[RP PVP] Theatres of War: Ports in the Storm

I have to agree with you here man, this campaign is mind blowing! having so much fun!

RP PVP is what I LIVE for !

Thanks all the organizers!




The Alliance continues to struggle against the Horde’s forces, thwarted many times by the latter’s tenuous co-operation with the infamous Hand of Zul.

Nevertheless, they manage to perform a heroic advance, piercing through the Horde lines and briefly capturing a section of New Avalon proper. Though they are forced to retreat in the end, time is bought for them to secure the old Scourge camp overlooking the outer farms.


At long last, reinforcements arrive to assist the beleaguered Alliance forces, filling the gaps left by the cowardly worgen deserters and winning them some victories against the Horde. Rumours spread that some of the old moon crystals may even be under Alliance control - surely spelling trouble for the Horde’s movements in the area.

REMINDER: The unrestricted PVP will now be limited to a 3v3 (unless both factions happen to find more & agree to raise it - just let an organiser know if so)

It will still happen at the same time / same rules


The battle’s going on right now !


Day Four Orders.

Alpha Platoon

Operation: Trout

SGT. Gellan
CPL. Flowershroud
CPL. Marlow
LCPL. Seabridge
LCPL. Shepherd

Mission Overview
Alpha Platoon were hit the hardest during yesterdays engagements. With several of Fallback squad out of commision and still not receiving the much needed reinforcements from the South to bolster Alpha Platoon with a third Squad. To this end Alpha Platoon are being set to guard duties.

During the hours zero six hundred to fourteen hundred, Fallback Squad will be based upon the Island, ensuring that it’s defended against potential attack by the Horde. From fourteen hundred to nineteen hundred hours they will rotate our with Centurion Squad’s duties.

During the hours zero six hundred to fourteen hundred, Centurion Squad will patrol from Goldenmist Village, to Windrunner Spire, and across to the Pass. Ensuring that our traps remain undisputed, any Horde in the area are killed and that our territories remain secure. From fourteen hundred to nineteen hundred hours they will rotate with Fallback Squad’s duties.

At nineteen hundred hours both Squads will join together and head towards the Pass. Joining with Victory Squad there they will await the arrival of reinforcements known henceforth as “Cavalry Squad”. Acquiring the name of the man in charge, briefing him on the situation and catching him up to speed before the four Squads will advance towards the Sanctum of the Moon.

Holding the Sanctum will increase ground movements between the Island and our encampments in the south of the Ghostlands. Although it only serves as a distraction objective. Do not take any injured or deceased to hold the territory. Simply keep the Horde away from our primary objectives that Theory and Grimdawn squads will be focusing upon.

Land Defence
Holding what we’ve so bloodily fought for is imperative, we must not allow anything further to fall into Horde hands. Every scrap of land we claim for the Alliance is one step closer to our victory. We’ll take what they’re not willing to defend and when we hold a strangling grip around Tranquillien is when we’ll strike. The more land we have the more we will need to focus upon it’s defence though.

Halt Horde Logistics
With word coming that our Allies in the Eastern Plaguelands are pushing upon the Horde we need to ensure that the Ghostlands cannot reinforce them. This was one of our primary objectives after securing this island and a port upon it. Please remember at all times the Orbs, holding the coast and taking land from the Horde are secondary and tertiary objectives. The Island and stopping the Horde moving freely between the Plaguelands and Ghostlands are our primary objectives.

Designated Radio Operator
Ensure at all times your Corporals have a Radio that links back to the Island. Thus that they can report in and receive additional reinforcements as required. The Gnomish Air Corps has set this equipment up so please use it.

Lance-Corporals are to provide their Corporals at the end of the day with reports on activities. Corporals are to compile this information and direct it onto their Sergeant. This is to then go to the Knight-Lieutenant to ensure that all information is properly structured and only what is needed to be known is told.

Upon a new day a new code word is assigned for the Company. So we can ensure that we don’t have anyone in our region that shouldn’t be there.
The codeword is Rainbow.

