Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

Wasn’t meant in a mean way. I am just a little disappointed there’s not been more blueposts to address any of the really popular threads or most of the council forum (even if that one is fairly new so I may give it the benefit of the doubt).
Some existed for a couple years even and have still yet to get any official reply.

Not sure if there is much communication going on behind the scenes, but I also get that whenever some people poke their head out they get bombarded sometimes in the comments.
Honestly though, at least personally I feel that it would get better if it was a little different, because rather than flooding the one guy that decides to answer, if generally there was more of a back and forth people would feel less anxious about being heard.

Just as a small example, the OP in this thread still doesn’t know if they are able to rp as other races anytime within the next months or year even if prisms are that important to them.
Likewise, the people asking for some form of moderation don’t know yet if they are being considered either.

I don’t mean to sound ungrateful honestly, but I worry a fair bit seeing how a lot of decent folk quit recently and more are on the fence cause some really messed up behaviour is continued to be ignored.
It’s driven more people to get increasingly hostile to one another because its up to players to self moderate with no tools to really do much.
So the only thing players got to get rid of griefers, blatant racism and messed up sexual misconduct from other players, is to make them feel as unwelcome as possible by attacking them on a personal level just in the hopes that they may quit the game or go into hiding.
It’s really not helping to create a good environment for anyone to come back to or that’s on the fence about doing so.

Not talking old stuff either, still happens every other day in Orgrimmar.


I can agree to that part for sure.

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I don’t know anything about anything outside of the newly installed WoW Community Council. We will begin working and recieving more blue posts now soon, there has been a few responses, but we honestly don’t know much of how it’ll work either. Soon enough there will be some development!


This will go for a year and it is naturally taking a bit of time to start as people need to respond to getting into the council etc. It has been a month since invites started rolling out, even less than a month (a few days)!

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Happy to hear that. Hopefully it picks up a little.
There’s no date set for 9.2 yet but I hope they manage to squeeze some small changes in like simple item reworks or at least temporary solutions for the bigger issues.

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There’s being patient, but I also dont want to keep having to keep away from wow for a 2nd year in a row just to escape the increased level of offensive and blatantly toxic stuff people get up to.

On top of that, some small things to help people get creative would go a long way.

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I wouldn’t want items in the game that non-rpers would exploit to hide a player’s RP spot etc, I no longer RP that much, haven’t in a long time, Horde side is kinda stale, but I do remember when it had some life, trollers kicking people with the toy ball, putting toys on the ground, covering smaller characters, making a full scene with their toys, and blizzard don’t care about stuff like that, the Scarlet Crusade wannabies that disturbs Stormwind at least once a week. “Abomination” or whatever, just an example to why longer lasting objectives wouldn’t do you any good.

I refuse to give in to people like that though. Just because a toxic minority may misuse something to grief doesn’t mean we should lower our expectations to basically nothing.
It’s no way to play a game or live your life overall.

If they genuinely care and want to retain or bring back players then the environment has to reflect that accordingly. That includes putting something in place to ensure that your own playerbase doesn’t suffer from harassment with no way to fight back other than writing a report and then having continue to endure it whilst hoping that something MAY happen, which most of the time it seemingly doesn’t.

Intentional disruption and griefing, sexual harassment, blatant racism, public erp, thinking severely messed up and illegal conduct involving minors and lack of consent are perfectly fine ‘cause it’s a videogame’… that HAS TO GO AWAY.
It’s got no place in wow or any other space or game and even moreso considering it’s us paying for a service that is knowingly, even if involuntarily exposing people to those things.

It’s not directly the fault of the devs cause they didn’t hand out invites to these people, but if those things are known and nothing is being done about it, then it doesn’t make them any better.
Either that, or the people in charge preventing that proper protection is being put into place by the developers who otherwise would.


Agreed. I played the waiting game for a while but it doesn’t feel good having to keep away from something you otherwise love because it just makes you mad and harms your own wellbeing lately.
There’s still pockets of really decent people and communities but the problems are so glaring and obvious, it’s hard to look away and honestly I don’t want to have to do that anymore.
It should be sorted rather than be something you just ‘have to put up with’.


Truth :clap:
Can’t let a handful misguided people ruin what you enjoy and run all over you.
Something can be done for sure in a way that benefits players with little to no harm. Pretty sure people are able, the question is if they are willing, considering what several other communities and servers have already done.

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Due to the low population of the realms I venture in (Moonglade+TheSha’tar+ SteamwheedleCartel), the frustrating behavior mentioned above, is practically non-existent :slightly_smiling_face:

Not that I’m suggesting changing realms to get away from those creeps;
Just pointing out that such depravity is not common in all realms - in my experience.

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Wish it were so easy to just go elsewhere. Character transfers are still pretty annoying to have to deal with and cost a a fair bit as well.
Feels odd having to give money to someone else so you can help yourself cause they refuse to. I guess people can always start over elsewhere though it’s not exactly the same either.

