereas a lot of newer stuff is more polished but really far out there conceptually so its hard to fit them into your mogs sometimes.
Simple vests, better looking chainmail, swords and polearms that fit your standard guard or brigand outfit
 more of that.


Yup, much the same.

If they added the option to hide and treasure hunt with friends that’d be nice.

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I agree, but I’m trying to be (ugh) “realistic” :slightly_smiling_face:

I have a sneaking feeling that whenever a developer/designer mentions a good idea to their superior, the bean-counter says, “Is it profitable?”

And while it can be argued that it is profitable, because it may very well make more people inclined to (re-)sub, I don’t think the bean-counters acknowledge that


Don’t think they ever think about longterm profits cause happy players = willing to spend more.
Im sure there are metrics and blabla and some fancy people in the industry will argue they can get money by just slapping stuff on the store all the same, but I disagree.
Player engagement and happyness = more time ingame = more willing to favourably rate and recommend your game to others , which in itself brings more revenue.


People telling others that the game is in a good state and having a good lot of fun doing whatever it is they do, rp included, is a pretty important thing. If most of what you hear is negativity people are more likely to avoid it for various reasons.
Likewise I feel if wow rp got some love attention it could easily gather more of a rp crowd cause none of the big mmos really cater to rp itself. (Not counting stuff like eso and ff adding housing items or emotes, i mean rp framework/functionality)

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I sincerely hope that whoever gets on the player council and has an interest in rp can forward this and give it a push to make some of it happen 

Am thankful to everyone keeping the dream alive.


oh same , hopefully

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Heavily depends who’s on it because I reckon people will be selected based on the social media footprint they have, mostly to replenish ranks after the exodus of streamers that have left for other mmos I guess.

But I’m with you on hoping that they do good on their word to ‘get people from all parts of wow’ and that includes active roleplayers that have a good idea of what can be done to improve it, and most importantly dont only promote themselves but lift ideas up that deserve to be looked at.

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