Rules of Engagement
Ground Forces Rules of Engagement

Nothing in these Rules of Engagement limits your rights to take appropriate action to defend yourself or your unit

A. You have the right to use force to defend yourself against attacks, or threats of an attack
B. Hostile assault may be returned effectively and promptly to stop a hostile act
C. When Alpha Platoon members are attacked by unarmed hostile elements, mobs and/or rioters. Alpha Platoon Forces should use minimum force necessary under circumstances and proportional to the threat.
D. You may not seize the property of others to accomplish your mission.
E. Detention of Civilians is unauthorized. - use lethal force only to avoid the risk of being discovered.
F. Neutral forces are to be banned from Alliance Encampments, if failed to comply. Execution is allowed. This counts for reporters too.
G. All Horde Soldiers are kill on sight when they approach the West Coast. Any Alliance controlled territory must be held with -maximum- prejudice.

1) The Alliance is at war
2) Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
3) Use Minimum Force to carry out mission
4) Always be prepared to act in Self defense

Signed & Authorized by Force Commander Willowheart.

Day Four Orders.

Zeta Platoon

Operation: Nexus

QTRM. Gearheart
SGT. Wildrunnner
CPL. Silversprig
CPL. Mayne
CPL. Copperfield
LCPL. Trizzlesteel
LCPL. Archibald

Mission Overview
With two of the Orbs under our posession, we need to retain that advantage. Each Squad has a single assignment, to protect those orbs.

Victory Squad will continue to hold the Southern most orb from zero six hundred hours to nineteen hundred hours.

Theory and Grimdawn Squad will hold the Northern most orb from zero six hundred hours to eighteen thirty. During this time Theory and Grimdawn’s sole mission is to study and understand the orb that we have in our possession and get as much information as possible.

At this time, Theory and Grimdawn will send a detachment of two mages to the Island, they will go through the teleporter to meet up with Victory Squad. At this point Victory Squad leave the Southern Orb in the hand of the two mages and will move to the Pass to join up with Alpha Platoon at nineteen hundred hours.

Victory Squad will move with Alpha Platoon to the Sanctum of the Moon, where they will be within close proximity of the Northern Orb should they require reinforcements from Grimdawn and Theory Squad. Whilst this large engagement is happening, I want three mages, one at each orb that can use the orbs. Reports from our mages state that the Orbs themselves may have some power related to a nexus of some sort when linked, so this operation if successful can unlock the mystery of these locations and reveal their true value. Whilst engaging at the Sanctum of the Moon, be aware that it is a location that will be important for us to take and hold, but it is secondary and serves primarily as a distraction whilst we activate all three orbs at once.

Orbs Study
With our Arcanists and Engineers focus today upon studying the orbs, we’ll need to ensure they’re supplied with everything that they require. Treat every request they make with the upmost of importance and ensure that they’re supplied with everything they need to complete their task at hand.

Delicate Timing
This mission has a very delicate timing window. The Horde will only be fooled and distracted by a large battle so close to their township for so long. Whilst it’s very risky having single units on their own, it’s an unfortunate risk we have to take during these desperate times. As such endeavor to remain safe and focus upon getting everything done promptly and accurately.

Designated Radio Operator
Ensure at all times your Corporals have a Radio that links back to the Island. Thus that they can report in and receive additional reinforcements as required. The Gnomish Air Corps has set this equipment up so please use it.

Lance-Corporals are to provide their Corporals at the end of the day with reports on activities. Corporals are to compile this information and direct it onto their Sergeant. This is to then go to the Knight-Lieutenant to ensure that all information is properly structured and only what is needed to be known is told.

Upon a new day a new code word is assigned for the Company. So we can ensure that we don’t have anyone in our region that shouldn’t be there.
The codeword is Rainbow.

Rules of Engagement
Ground Forces Rules of Engagement

Nothing in these Rules of Engagement limits your rights to take appropriate action to defend yourself or your unit

A. You have the right to use force to defend yourself against attacks, or threats of an attack
B. Hostile assault may be returned effectively and promptly to stop a hostile act
C. When Zeta Platoon members are attacked by unarmed hostile elements, mobs and/or rioters. Zeta Platoon Forces should use minimum force necessary under circumstances and proportional to the threat.
D. You may not seize the property of others to accomplish your mission.
E. Detention of Civilians is unauthorized. - use lethal force only to avoid the risk of being discovered.
F. Neutral forces are to be banned from Alliance Encampments, if failed to comply. Execution is allowed. This counts for reporters too.
G. All Horde Soldiers are kill on sight when they approach the West Coast. Any Alliance controlled territory must be held with -maximum- prejudice.

1) The Alliance is at war
2) Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
3) Use Minimum Force to carry out mission
4) Always be prepared to act in Self defence

Signed & Authorized by Force Commander Willowheart.

