[RP PVP] Theatres of War: Ports in the Storm

Great start to a great campaign so far! We have enjoyed it all around.
Mad props to the organizers and do not forget…

A King for a King!!


Might’ve spoken too soon. With the premature departure of some Alliance guilds from the campaign today, I’ve heard that it’s gotten to a point where the two fronts might need to be merged.

But we’re making up for it and enjoying ourselves regardless! Everyone I’ve played with on both factions today has performed spectacularly.


It shouldn’t be too bad! We’ve had a lot of chats today to help get it working smoothly for the remainder! We should have some more guilds showing up. As long as those still here are having fun then what else matters :smiley:


Big ups to my Alliance contact Finterad here, great sport :smirk_cat:


Very cool of the Warbringer to sign us up! (This is definitely no alt posting… I swear…)

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Hey, happy to have made it a fun encounter!

When you can’t be a landshark in RP it’s always fun to have the opportunaty to resort to fishy puns instead.

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Operation: Falcon’s Nest
SGT Gellan
CPL Marlowe
CPL Silverspring
CPL Wildrunner
CPL Seabridge
LCPL Trizzlesteel
LCPL Flowershield

Mission overview
Our Forward Operation Base requires some hard construction work to properly turn it into a port. We will be focusing our efforts into this, while Omega Platoon takes up ranging. We have three squads rotating, and one squad overseeing the construction of the Docks, Palisades and a several defences at the waterside. Starting from zero six hundred we will begin shift related assignments. - Theory Squad will be focusing their efforts at five minutes prior to zero six hundred hours to begin construction of the Docks, you may split your squad into two fireteams each in order to ensure maximal efficiency to get both your defences, several spear obstructions are to be placed in and outside the water surrounding the area. During these eight hours, Grimdawn Squad will be on watch, ensuring that all soldiers of the Fireteams can continue their task at the safety provided by Grimdawn.

Grimdawn is set out to create a perimeter around the Island and report any and all incoming assaults and ward them off. - Nothing enters the water. Be aware of several mines hidden underwater by LCPL Trizzlesteel. They should only react to Horde forces; LCPL Ras, consider this your warning.

During these eight hours, from zero six hundred hours until zero two hundred hours Fallback squad will be on rest, starting from fourteen hundred hours: Theory Squad will be placed on rest, while Grimdawn takes over the construction of the defences, the docks and the palisades. - Fallback squad shall be on guard duty. This shift will be until twenty two hundred hours, where Theory Squad will be placed on guard duty, Fallback on Construction and Grimdawn on rest. - During this time, E ‘Echo’ Company, 1st Marines will be placed on Squad four, under my command. They are overseeing the construction during the whole twenty four hours of construction. From now on referred as. Centurion Squad.

Spears and mines are to be strategically put in the water, so that we know where they are, but the opposing force. (Opfor) does not.

Reports All Lance Corporals will report to their Corporals before the eleventh hour, and Corporals will report to me before midnight. - This is -crucial- to our planning. - Centurion Squad, your report shall require you to put forward a Corporal and a Lance Corporal for your two fire teams.

Codeword Due to an increasing amount of unauthorised personnel, all soldiers of all squads will be tasked with a different command word each day. Failure to remember your CW results in banishment, or worse. Execution. Both will lead to an almost certain death. The Codeword is: Falcon

Rules of Engagement
Ground Forces Rules of Engagement Nothing in these Rules of Engagement limits your rights to take appropriate action to defend yourself or your unit.

A. You have the right to use force to defend yourself against attacks, or threats of an attack
B. Hostile assault may be returned effectively and promptly to stop a hostile act >C. When ALPHA Platoon members are attacked by unarmed hostile elements, mobs and/or rioters. Alpha Platoon Forces should use minimum force necessary under circumstances and proportional to the threat.
D. You may not seize the property of others to accomplish your mission
E. Detention of Civilians is unauthorised. - use lethal force only to avoid the risk of being discovered.
F. Neutral forces are to be banned from Alliance Encampments, if failed to comply. Execution is allowed. This counts for reporters too.
G. All Horde Soldiers are kill on sight when they approach the Island.

1) The Alliance is at war
2) Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
3) Use Minimum Force to carry out mission
4) Always be prepared to act in Self defense

Signed & Authorized by Force Sergeant Gellan.

Operation: Falcon’s eye
SGT. Gellan
SGT. Wilcox
CPL. Finn Oakworth
CPL. William Redcroft
CPL. Atyrian Wyrmblade
LCPL. Matrious Smith
LCPL. Braxigan Hawkcrest
LCPL. Elizabeth Vurchase

Mission Overview
With Alpha Platoon working construction twenty four hours, Omega Platoon will be set out as rangers, contesting various objectives throughout the combat zone. The Three Squads, Void Squad, Telemancy Squad and Assault Squad will each have their objectives to fulfil. Our first and most important objective, Windrunner Village, south of the Forward Operating Base; Void Squadron will be in charge of securing the location for the Alliance, setting out traps and various other improvised devices to grievously injure any Horde that pass by with severe injuries. Permission to be as creative and volatile as possible.

