[RP PVP] Theatres of War: Ports in the Storm

Operation: Blind Breach

SGT. Gellan
CPL. Marlowe
CPL. Ras
CPL. Wildrunner

Briefing overview
Our target are the Isles north west in the Ghostlands. Alpha Platoon and Omega Platoon will move out at twenty hundred hours . Be there at nineteen forty-five. According to plan we will enter the warzone of the Plaguelands where we suspect Horde Forces to come and contest. It is important that you will all make good use of the Gryphons and Gyrocopter present at the Aerie Peak - request as many as required from our Quartermaster: Gronvin Gearheart - 'GIF; Company. as we make way for our first rendezvous point A: North Pass Tower at exactly twenty hundred thirty hours, Estimated time of arrival: - Twenty hundred forty hours. Moving through the pass over to rendezvous point B: if we are met with hostiles, we will have to proceed to our next rendezvous point: C and advance to rendezvous point E at twenty-three hundred forty-five hours; this to reduce our chances of being spotted by larger forces, giving us the strategic ability to overpower other forces. - If we are not met by the Horde, we will instantly advance to rendezvous point E.

Arriving at rendezvous point E is crucial to the next step of the mission, I suggest moving there squad at the time. Stay in the same proximity of a hundred meters, covered well by the forest.

The Island Defense
Once we have secured the Islands by means of our Rules of Engagement we will start construct our Forward Operation Base by use of Palisades and Tents. Alpha & Omega Platoon on shared stag until construction of the FOB is complete; where as. Alpha Platoon remains on stag for the evening as the Combat Engineers begin constructing Cannons and Turrets, facing seawards. This to ward off possible reinforcements by sea. - While this is in progress, we will try to make contact by a designed Radio Operator to request warding by the Archmage.

A Gnomish teleportation pad will be installed to provide the forces with their logistics. Your Bergens are to be kitted out to survive for up two twenty seven hours (MRE) Meals Ready to Eat

Destroying Horde Infrastructure
Our focus in the Ghostlands shall be on disrupting any or all Horde activity. Both Platoons will take turns as STAG as the other Platoon will be out. Playing the width of the combat zone to our advantage.

Rules of Engagement
Ground Forces Rules of Engagement

Nothing in these Rules of Engagement limits your rights to take appropriate action to defend yourself or your unit >
A. You have the right to use force to defend yourself against attacks, or threats of an attack
B. Hostile assault may be returned effectively and promptly to stop a hostile act
C. When ALPHA Platoon members are attacked by unarmed hostile elements, mobs and/or rioters. Alpha Platoon Forces should use minimum force necessary under circumstances and proportional to the threat.
D. You may not seize the property of others to accomplish your mission
E. Detention of Civilians is unauthorised. - use lethal force only to avoid the risk of being discovered.
F. Neutral forces are to be banned from Alliance Encampments, if failed to comply. Execution is allowed. This counts for reporters too.


  1. The Alliance is at war
  2. Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
  3. Use Minimum Force to carry out mission
  4. Always be prepared to act in Self defense

Signed & Authorised by Force Sergeant Gellan.

After Action Report: Operation Blind Breach

SGT Gellan
LCPL Flowershroud
LCPL Trizzlesteel

Not present.
CPL Marlow
CPL Wildrunner

Report Overview
Both Corporal Marlow and Corporal Wildrunner have been insufficiently reporting to me this night; I believe I have not been clear enough about receiving reports as much as I should have. Because of this, I came down hard on Lance Corporal Trizzlesteel, who then handed me my needed report. I expect her to react to her Corporal regarding this in a displeased way. From now on, to avoid this happening, a copy of the report will be ‘secretly’ forwarded to the Lance Corporals in case they do not receive the briefing. Should our Corporals fail to brief our Lance Corporal, then I suggest a change in the Chain of Command.

Sustained wounds and injuries
Several CAT 3 & 4 - Minor Injuries and only a few CAT 2 - Major injury reported by Fallback Squad. Grim Dawn Squad reports one CAT 2 - Major Injury. Corporal Ras. So far those are the only injuries reported.

Intelligence gained
Several failed scouting attempts due to Horde Scouts engaging ours. Estimated numbers of the Horde in the Ghostlands remain unknown, Forsaken, Tauren and Sin’dorei seem the main races present.