After Action Report: Operations Trout and Nexus

Report Overview
The day proceeded remarkably well. With Squads holding all ground gained during the previous days and performing their studies upon the Crystals. With three Mages from Fallback Squad assisting where we lacked mages elsewhere for the crystal activation.

Upon the arrival of the Seventh Legion we found our forces seriously outmatched and outnumbered the Horde to a serious quantity. Abandoning the initial plan of pulling the Horde out to fight at the Sanctum of the Moon we laid direct siege upon Tranquillien. Pushing the Horde back until we discovered disgusting runic magics that slowed and weakened our forces. The Horde then went to desperate measures, using meat wagons to launch meat packed with explosives onto our troops. The meat had a green mist around it, we ordered a retreat as the dead plagued flesh was getting over our troops.

From here we secured the initial objective and the arcanists were able to complete their mission with the Crystals. Now holding the Sanctum of the Moon and the Crystals being sufficiently amplified with power thus that they can shock any arcanist of the Horde that attempts to use them.

We now hold all land west of the scar and still hold the pass down to the Eastern Kingdoms.

Sustained wounds and injuries
Injury reports are slow coming, although the majority of the troops were injured during the attempt to take Tranquillen. Need to take time to catalogue list of injured during the fighting.

Troops lost
Sergeant Gellan is Wounded in Action and has been replaced by Corporal Flowershroud in his duties.

Twenty new fighting men arrived from the south. Fellow soldiers of the Seventh Legion who immediately set to work. The skill and training of the seventh legion immediately gave us an edge over the Horde.

Intelligence gained
The Horde have some form of wards around Tranquillen, once removed and if we’re capable of acquiring gasmasks for all troops, we will be able to march through the location proper. With our increasing land presence, the orbs have become of less use. Holding them rarely yields any reward during open warfare and would have been better if we were performing smaller skirmishes to understand where the Horde forces were.

Mission Development
With more of the Ghostland secured for the Alliance and even striking upon the Horde city, we’re taken huge steps forward from being confined on our island. The Horde are starting to recognise that we’re a threat here and not just cowering behind our barriers where they can strangle us in. Reinforcements have brought much needed relief.

After Report thoughts
With the Sanctum of the Moon between Tranquillen and the Isle, and the routes around it with a stopper placed on them, we currently can control the flow of battle more. The Horde can no longer march upto our barricades with impunity and would have to fight to reclaim land lost. We’re almost at their doorstep and it’s just a skip and a jump for us to take Tranquillien now. I believe we will have complete victory by Monday. Then I’ll return to Stormwind and have the Tyrsguard Marshal court marshalled for his abandonment of his duties. We’ll win this with our without his help.

Signed by Force Commander Willowheart.

So tired, many reports, much write :smiley:
I sleep now… Once I write the plans for tomorrow.


despite the fact im not gonna be there tomorrow, I appreciate you and your reports - love reading them everytime <3


Awh! Thanks! That’s really nice to hear. I do feel a little worried I’m just spamming stuff people don’t read. But everyone has been really supportive for my first time and learning what I’m doing in these campaigns. :slight_smile:


DAY 5 Orders.

Alpha Platoon

Operation: Trench

SGT. Flowershroud
CPL. Shepherd
CPL. Marlow
CPL. Morningstar

Mission Overview
The ground gained over the last few days has been hard won, now we must hold it, to do that we need to rest and resupply ready for future pushes. Alpha Platoon will maintain the ground held. Fallback Squad will secure and man the beachhead at all times, covering any necessary retreats and remaining flexible should the need for reinforcements be required. Centurion Squad and Cavalry Squad will hold the Sanctum of the Moon. Areas west of the pass must be patrolled regularly, rotation by squad throughout the day is deemed wisest. If resistance is encountered only engage if unavoidable. Regaining our strength is top priority. No heroics.

Deathholm is to be considered hostile territory as of the time these orders are sent. All Squads are advised to avoid the area unless ordered. Furthermore there is a strange troublemaker clad all in black and masked wandering the battlefields. Do not pursue this troublemaker if she comes in range of ranged units you are clear to fire on her otherwise as far as we’re concerned she does not exist. She is assumed human and not affiliated with the Alliance. It is imperative all ranks are informed not to converse with her or follow her. Might and fury may turn the tide of battle but the wave of exhaustion can crash the voyage to victory.

All wounded are to be withdrawn to the island, regardless of squad, again, recovery is the days top priority.