Telemany and Assault Squad shall be working together to secure, and hold the scrying crystals to the North, during which time they will be actively scouting Tranquillien, employing hit and run manoeuvres to disrupt the Horde Encampments. Main focus will be the capture of a single person. Once this is completed, deliver the prisoner of war to Sergeant Gellan for interrogation. The three squads have over the duration of this day. And are not to switch on own initiative.

Holding Windrunner Village will be the most vital piece of detail and closest possible secured location the Horde can use themselves. We will -need- it first. Therefor, your rules of engagement will be altered to be able to lay claims on the village and use it as a Combat Outpost.

Horde Assault Should the Horde be so bold and launch an assault onto our Forward Operations Base - Omega Platoon will be tasked to assist in flanking manoeuvres.

Horde FOB Telemancy and Assault Squad, please be aware of your close proximity to the main road of the Horde Logistical Supply Routes. Keep as covert as possible and only assault when quick victory is ensured.

Designated Radio Operator
Ensure that a Radio is set up between the Contacts, you can request up to three radio’s from the Quartermaster. They require careful handling and precise tuning.

All Lance Corporals will report to their Corporals before the eleventh hour, and Corporals will report to me before midnight. - This is -crucial- to our planning. - Centurion Squad, your report shall require you to put forward a Corporal and a Lance Corporal for your two fire teams.

Codeword Due to an increasing amount of unauthorised personnel, all soldiers of all squads will be tasked with a different command word each day. Failure to remember your CW results in banishment, or worse. Execution. Both will lead to an almost certain death. The Codeword is: Falcon

Rules of Engagement
Ground Forces Rules of Engagement Nothing in these Rules of Engagement limits your rights to take appropriate action to defend yourself or your unit.

A. You have the right to use force to defend yourself against attacks, or threats of an attack
B. Hostile assault may be returned effectively and promptly to stop a hostile act
C. When OMEGA Platoon members are attacked by unarmed hostile elements, mobs and/or rioters. Alpha Platoon Forces should use minimum force necessary under circumstances and proportional to the threat.
D. You may not seize the property of others to accomplish your mission
E. Detention of Civilians is unauthorised. - use lethal force only to avoid the risk of being discovered.
F. Neutral forces are to be banned from Alliance Encampments, if failed to comply. Execution is allowed. This counts for reporters too.
G. All Horde Soldiers are kill on sight when they approach the Island.

1) The Alliance is at war
2) Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
3) Use Minimum Force to carry out mission
4) Always be prepared to act in Self defense

Signed & Authorized by Force Sergeant Gellan.

After Action Report: Operations Falcon’s Nest and Eye

Report Overview
The morning proceeded as expected. Alpha patrol fulfilled their required duties. The docks are complete and will be able to receive ships now. With hopefully some on the way to assist. The barrier holds strong, spears have been set in the water around the island to catch any horde swimming through and we’ve not lost any ground to the Horde.

Omega Platoon seemed unaware of their duties, were not briefed by Marshal Wilcox and when their Lieutenant was asked to lead two squads he insisted he’d never led anything Platoon sized before. An unfortunate incident as even the most junior of Lieutenants should be able to command thirty men.

Control of Omega Platoon was handed over to Theory Squad, as they’d been performing well and knew the location they were headed to. Moving north to secure the Orb. To the South we received reports that Void Squad had encountered two dozen Horde. So sent reinforcements.

This turned out to have been the Horde using their superior knowledge of the land and we were quickly overwhelmed. Forces barely making it back alive where we were then trapped on the Island. Commands were given to Void Squad as our largest squad to assist the Omega Platoon. Void Squad were incapable of performing the duty then abandoned their post to return to Stormwind.

Theory Squad returned without Assault and Telemancy squad, unknown if the Nightfall Brigade are casualties of war or deserters. But with Assault, Telemancy and Void squad being the entire of Omega Platoon, we’re considering the entire platoon lost.

After some continued engagements with the Horde we’ve been able to secure the town to the south. Laying the traps we’d initially planned. Whilst also securing the beachfront for ourselves. Defences are under construction to ensure we don’t remain trapped on the island.

Sustained wounds and injuries
Several CAT 3 & 4, with two CAT 2 upon myself and another Lieutenant hit by mines.

Troops lost
It grieves me to put this in any report back to high command. Please send condolence letters to all family members of Nightfall Brigade if they cannot be found. If they are found they’re deserters to the front line.

