Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

Prisms and other consumables really. Things that alter height or offer highly requested features through ingame items.
Those should be easier to obtain and last far far longer if not until cancelled.


Better consumables of all kinds please. Better tools for rp :clap:

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Would appreciate if you or Dynja here could point out how much changes to the most used comsumables and toys would help improve the overall accessability of rp.

That would include the reflecting prism and its counterpart and their functionality and duration most of all.
But also others like : the potion of illusion and pickpocket glyph, Pigmy oil, magic pet mirror, the thunder totem log which costs a whopping 500g, the spyglass, Wayfarers bonfire and many more

Thanks again in advance.


It is on my list and in the documents I have gathered! :slight_smile:


Awesome. There’s so many useful things already in the game that are barely known or restricted and others that would be easy to make considering what functionality we already got.
Would be an immense positive change and really push more player freedom and expression which is what its all about ^^


The moment they’ll do something for rp and give people the ability to just play how they want and as what they want to tell their stories how they imagine is the day I gladly spend a lot more time with WoW again.
As is, it’s a slow burn cause once you notice the limit of what’s possible it just becomes increasingly frustrating.
It’s not about what character you envision but what options you have first.

WoW is full of amazing and diverse locations and all sorts of cool creatures, both hostile or friendly alike.
Let people use all of that and let their imagination be the limit, not the few options they are handed because people care about and love the franchise and would jump at the opportunity to do it justice.


I saw the post, nice one.
I really feel durations shouldnt be limited for rp related things altogether, or be able to be self-refreshed because there’s nothing worse than suddenly growing/shrinking or losing your character model altogether in the middle of rp.
It just adds something artificial for you to keep track of that ruins the feeling of immersion you get and stands in the way of you just ‘being your character’ I’d say.


Thank you so much! It’s important that the accessibility for RPers is improved and these are not just things we RPers could benefit from!

Waiting for a raid group, waiting for a dungeon etc!

Next post will be about customization!


Yeah agreed. Don’t want or need it in battlegrounds or pve content, but for our own events and interactions with other roleplayers it would help so much.
Been dreaming of being able to bring some more diverse characters like arakkoa and sethrak into rp but the timer’s always thrown me off, making me not want to.

If it simply lasted until you enter combat you’d have the freedom to rp as what you like without having to fear your disguise suddenly breaking and you not being who you aim to portrait anymore.
Nothing worse than standing there and being forced to either have everyone else wait for you while you get it back or otherwise having to play as something which your model is clearly not.
Having to have a 2nd person on top to swap with in your party while being restricted to rogues and mages to begin with as they’re the only ones able to ‘steal’ the appearance is a pretty lame restriction as well.


Couldn’t agree more with the post above.

Also true.

No duration at all really, for placables like logs and tents and anything that can get in the way sure, let people set it back up after a while like 30 mins or something, with a cooldown to match it.
If it regards the players themselves however then things should last until cancelled or entering combat perhaps, or have a cooldown that matches the duration, which hopefully lasts a decent amount of time.

As pointed out, it only being accessable to 2 classes and then needing a 2nd person in the party on top is just overkill on how complicated a simple thing like appearance swaps are.

Keep it simple, keep it enjoyable.


As it should be. K.I.S.S. :clap:

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Blizz has yet to reply to any of the council posts regarding rp , or any of the really big rp megathreads in the general forums.
I’m hoping theyll give an answer on how implementable things are but eh.

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Most things.


True, also dislike how thats basically become the new general chat.
Its horribly unorganized in terms of reading through it since there’s so many threads popping up, often by the same people.


No surprise there

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At last! Storm in Stormwind!
I cannot tell you how happy I am with this change!

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Took a looong time, but got there eventually.

Now they only gotta sparkle some weather love all over the rest of azeroth and beyond
 or just give us some portable weather machines
 or both! o3o

I think what would promote RP the most is connecting it to real game systems.
So here are my propositions for your list:

  1. Transmogs, pets and mounts under a certain reputation level increase or decrease your reputation with a faction, when you are in a hub of that faction.

This would make Stormwind look less like a zoo and help immersion

  1. On top of pvp mode add an optional hard/ironman/survival mode with tempest and hunger.
    This will make players in northrend wear northrend mogs, players buy food and eat etc.

RP players will be able to lock themselves to this mode, where people actually wear clothing adequate to the surrounding

2.5. Add semi-permadeath to this mode like you cant res yourself
E.g. You need another player to res you. OR you can ‘pass’ to shadowlands. OR you can become undead/dk/mechagnome. Etc etc etc

This way players will behave more coherent to the zone

  1. add playerhousing unfased one per account

I actually wrote how to implement this systematically in another thread

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