Designated Radio Operator
Ensure at all times your Corporals have a Radio that links back to the Island. Thus that they can report in and receive additional reinforcements as required. The Gnomish Air Corps have set this equipment up so please use it.

Lance-Corporals are to provide their Corporals at the end of the day with reports on activities. Corporals are to compile this information and direct it onto their Sergeant. This is to then go to the Knight-Lieutenant to ensure that all information is properly structured and only what is needed to be known is told.

Codeword Upon a new day a new code word is assigned for the Company. So we can ensure that we don’t have anyone in our region that shouldn’t be there.
The codeword is Falicity.

Rules of Engagement
Ground Forces Rules of Engagement
Nothing in these Rules of Engagement limits your rights to take appropriate action to defend yourself or your unit

A. You have the right to use force to defend yourself against attacks, or threats of an attack
B. Hostile assault may be returned effectively and promptly to stop a hostile act
C. When Alpha Platoon members are attacked by unarmed hostile elements, mobs and/or rioters. Alpha Platoon Forces should use minimum force necessary under circumstances and proportional to the threat.
D. You may not seize the property of others to accomplish your mission.
E. Detention of Civilians is unauthorized. - use lethal force only to avoid the risk of being discovered.
F. Neutral forces are to be banned from Alliance Encampments, if failed to comply. Execution is allowed. This counts for reporters too.
G. All Horde Soldiers are kill on sight when they approach the West Coast. Any Alliance controlled territory must be held with -maximum- prejudice.

1) The Alliance is at war
2) Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
3) Use Minimum Force to carry out mission
4) Always be prepared to act in Self defence

Signed & Authorized by Sergeant Layla Flowershroud

Day Five Orders.

Zeta Platoon

Operation: Recovery

QTRM. Gearheart
SGT. Wildrunnner
CPL. Silversprig
CPL. Trizzlesteel
CPL. Copperfield
LCPL. Trizzlesteel
LCPL. Archibald

Mission Overview
Victory Squad is to at 0600 report to the pass into the Eastern Plaguelands. They are to not leave the pass for the entire of the day unless they’re chased out by Horde or are required for reinforcements. Victory Squad is to remain ready and able to move to the Sanctum of the Moon or back to the Island as required, so will be taking mounts with them and remain saddled up during this. It’s important to hold the pass to the South so we can continue to receive supplies, reinforcements and intel from our allies to the South. Victory Squad is assigned to this duty due to having no casualties currently and their incredible abilities.

Theory and Grimdawn squad have taken a significant battering over the past few days, whilst additionally having other small issues. They’re relegated to Island duty for the day. They’re to attend to and heal those that are recovering, and to make sure our defences are in top condition. For the first eight hours of the day from 0600 to 1400 Theory Squad will have capable members guarding the beach and observing for any enemies. After this point Grimdawn Squad will take over. Whichever Squad is not currently guarding the beach will be helping the wounded, and focusing upon recovery.

Each trooper for moral as suggested by LCPL. Dawnstrider will be allowed to have two mugs of mead alongside a hearty meal. With the mugs of mead spaced with one hour between them to prevent intoxication.

We’re looking to perform our final push upon the Horde on Monday for an all but assured victory. We will need every soldier strong enough to be able to achieve victory. Consolidation is just as important as taking new ground.

Special Tactics
Unless they’re receiving sufficient reinforcements from Silvermoon there’s very little they can do if we find a way to stop their Meatwagons from firing into us and a way to stop those runes. It is therefor Grimdawn and Theory Squads task to find a way to prevent this during the day as our experts in ingenuity.

Designated Radio Operator
Ensure at all times your Corporals have a Radio that links back to the Island. Thus that they can report in and receive additional reinforcements as required. The Gnomish Air Corps has set this equipment up so please use it.

Lance-Corporals are to provide their Corporals at the end of the day with reports on activities. Corporals are to compile this information and direct it onto their Sergeant. This is to then go to the Knight-Lieutenant to ensure that all information is properly structured and only what is needed to be known is told.

Upon a new day a new code word is assigned for the Company. So we can ensure that we don’t have anyone in our region that shouldn’t be there.
The codeword is Falicity.