Two squads and one section lost for twenty men total.

Since this, we’ve received bolsters to our ranks from Journey who have been more diligent to our cause under a Troll than some Alliance soldiers. Supplying an additional section. As well we’ve received a section of Ebons that are helping. Meaning we’ve only lost one squad and a section total.

Intelligence gained
Despite capturing a Horde soldier, we got nothing from them. Our restricted movements have allowed for very little information. Although we have been sowing disinformation within their ranks.

Mission Development
Mission resulted in significant loss of men to achieve one objective. Which was carried out in the end by Grimdawn Squad. We fail to hold the Scrying orbs we require.

Currently we hold the capacity to teleport off the island to multiple locations. To this end I am making the island as hard to breach as possible so no one can get in or out apart from through our gnomish teleportation arrays. We’re also starting to sneak bombs to roads to help disrupt troop movements for our men in the south.

After Report thoughts
Moral is low, the majority of the men don’t want to be here. Half of us view it as a suicide mission, the other half have abandoned us or died. I send this to High Command with one simple request. We will hold this ground for the Alliance, till the last man, but to do that we need more soldiers.

Signed by Force Commander Willowheart.

Today was a heavy and very messy day, but hopefully the reports help keep people up to date on the chaos that is our tiny corner of Azeroth!


Doing PvP and objectives requires signups (which are closed), right?
What about camp RP or just showing up IC but not fighting?

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Here Vilesun, it’s alright :slight_smile:

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Stay far from Zul’Mashar, kids…

(No really, come fight with us, please, we love conflict)


For now there’s only 3 on the Storm side, but we’ll be a legion soon enough.
Right after we’re done wiping Footman’s blood off our axes.

Edit: Probably should give props to the Lordamere Rangers as well for annoying already-annoyed trolls and running off :+1:


Following the end of the Alliance’s incursion into the Ghostlands, rumors soon begin circulating about a much more important event… Something only referred to by veterans as the Second Trout War.

The legend speaks a great tale of how a brave and somewhat foolhardy squad of the Honorbound took it upon themselves to destroy their Alliance opposition across the waters on Shalandis Isle.

After most of the fighting had already ended, they sneaked to the waters and were soon met by fearsome fishermen soldiers of the Great Alliance. They caught many things in the murky blood-stained waters ranging from rainbow finned albacores to someone’s leftover boots. As the fishing lines were rapidly dipping in and out of the deeps with splashing sounds, many also tell about the legendary Horde druid who drove fear into the hearts of Alliance fishermen. Nonetheless, they prevailed.

It was then that Force Commander Willowheart ran up to the fishing competitions and yelled. “FOOLS, SECURE THE BEACH!” As sad as they were, Alliance men got across the waters and began fighting their fearsome fishing rivals! After a fair bit of skirmishing and guerrilla tactics in the nearby woods, it was however decided that a honorable duel would be held between Force Commander Willowheart and Alethior of the Highblood Myrmidons. Should the Force Commander have won, Horde would leave the beach alone. If she didn’t, Horde would fish for the rest of the night. The two fought well, but the demon hunter won their duel in the end with his sweat-earned dexterity and might. The Horde moved back to fish… but what occurred after this would be soon known to the rest of Azeroth as the Red Duel of Trout. The Force Commander wasn’t satisfied by her loss and exploited the fact the demon hunter spared her by ordering her men to strike at the Horde Fishers’ backs! This tragedy wouldn’t go unnoticed and would be recorded in history as a black stain on the young Alliance officer’s records. Horde would be pushed back from the beach and it would be further reinforced with spikes and traps… yet at what cost did this Alliance victory come? Perhaps, it was too great of a toll for once.


Truly, the most tragic thing to ever transpire during this entire conflict.


Cackle. But in 10 characters.


There is no honor in this…

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Is this how you intend to win?.. This honourless travesty!

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If you want/need more numbers for Alliance side at any point we’ve just finished up our PVE campaign a little earlier then expected. So could come and lend a hand if the hosts wish.

If not great looking campaign so far and very much enjoying it on my alt Horde side!


As far as I’m currently aware replacements have been found! Although I’ll keep the offer in mind if they don’t show. Thank you.

Also yes, this is how we intend to win! By whatever means necessary!


Heya Theon, had a quick chat with the others! Since we are in need of some men do come on up to Ghostland!

We might execute you as being a potential traitor and spy…-- But just say you’re part of the requested reinforcements from High Command.


Right’o, I’ll spread the word among my lot. We’ve got Arma 3 tonight until about 22:00 Server time then we’re free to fight for the weekend. Lore-wise we’ll spin it as Seventh Legion being sent to reinforce the attack.