[RP PVP] Theatres of War: Ports in the Storm

Awesome! How many are you coming up with just so I have a rough number count so we don’t encounter any balancing issues!

Liontooth Squadron are a small part within seventh legion, so it makes sense that more of the Seventh would come reinforce.

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Our numbers are pretty odd at the moment, but minimum we’ll bring 10-15.


Huh, I was expecting just you. That should actually fill out the numbers to fit what we lost.

Astounding development.

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The Rainbow Trout is property of the Alliance and this story is confiscated for downplaying the importance of such events and inaccuracies.


confiscates the confiscation

Then the winged hussars 7th Legion arrived! :racehorse::racehorse:


sabaton are bad


I’ll see you on the battlefield :angry:

Guild name: Hoodlums
Faction: Alliance
Active membership: 3-5
Note: Redhood!
Contact: Schader, Bareford

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Guild name: Pinecrest
Faction: Alliance
Active membership: 5-10
Contact: Willas

Just the usual suspects honestly

I would have been wiser to have followed the Strangelthorn campaign’s footsteps, but I have only one weakness: my willingness to forgive…

Signing up the new guys, feel free to join the discord

In terms of the unrestricted since it’s pretty obvious Alliance are not so big on it (the Horde having won just by attending twice) I will be lowering the cap to a maximum of 3 per side from 12 for tomorrow


Will Stonetower update the sign-up list, so we know not to report any of these reinforcements as having not signed up?

Might help with the sanity of the officers. Great to see that we didn’t have to do any merging though, another fantastic night.

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Was a much better night tonight! Everyone had fun and I’m glad the Horde have been to helpful in getting everything into a good state! The ghostlands shall fall under alliance control!


Yeah he will do after the RP calms down

As I imagined after the Silverpain Circus left town everything became a lot more agreeable in the Ghostlands

Glad you’re having fun


Shoutout to Athelmar for an epic duel on par with Illidan vs Arthas! Loving the campaign so far :sunglasses:

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While we were epicly beaten up wherever we were deployed tonight and had a druid going full super frenzy mod, so is the less glorious side of war…

And I loved every moment of it! Huge shout-out, especially to Finterad for our enjoyable encounters, may there be a follow-up!


You can be certain there will foul Zandalari! We must have our vengeance!!

Also really great to get some actual RP in with the PvP today, things ran super smoothly and it was all fun to be a part of. Hopefully we can continue with smooth sailing and an enjoyable experience for all the remainder of the campaign.

I just did some maths as well, our estimated numbers before Nightfall and Tyrsworn dropped out were 48-65 and now with the extra people coming in to help fill the numbers we’re at 48-66. Huge thank you to everyone that’s coming to assist and keep the campaign going and to the Horde for being patient with the Alliance and not steamrolling us today whilst we were down on people.


Day Three Orders.

Alpha Platoon

Operation: Defiance

SGT. Gellan
CPL. Layla Flowershroud
CPL. Regauld Marlow
LCPL. Seabridge

Mission Overview
Alpha platoon with barely enough time to rest and recover will be sent out again on missions. From hours of zero six-hundred to sixteen hundred they’re to secure Windrunner Spire for the Alliance. It’s position upon the coast provides a valuable asset. Once we’ve taken Windrunner Village, the Beach and Windrunner Spire we can hold the western coast. Whilst at Windrunner Spire, Fallback and Centurion Squad will work with the 1st Platoon Stalkers to some long range visual information up. Whilst preparing for the arrival of Echo’s ship. Once it arrives provide any support necessary to the Kul Tiran marines in unloading their supplies.

With the docks completed and our beachfront secured by Zeta Platoon, we can look to securing objectives during the evening. Once the lights start to dim down, Alpha Platoon will go through the Gnomish Air Corps portal to lay claim to the southern most Scrying Orb. Holding this is essential to gathering information regarding our enemies forces and movements. The T-junction to the south of the Sanctum of Sun has been trapped, should any Horde go through it they’ll sustain casualties and may have to turn back. If you hear anything exploding, it’s an early indication that the Horde are close by and aware of your presence. Extraction is via the same teleportation method used to get down there.

Horde Assault
Whilst Alpha are at Windrunner Spire, they’re to keep overwatch of the surrounding areas, trap the region and make it so that any Horde who attempt to go into the tower will take some casualties. We’re playing a hit and run game, if you’re attacked whilst there. Fall back and retreat unless victory is assured. Should the Horde attack the Isle, return to the Island as soon as possible to defend.

Horde FOB
Whilst securing the southern most scrying orb, be mindful that you’re on a stealth mission that is the opposite side of our base to the hordes FOB. Expect no reinforcements and your escape through the portal is your only retreat. Ensure your line of retreat isn’t cut off or your route back to the Island is past their FOB.