Rules of Engagement
Ground Forces Rules of Engagement

Nothing in these Rules of Engagement limits your rights to take appropriate action to defend yourself or your unit

A. You have the right to use force to defend yourself against attacks, or threats of an attack
B. Hostile assault may be returned effectively and promptly to stop a hostile act
C. When Zeta Platoon members are attacked by unarmed hostile elements, mobs and/or rioters. Zeta Platoon Forces should use minimum force necessary under circumstances and proportional to the threat.
D. You may not seize the property of others to accomplish your mission.
E. Detention of Civilians is unauthorized. - use lethal force only to avoid the risk of being discovered.
F. Neutral forces are to be banned from Alliance Encampments, if failed to comply. Execution is allowed. This counts for reporters too.
G. All Horde Soldiers are kill on sight when they approach the West Coast. Any Alliance controlled territory must be held with -maximum- prejudice.

1) The Alliance is at war
2) Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
3) Use Minimum Force to carry out mission
4) Always be prepared to act in Self defence

Signed & Authorized by Force Commander Willowheart.

After Action Report: Operations Trench and Recovery

Report Overview
The day proceeded quietly with recovery for our troops being the primary focus. The patrols didn’t encounter any enemy Horde and we were able to enjoy the peace and quiet to an extent. Suggestions were made regarding dealing with the Plague and other problems the Horde were throwing at ourselves. We additionally had two of our spies enter into Tranquillen to discover the runes and how to counter them.

Intelligence stated that the Horde were low on numbers and going to progress upon the Scar with assumptions of taking us down and the Sanctum of the Moon back into their control. Cavalry Squad held one side of the scar whilst Centurion Squad sought to flank our enemies. Manoeuvring into position and attacking the Horde Forces to push them back before they’d enter into the Scar.

Intelligence was incorrect, Horde forces quickly started to outnumber the Alliance. Pushing us back through the scar a significant amount before Zeta Platoon brought in reinforcements with Fallback Squad arriving last. We entered into a long conflict with the horde that lasted several hours. Pushing them back to near the edge of the scar before the Horde resorted to disgusting tactics.

Raising a swarm of undead Quel’dorei from the scar that launched themselves into GIF Company, forcing a retreat. Although the battle was lost, we successfully held the Sanctum of the Moon for another day. With squads returning there.

Sustained wounds and injuries
26 CAT 4 & 5 injuries, 10 CAT 3 injuries, 1 CAT 2 injury. Fortunately we retain some of the best healers of the Alliance within the Kul Tiran Marines and the Seventh Legion. Majority of troops are back fighting fit again at this point.

Troops lost

Intelligence gained
Horde presently hold some sort of superweapon that can disrupt the elemental affinity of locations within Transquillien. We’ve been dislodged and will need to reclaim the Island for the port. The Horde are stalling in numbers, and attempts to talk to drive a wedge between the Forsaken and Sin’dorei after the Forsaken were raising Quel’dorei deceased in the scar was a failure.

Mission Development
Although retaining the Sanctum of the Moon and getting our troops back up to full operational capacity, we’ve been severely weakened by the loss of the Island. The region around Windrunner Village will serve for now as a base of operations, using it’s layout to our own advantages. We’ve lost control of the Orbs, although presently they’re of minimum concern whilst we retake the Isle from the Horde.

After Report thoughts
Today was a significant set back for our operation, with the Gnomish teleporter destroyed we’ve lost all connection to the Alliance, and immediately started having strangers showing up in our camps. It must be emphasised that we’re here at war, no additional units are coming nor have been requested currently for this mission. Anyone showing is showing without appropriate request or clearance to be in this warzone and must be removed. The Island is now our focus to reclaim, and to get the Gnomish Air Corps to bring in fresh supplies to defend it against this super weapon the Horde hold that can destroy our encampment from so far away.

Signed by Force Commander Willowheart.

The Horde strikes back! Cannot win them all!

It’s really fun having some back and forth, hopefully the Horde won’t thrash us too hard now we’re exposed and vulnerable.


Shout out to Grimace for standing stout against a hail for dwarven steel and blustery oaths, with a SIGNPOST as a shield - it had me chortling! Also thanks to all the Horde for a grand ol’ bout, it has been an absolute delight, well and truly, from all the Hammers!

And the organizers, which have gone above and beyond with this - and given us all some excellent RP, thanks!


While most of the Horde battle the Alliance, the trolls have been having some disagreements amongst themselves.

Big shout out to Hand of Zul for being lovely OOC and excellent enemies to us IC. Big emote fights, great rp, no drama!


Happy to see the positivity for both fronts :slight_smile:
The Goats have been having fun as well, both when running for dear lives in EPL and getting chances to hit back a little.