How’s low pop anyhow?.. I heard of a bunch of completely barren servers despite them linking a few together. Did they at least have some horde and alliance balance and semi regular rp or is there a fair lot of downtime?


May be worth a try, but I agree with the above. For me at least, already being kinda put off and having a lack of faith regarding the future of rp and the current issues I see pop up every other day, it’s hard to justify putting so much time into starting over elsewhere.
I’m still justifying it saying ‘nothing has been done yet to change my mind’ in regards of actual support/listening to feedback when it comes to our community, so they dont deserve me spending time with their products either.
It hurts me too cause its staying away from people I consider friends but that’s the choice I’ve made and sticked with for a good long while now.
Plus a wow break for an extended period was quite healthy anyhow. Ideally you wanna log in cause you want to, not cause it becomes a routine and you feel you need to.


Those 3 connected realms that I play on, can feel kind of barren sometimes, even in the faction capitals if I go there during the ghostly hours of the day.

I do get the impression that the big guilds do business as usual, since their members are mostly people who enjoy their own creativity in the World of Warcraft.

Even though they may dislike the recent content (and definitely dislike the stuff that surfaced about how (some) employees were/are treated), they utilize sometimes decade-old content and make up their own stories that fit in the context of the area, while staying true to current in-game events.

Unfortunately I don’t parttake much in it myself, being a pretty casual player, but I really admire their resourcefulness and the quality of the stories they create.

I’m not sure about the faction balance - it doesn’t feel unbalanced to me, but I don’t PVP, so I probably wouldn’t notice :blush:

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Best way to do it really. Our partner guilds do similar by swapping between travel and off-time weeks.
Starting with a travel event to a certain location/zone we vote on beforehand, then individual or a connected series of events each day till the week eventually concludes.
Anything from character related/personal background stories, to zone specific events like meeting potential clients, running into foes and hostile wildlife etc.
After that its back for some downtime to take a break and social meetups if people feel like it till it’s time to head out once more.

Using a dnd-lite system as base and creative minds we had all sorts of interesting stuff happen and it leaves plenty room to experiment with.


It’s how a few guilds do things and its not a bad idea.
Considering that /roll is a basic function of the game and addons could even allow to create and save your own charactersheets with a little knowledge, it’s a really solid foundation.

Most dnd rulesets are easily adjusted or simply copied over to provide a fairly deep but easy to get into system you can use across a ton of different styles of events.
Trying to persuade npcs, investigation, lockpicking and just about everything combat related feels a little more open because success isn’t always guaranteed.
Rolling high or low can add a little unpredictability to things (which stats balance out a bit to reflect your char may naturally be good or bad at something) and it’s fun to roleplay out the consequences accordingly, creating both hilarious failures or heroic successes in the face of overwhelming odds.

If you and a group of friends decide to use it, you could even simulate leveling up by reaching certain milestones along your campaign and giving players a point to spend here or there to boost their stats or a selection of simple perks.


Decent idea. I’ve seen plenty people use similar systems but a lot homebrew things with custom stats and modifiers which unless you’re in that guild is hard to grasp, at least from reading their trp.
Would be neat if there could be stuff that’s mutually agreed on by a good portion of roleplayers, that would make character interaction more compatible and interesting perhaps.

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Several guilds I have (had) alts in, use some variant of a roll system - some more complex than others, but yes, it can be very entertaining with very high or very low rolls :grinning:

From cutting a foe in half, to getting my weapon stuck in a root or something :grin:

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Pretty much yeah.
It’s fun especially when people are up to play out consequences. Say you roll a 1, and reroll a number to see which person you accidently friendly fire, which could result in some injury or squabble among your allies.
Even simple things like actually letting your characters get injured a lot of people avoid which is part of the experience really.

Another very common thing seems to be people that design characters with extensive background stories, prior experience and skills, but that also means that your character doesn’t have as much of a journey because you’re taking away room for them to grow.

A fun challenge and more interesting approach (to me) is to instead create characters that whilst some background is fine, aren’t masters of their craft, don’t posess titles or riches from the start and whos allignment isn’t completely set in stone.
That way through playing your character and spending more time IC you learn how to play that character in a more convincing and interesting way whilst adding character traits and making changes as your IC encounters and experiences shape them over time.

In a way, it’s a richer experience to write a prologue and writing each chapter thereafter as it unfolds, not knowing where the book may lead, rather than writing the book but leaving all but the last few pages unwritten.
The core of that story and your protagonists journey is done by that point already…


Fully agree with the above post. It does help to write things as you go because it’s hard to get your character ‘right’ and do them justice if you add tons of backstory and quirks to them from the get go and you don’t have experience roleplaying them authentically yet.
Mistakes are far more common and you may even feel like ‘you played them wrong’. Make it a learning experience, both for you and your character.