Designated Radio Operator
Ensure at all times your Corporals have a Radio that links back to the Island. Thus that they can report in and receive additional communications at all times.

Reports continue to go to Force Sergeant Gellen who is to compile and provide me with them at the end of each day so that orders can be issued out.

Upon a new day a new code word is assigned for the Company. So we can ensure that we don’t have anyone in our region that shouldn’t be there.
The codeword is Serenity.

Rules of Engagement
Ground Forces Rules of Engagement

Nothing in these Rules of Engagement limits your rights to take appropriate action to defend yourself or your unit

A. You have the right to use force to defend yourself against attacks, or threats of an attack
B. Hostile assault may be returned effectively and promptly to stop a hostile act
C. When Alpha Platoon members are attacked by unarmed hostile elements, mobs and/or rioters. Alpha Platoon Forces should use minimum force necessary under circumstances and proportional to the threat.
D. You may not seize the property of others to accomplish your mission.
E. Detention of Civilians is unauthorised. - use lethal force only to avoid the risk of being discovered.
F. Neutral forces are to be banned from Alliance Encampments, if failed to comply. Execution is allowed. This counts for reporters too.
G. All Horde Soldiers are kill on sight when they approach the Beaches.

1) The Alliance is at war
2) Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
3) Use Minimum Force to carry out mission
4) Always be prepared to act in Self defence

Signed & Authorised by Force Commander Willowheart.

Day Three Orders.

Zeta Platoon

Operation: Resistance

SGT. Wildrunner
CPL. Copperfield
CPL. Silversprig
LCPL. Trizzlesteel

Mission Overview
Unfortunately for Zeta Platoon, due to the reshuffle of assignments the majority of them will find themselves remaining upon the Isle the majority of the day. Theory Squad, will continue to work on the beach, ensuring that we won’t have any issues with remaining on the Island. We need to continue to secure everything around the west coast to ensure we are ready to receive any support the Alliance can send us.

Grimdawn Squad is assigned to Windrunner Village, where they will continue to set up traps and further measures within the Village. Additionally we want some form of alarm system set up so that we can ensure that if the Horde do enter Windrunner Village we are aware of it on the Island.

Victory Squad newly assembled will be working closely with the Force Commander during the day. Remaining with her and growing to understand their new colleagues and the status of the camp and operations whilst assisting in fielding any questions people have of the Force Commander.

At sixteen hundred hours Grimdawn will return to the beach and join up with Theory Squad. They will then move to the Northern most crystal. From there we will ensure that the Scrying Orb remains within our control for the duration. Use it’s abilities as frequently as you can, gain every advantage that we can from these things. Victory Squad and I will remain on the isle, if any side radios in for back up we’ll respond and assist that force.

Horde Assault
Zeta platoon are going to be the closest to FOB with Victory Squad and Theory Squad upon the Beach and Island itself. Grimdawn will be in close proximity and will be immediate reinforcements during the day if there is an attack. With later reinforcements coming in from Alpha Platoon. If the Horde do attack into Windrunner Village, utilise the traps lain to ensure victory.

Whilst securing the Crystal, Grimdawn and Theory are the most experienced at dealing with the north. Although expect to encounter resistance and to see that it is effectively put down by any means necessary. Securing the Northern Scrying stone is a Theramore level activity.

Horde FOB
With the Horde base so close, it’s important to keep scouts so that when the Horde do start to head towards your location you can make an effective retreat expeditiously towards the Island where you can receive report from Victory Squad and anyone else there. Don’t engage in losing battles.

Designated Radio Operator
Ensure at all times your Corporals have a Radio that links back to the Island. Thus that they can report in and receive additional communications at all times.

Reports continue to go to Force Sergeant Wildrunner who is to compile and provide me with them at the end of each day so that orders can be issued out.

Upon a new day a new code word is assigned for the Company. So we can ensure that we don’t have anyone in our region that shouldn’t be there.
The codeword is Serenity.

Rules of Engagement
Ground Forces Rules of Engagement

Nothing in these Rules of Engagement limits your rights to take appropriate action to defend yourself or your unit

A. You have the right to use force to defend yourself against attacks, or threats of an attack
B. Hostile assault may be returned effectively and promptly to stop a hostile act
C. When Alpha Platoon members are attacked by unarmed hostile elements, mobs and/or rioters. Alpha Platoon Forces should use minimum force necessary under circumstances and proportional to the threat.
D. You may not seize the property of others to accomplish your mission.
E. Detention of Civilians is unauthorised. - use lethal force only to avoid the risk of being discovered.
F. Neutral forces are to be banned from Alliance Encampments, if failed to comply. Execution is allowed. This counts for reporters too.
G. All Horde Soldiers are kill on sight when they approach the Beaches.

