Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

I would actually like to see semi-permanent items, which exist as long as the player is logged in and can be resummoned via “/use item” macros or similar commands.

These items are visible only for the player’s group (or raid), and can be as big as a house.

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On your 2nd point, originally in old interviews and old games magazine coverage, WoW was said to have a ‘Survival’ talent line to level up much like the other professions in the game.
That included campfires, torches and other tools to help you get through the nights and harsher areas that were said to be much darker and more hostile to the player.
Potentially this would have also included tents and bedrolls to camp in order to rest and keep your ‘energy’ , overall wearyness or sanity in check.
Those systems were eventually scrapped and much like the runemaster class never made it into the final version of the game.

As it stands, the ‘inky black potion’ from the darkmoon faire, gives a glimpse at what could have been, making the lighting far more immersive by making it darker and lightsources stand out a lot more.

It’s a bit of a shame, cause I feel the lighting has in some cases went a few steps backwards. As an example, the middle section of orgrimmar, inhabited by most craftsmen, used to be far darker which makes sense considering it’s lodged between a tall rock formation and has large shade-like structures above on top that would block sunlight, however it’s perfectly lit ever since the rework/expansion of org.


I read somewhere that the unrealistic brightness in WoW was actually requested by the players (apparently because dark environments were difficult to navigate, and also increased difficulty in handling mobs).

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thank you for the information.
the fact that this was at all considered in some initial stages of game development speaks tons of where we were back then

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Could have been cool even if it might have changed gameplay fundamentally.
In terms of interacting with the environment I think this would have been pretty awesome at least.
Hoping there can be some of that added in, even if just for cosmetic reasons.

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I think some initial design decisions had the game lean far more into the ‘roleplaying’ aspect but were eventually scrapped over time.

Now we got a very happy go lucky ‘numbers go up’ mmo where you really don’t do much in the world other than a few very specific things because you know which ones contribute to player power and which ones dont, making others obsolete.

I feel harsher environments and making the world feel threatening are pretty fun cause that gets you to group up and learn and adapt.
It worked that way in vanilla wow at least from a gameplay perspective before information became widespread and people analyzed every bit of it, causing classic to be a different experience altogether.

Good example even if its a different genre, I don’t care much for most battle royales but has anyone played/heard of the ‘The Division’ Survival mode?
Way before the whole BR craze started the survival update silently dropped and it’s been amazing. Harsh storms, low visibility, using noise to find your way around… it was such a immersive experience and it worked simply because the atmosphere was on point.
I don’t think it ever got the praise it deserved cause it still stands out even to this day.


I feel like the roleplayers have slowly left the game like even in the inn there’s barelly any roleplayers left

Nah we ain’t, just on AD certainly, there have been a fair few Campaigns on recently, so the cities might seem emptier.

Also, if by ‘inn’ you mean Goldshire then urgh, if that place is emptying then that is good. What goes on there is -not- RP, RP’ers hate 'em with a passion. If all the ERP’ers vanished from there overnight it would be amazing, means that Goldshire would be an RP venue available to use without risking your sanity…


As brigante said, I don’t think people are ‘gone’. Some have left I reckon because WoW was or is bleeding players overall but horde has always had a focus on guild / event based rp, rather than open walk-up rp in cities.
You’ll still be able to find plenty people there if you have a look around.

Very much agreed. If two consenting adults feel like having private chat time, by all means go ahead, but do it mindfully somewhere tucked away and dont cause such a display of public indecency in what’s considered a ‘starting zone’.
Don’t want it, don’t need it. Public ERP and thirsty whispers begone :clap:

What kinda campaign are you talking about?

How do you know they’re an adult?
And if you know them personally, keep that stuff off wow anyway. It’s against the ToS.
(General you, not you personally)


Aye, better option would be to do it anywhere but ingame to begin with.
The fact that’s an ongoing problem really boggles my mind, just complete inaction on part of moderation/blizzards side and it’s got to be a known issue to them.


On a sidenote, happy holidays and a good (soon to come) new years everyone.

As of now, nothing new to report with no bluepost or new posts on the community council forums regarding rp. It has gone pretty silent over the last few days though I reckon that may have been cause of christmas.

Perhaps something when the work picks back up we’ll actually get some form of reply, but that’s wishful thinking. :confused:


These are all pretty good suggestions, I wish blizzard would invest more in these kind of features, the rp scene is the most social aspect of this game right now and its really cool.

This would be really awesome, I’ve been trying to get into rp recently and im completly lost, especially when it comes to event and where to go.


Yeah it changes from server to server so having people to act as guides to direct you at how things run would be super helpful.
Players have organized themselves for years now so it’d be better if there was a way to introduce you to a long established scene.

As for rp, seeing you’re on AD as well I can give you some pointers that hopefully help a bit.
Whereas rp on alliance side has a mix of guild and event rp but also plenty of open walk-up rp in areas like stormwind (outside of the trade district), duskwood and sometimes the surrounding areas, the horde side lacks hubs as active as that.
Orgrimmars valley of honor perhaps, though it’s fairly small and sometimes frequented by a few strange individuals that can give you a very warped first impression. Though still worth a shot to meet new folk if you can look past that.
Booty bay is a often fairly active neutral rp hub that allows for both horde and alliance to interact (using the potion obtained from the dalaran sewers vendor to understand each other).
Dalaran itself sometimes hosts a few roleplayers itself.

Horde is primarily about event based and guild based rp so your best bet to find active rp there is to get to know a few individuals and see what kind of guilds/themes you wanna give a try.
There are plenty of guilds that are pretty active and fairly ambitious so the choice is yours.
Everything from several vulpera and mixed race caravans that roam the lands, horde guard/military guilds, orc clans, bloodelf divisions, groups of forsaken and many more.


Basically echoing what’s already been said above. If you need any other help or pointers feel free to let me/us know.


I wish there’d be ANY kind of official word or info on what’s actually going on.
People posted a lot of really good feedback, especially as far as small but meaningful changes are concerned but there’s been total silence for now on if anything is being done about it at all despite the whole council initiative ‘to get in touch with the community’.
There’s still not a whole lot of communication going on…

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Keep in mind we have all been busy with holidays and such (all of us, not just the Council, Blizzard as well). The council has not even started fully, so please keep this in mind. This is a thing that will be going for a year and, we have barely even started, so there is patience needed here.

I will be working on getting a forum post out ASAP about character customization! So please, be on the lookout for that! ^^

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This is actually a pretty good idea for RP too:


Oh that would be real nice!
It would be lovely if tabard creation even went beyond that and you’d have a few other options such as guild emblems on shields, cloaks or similar. To have a more complete set of ‘guild armor’ types one could wear so to speak.

I reckon people have been busy as you said yes, hope your christmas and new years went alright. ^^
Curious about the 2nd part, as you mentioned it hasn’t started properly yet.
From the sound of it things are still in a sort of ‘set-up’ or trial period then?