Mission Development
Overall mission seems a success; the Alliance forces were met with minimal backlash onto the Island and held their ground. Currently successfully operating from the Forward Operation Base. FOB. - Lack of Corporal response worries me.

Gnomish Teleportation device is online. So far, no problems. - Several mines placed around the Island in the water, tracking Horde Activity only. (Ras might have a problem)

After Report thoughts
Ras was acting second in command to his Lance Corporal.

Signed by Force Sergeant Gellan.

We’ll be trying to keep our general battle-plans and stuff posted up a day after we actually do them! So this was our plan for the day just finished! Went off rather well!


I didn’t get a chance to doodle today’s poster, but I instead have a little album of screenshots from yesterday’s RP-PvP!


Oh, Grimace… I should truly get your face fixed soon!

Lovely album as well, depth of field always gets me giddy~


Oh, Grimace… I should truly break your face again soon!

Lovely album as well, depth of field always gets me giddy~


True grimace always makes me giddy too~

EDIT: sorry I meant depth of field



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Some lovely screenshots in that album!

Totally not commenting because my character happens to be in one of them.


I feel I have to convey Footman’s thanks to the entirety of the Horde group in Eastern Plaguelands. Rarely in the last couple of years have we been able to participate in such balanced and enjoyable PvP, and the overarching sense of fair play we all felt was truly wonderful to behold. Being able to roleplay properly during PvP is one of our big concerns (especially for our poor overworked healers who don’t even get paid extra) and it’s very telling that my only issues coming away from the field were in-character.

Kudos to all the red side involved yesterday, and here’s to the rest of the campaign!


Have to echo that right back at you. I may not be in the officer or organiser group but man did everything seem to go smoothly and there were no issues with the fighting itself, we retreated when outnumbered or set on fire, and vice versa. Thoroughly enjoyable!


Not a part of the campaign on either side (this ‘life’ thing is over-rated) but genuinely glad to hear things are going well.

It gets gloomy when every other big event in recent times has been marred by organisational drama and people not being able to have fun as a result.
May the fun continue on both sides! :slight_smile:


It’s so much fun so far! And the Horde in Ghostland have been very good sports as well despite us having some people who are new to RP-PvP.




The Horde’s position is strengthened by an early victory from an unexpected source - with the Alliance’s advancing forces caught between them and a mob of unaffiliated trolls, perhaps rampaging out from Zul’mashar.

They manage to retreat mostly intact and now prepare for a counter-offensive - with the farms outside of New Avalon’s gates presenting a soft target.


Shalandis Isle comes under attack almost as soon as the Alliance make landfall - with Tranquillien’s outnumbered forces taking the initiative and attempting to pull the Alliance out by the root before they can dig in. They are thwarted despite a bloody effort and thrown back across the bay - and deterred from any further direct assaults by a series of wards raised by the Alliance’s arcanists. Now, they move on the offensive - perhaps targeting the abandoned moon-crystals once held by the night elven expedition and using their elvish magicks to scry the dark woods.

Reminder: the unrestricted RP PVP will happen around 8pm in Deathholme. Feel free to co-ordinate OOC with the opposite faction to set this up easier


Looks like the horde has a more civil approach to warfrare nowadays than the alliance. Interesting turn of events!

Keep up the good work :wink:

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Even running around with a temporary profile on the battlefield, it’s still a lot of fun to have some combat-banter with the opposing faction!

Thank you Yintawa for the chuckles on that note, the trident thing got me more than it should of done!


having lots of fun.

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Good times and wholesome moments over in the Plaguelands,

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Battling Alliance, battling other trolls, irritating our allies… just a nights work for the Painted Shields.

We are having sooooo much fun :slight_smile:


The great trout war goes on! Having a great time!

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As I’ve been telling everyone in raid today regarding Ghostlands. We have had some drops outs, things are a little iffy and things got tense. But we’re going to keep on going, work on improving organisation and hopefully we’ll crack up with a good experience for everyone that can be enjoyable.

Although it is rather well creating that kind of experience of being isolated without help. Enjoying the campaign so far and will hopefully have a post up later!