1) The Alliance is at war
2) Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
3) Use Minimum Force to carry out mission
4) Always be prepared to act in Self defense

Signed & Authorized by Force Commander Willowheart.

After Action Report: Operations Defiance and Resistance

Report Overview
Mission Objectives: The West Coast has been secured, with no Horde presence to contest our claims, we’ve fulled trapped, alarmed and gotten the township of Windrunner Village under our control. Troops have secured Windrunner Spire in addition. Extending our small Islands claim over the Ghostlands.

Once troops were sent out to secure the Northern and Southern Orbs we encountered resistance. Forces at the Northern Crystal were quickly under attack from Tranquillien, with their proximity to the Horde FOB this was to be expected. Troops at the Southern Crystal remained without any attack upon them. Alpha Platoon radioed in for Assistance to which troops began to move from the Southern Crystal to the North.

A long three hour battle waged over the crystal, where we took significant injuries before using the crystal itself to push the Horde back and holding the ground.

Theory Squad was assigned to study the Crystal, trap the area and hold it. Fallback Squad and Centurion Squad were assigned to take the southern pass, whilst Grimdawn and Victory were returned to the Southern Crystal. Squads shipped out to available locations whilst wounded returned to the Island.

With the Southern and Northern crystals secured the Horde made an attack upon the pass out of the Ghostlands. Under heavy assault at the pass, Centurion and Fallback squad held the line against double their own troop count until reinforcements arrived. Slaughtering the Horde to the man in a pincer move. Although once more Horde reinforcements arrived the troops were able to beat those back again. With several severe injuries.

Centurion Squad went into the Plaguelands, securing reinforcements and returning to the Isle with Willas Archibald, folding their forces into Victory Squad.

Sustained wounds and injuries
Almost every troop has sustained CAT 3 & 4 injuries. Seven troopers reporting CAT 2 injuries. Two troopers with CAT 1 injuries. We’ve lost a lot of fighting soldiers today for significant gains.

Troops lost
No soldiers dead, but many out of combat. Our healing has proven effective and we’ve not seen any deserters today. Word has arrived from the South that Marshall Wilcox’s troops were significantly hurt and stuck in the open which is why they performed an emergency evacuation.

We’ve received a trooper Cayden Ruthland who was a Tyrsguard, forsaking those who would abandon the Alliance cause and returning to the fold with us. Upon completion of this Campaign I’m putting him forward personally for the Medal of Valour. Additionally we’ve received six additional soldiers arriving today to bolster our lines. Meaning we’re only down two fighting men from yesterday.

Intelligence gained
Whilst holding both of the Scrying orbs, we’ve come to the conclusion that we can use them to gain significant intelligence advantages over the Horde. Whilst holding all three might unlock something pertinent to achieving victory in this land. Whilst holding the Pass we can maintain our connection to the South and have received word from the other front that things are advancing in their campaign also.

Mission Development
The Alliance now holds significant portions of land from yesterday. All of the coastline has fallen under our control, we’ve significantly trapped each land that we’ve taken so even if the Horde recovers it they can expect casualties. For every troop we’ve lost we’ve secured land. The Northern and Southern crystals are ours, even claiming the Pass.

The teleporters to the south remain undiscovered by the Horde and our ability to move between regions has been opened. I expect that with information opening up more now we can expect to receive more people trying to come to help us. Supplies for food are running low, and the troops have been actively fishing a lot in something known as the “War of the Trout” for more food.

After Report thoughts
We’re expecting to receive some ships to help reinforce the coastline and I can sense victory within our grasp. If only we can continue to push our landclaims outwards. The Sanctum of the Moon is important, then we can look to march upon Tranquillien and know that we’ve gone above and beyond our call of duty. Additional reinforcements are still required if we’re to win this, but despite being abandoned we’re moving forward. Each day more territory falls under Alliance control. Send me ten more able bodied soldiers and we’ll hold this land indefinitely.

Signed by Force Commander Willowheart.

Took a while longer to get the reports up! A lot happened today and it’s been great fun! Now to get about planning how we’ll secure victory for the Alliance! Horde better watch out! I’m thinking a glass of Eversong Wine in an Alliance claimed Tranquillien is coming! :wink:


Sign up sheet should be up to date now.


i guess i should also show my appreciation…

Na really, this has been surprisingly some of the most enjoyable RP-PVP i’ve had in years. Not that I actively personally sought them, but previous experiences has left a sour taste in my mouth and so I never really felt the ‘hype’ every time these were advertised.

The most i’ve had was enjoyable 1v1’s.

The Plaguelands group on both sides have been hella’ amazing.