Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

Still hoping there’s gonna be a blue reply of some sort anytime soon.
9.2 doesn’t seem that far away and I don’t think anything rp related was mentioned/datamined so far.
If it’s waiting till 10.0 for any of that to make it in the game (if at all) then I also don’t see a reason to continue to sub or log in every day with a dwindling supply of hopium.


There were some cool basic-looking transmogs datamined, at least. As well as the flails not only from the SoD or artifact appearances. So at least something worthy from all this mess.

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Theres some cosmetic rewards that are okay even if the themes of most sets are pretty hard to work with for most character concepts cause it looks pretty alien/unlike something most people on azeroth wear.

Big wish there but maybe


I feel similar, but hopefully the people working on wow will end up with a decent and safe work environment and progress can be made again.
I really care about the franchise and the people i met ingame, it’s just not really up to par lately in terms of ingame content/quality I feel.

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sounds like some ERP stuff. hope they dont add it in, wow has bad enough rep as it is. :frowning:

What made you think that quote sounds like ERP? :man_shrugging:


Sounded to me like furniture or tents… a preset house/ruin/other props maybe?
Unless im misreading something here.

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You know when people hear the word rp the first thing that comes to mind is erp and goldshire reputation.

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Honestly a shame when its gotten this far that it overshadows all the countless hours of writing, planning and dedication that people have put into actual rp events.
It’s an eyesore honestly.


Being a non-native English speaker, I’m not :100: % sure what eyesore is, but I would compare it (the Go(morrah)ldshire cardinal sinnery) to being on fire, while bleeding from every pore… :grimacing:

Okay, maybe that was a little overly dramatic…

But if that (Go(morrah)ldshirERP) really is what people think of as RP, then perhaps it’s just the right amount of dramatic.

Life, and the world (outside of Warcraft), can be stressful, and for some of us, RP is a cherished break from that.

A group of … delinquents? sabotaging / corrupting / polluting this oasis of relaxation and recreation, is… not appreciated.


Aye, very much so. A pain to look at is what he meant I’m sure.

That is something that is painfully underrated and not often talked about. For many WoW over the years or particular other hobbies or games have become a place of comfort for people to retreat to and while escapism can cause its own issues, it’s important that those people have a safe place to return to.
Being confronted with issues like mentioned before in that space can cause some serious harm to the mental well-being of people because its another layer of problems rather than a way to get away from them.


I don’t usually RP in WoW but once in 7.3.5 I leveled up my alt on alliance and met two dwarves in Wetlands from Scarshield Legion. I spent 2 hours with them in the Inn. It was one of the best times I had in WoW. Imo if any part of the community deserves separate servers it is RP with extra options you mentioned to modify weather etc. I think that there will be enough people for one big server like this. Give players tools and they will make RP a big thing. It would be fresh take on MMO games in 2022.


Glad you had a positive experience like that.
People have been asking for years for any dedicated support, had all sorts of ideas, but nothing ever came it really.

Actual support for the rp community is absent from just about any current ‘modern’ mmo so I reckon the playerbase is fractured here and there across several games and servers in some cases, all trying to make it work somehow facing their own difficulties.
No dedicated server support in most cases is the first hindrance causing the playerbase to instantly fracture and needing to organize themselves on ‘unofficial rp servers’ that hopefully attract people there.
But that ain’t perfect either due to phasing issues in ESO for example despite having great emotes and character customization or the lack of non-instanced rp and modern settings like nightclubs and similar in something like FF14 which dont appeal to a good portion of the fantasy rp crowd.

WoW as a platform for rp is great and addons add great features to make it work, it’s just severely held back because everything has to come from the players themselves who work with a limited amount of options, rather than having them expanded or new incentives added by the developers.
If that was the case though, WoW could easily market itself as being the true haven for roleplayers considering the willingness is there from the community, it just needs some help to really shine.


I fully support you guys even if I might not end on RP server. For me the worst slap in the face was when they argumented locking covenants with RP decision making. You are least supported group in the whole WoW community. Even less than us - PvP players.

I wish you to get finally noticed.


Nice to hear a friendly voice every now and then.
As some people said above, ideally everyone gets a slice of the cake and you got something for the pve and pvp crowds , both casual and hardcore players and a little something for the roleplayers as well so they’re not sidelined when they consider what goes into a patch.

Still support the idea for simple placable objects, swapping shapes/forms to let people play as monsters and the numerous amount of neutral factions in the game for the sake of events and some better management of misconduct and harassment ingame cause im sick of seeing people having sexytime in the SW cemetary every day…
Should also do something about low-pop rp servers and faction imbalance at some point cause it’s pretty disheartening to see times where not a single soul is openly roleplaying in hubs.


Light, is that a thing? :grimacing: I mean, it happening in The Lion’s Pride Inn - as seen on YouTube - is bad enough… Seeing it in a cemetery would be arguably much worse, for several reasons.

Come to think of it, I like the name,
‘The Lion’s Pride Inn’,
as it can be interpreted to be
a place where people are welcome and appreciated
no matter their gender or orientation,
(as long as people don’t break the law or the ToS),
but I guess that interpretation
is a little too close to
what currently goes on
in that place (on some servers, not all, fortunately)…


That’d be a quite lovely interpretation honestly. A place for weary wanderers of all shapes and sizes where you can enjoy the cozy tavern atmosphere and drown your sorrows with a mug of ale and perhaps find likeminded folk.

As for the other stuff sadly yes , both the cemetary and the harbour area especially have become infamous as of late on AD while orgrimmar is basically barren and void of people most of the time. Slowly going downhill cause people probably realized there don’t seem to be proper consequences and there’s been no statement about how blizzard feels about rp and if they are going to support it at all going forward.

I REALLY wish they’d make a big bluepost similar to patch content preview ones and have a ‘okay that’s how it is, that’s what we’re gonna do, we heard feedback on x and y and are looking for ways to do something about it or cant because of z’.
Why is even the slightest bit of communication SO hard… shouldn’t have to beg for that.


Would make everything a lot easier. :clap:
FF has proven it but before that there’s been plenty other titles and indie devs that have ended up turning things around because they simply talked to the community more and told people what to expect.

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For wow devs, roleplayers are invisible, non existent. Thats why most of them went to that private server.


Weirdly, and whilst I agree utterly that people doing that should just be banned, because it’s just grim, Exactly that thing used to happen in Ancient Rome, their cemetaries and Necropoli were outside the city, a perfect place for people of negotiable affection to ply their trade, even going as far as to -advertise- outside the more ‘luxurious’ tombs. It got so bad that some of the rich actually did pay people a living wage to guard their tombs after their death, to make sure it didn’t end up getting used as a sexytimes venue…

But then the Romans were absolutely hat stand crazy at times…

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