Hearing the overwhelming positivity here actually makes me sad I’m not taking part, which never happens with RP-PVP haha.

Here’s hoping others are run by the same organisers in future, so I can sign up and replace the bad memories of past events with new, better ones :slight_smile:

Having fun on both fronts… on both factions

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Fun times tonight. Thanks to the Gnomish Air Corps for rping a little aerial combat to counter their bombing and gunner runs. A couple of choppers down in exchange for the loss of the Dragonhawk and a number of bullet wounds.


Thank you so, so much for all the fun these past few days! Huge shoutout to the fantastic dwarves above, Hand of Zul and everyone who’s stopped to emote at my character during the fights!

I’ve finally managed to catch up with screenshots, too.



After Action Report: Operation Island

Report Overview
A turbulent day yet an oddly rewarding one. Fallback secured the beach once more as plans were put in place to reclaim the island, risky but it worked. Four mages and a living conduit drew energy from the island towards a mana crystal which [REDACTED] delivered to the Tranquillien. Which was capable of overloading and weakening the Hordes runic defences for our later attack.

However this took a great toll on our mages effectively rendering them useless for a few hours. The Horde broke through our lines striking the southern shore pushing us back into the sea practically. Meanwhile a battle raged on at Sanctum simultaneously as battle continued in Windrunner village.

When the battle for the town seemed almost lost, Cavalry and Centurion squad reinforced the village where we washed over the Horde forces, although their reinforcements arrived. A large battle ensued over Windrunner village, where we struggled to hold the line until the Gnomish Air Corps were able to use their magnificent flying machines to halt the enemy forces.

Fallback squad regrouped on the beach with all hands still standing, charged in to the enemies left rear flank, sewing confusion and causing heavy casualties, the enemy were successfully beaten back to the Scar. We secured the Sanctum of the Moon, and repeatedly the Horde and Alliance met in combat, slamming their forces together as the Horde repeatedly fell before the Alliance troops, time and again before eventually the Alliance fell back to reinforce their claimed territory. The Horde were massacred eventually due to a combined effort on all fronts, unified numbers reigning supreme.

Sustained wounds and injuries
14 CAT 4 & 5 injuries, 9 CAT 3 injuries, all treated. No Alliance members have fallen today.

Intelligence gained
Although minimum intelligence has been gained, one of our agents [REDACTED] has been encountering more resistance each time they attempt to infiltrate the Horde Town. At this point use should remain at an absolute necessary.

Mission Development
We’ve reestablished supply lines with the Alliance, retaken the Island, regained use of our Gyrocopters and access to our food supplies. With the return of the Island to our possession and all of our troops in a fighting fit capacity we’ve arrived at the point we’ve all waited for. The march across the scar and invasion of Tranquillien. With the Runes weakened using the Hordes own weapon against them, we’re looking to use the H.A.T.R.E.D. equipment supplied by WEIRD to overcome the plague we encountered last time. This march upon Tranquillien should prove successful.

After Report thoughts
Moral is at an all time high, the troops can sense victory. Although the shield is still down, we’ve enough troops to hold the line, and with repeated victories one after another hammering into the Horde, we are certain of our success.

I’m drawing up plans for our conquest of the Horde Town, with it comes our victory in this battle, we were sent up here on a suicide mission to make way for the forces down south. To give them the time for their victory. Yet we’re winning, and it’s so close. I hope that we can all return home soon, that the troops here can return from being isolated behind enemy lines with death all around us.

Now that we have the Island back under our control, I’ll be able to compile reports again, with it’s destruction yesterday we were unable to issue out proper battleplans this morning. This after action report should summarise our victory though.

Signed by Force Commander Willowheart.

Little bit shorter today! Hard to really sit down and plan your moves when your entire base has been blown up. Pesky goblins :frowning:


Excellent messy skirmishes and all out battles tonight in EPL. Thanks to the Alliance for being so fun. And especially to Adaeron for being a great sport in helping us move people around.


Absolutely kickass fights today, great job kudos go to Adaeron for organising everything on our side so smoothly. Massive drama kicking off in the camp as well, the entirety of Footman is distraught. Horde, you slew two young Elwynn boys tonight.

BRB, writing to the poor lads’ mothers. :frowning:


I mean…
All you need is to ask and they’ll walk again…

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Shout-out to the rangers for not making it three boys.

I will drown this grief in Horde blood.


It was great picking the Footmen off.

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