[RP PVP] Theatres of War: Ports in the Storm

No prisoners…


Only trophies…

burn them all
burn them all
burn them all

Good times, good times. Thanks to organizers :slight_smile: And wonderful to see a campaign not spiral into pointless drama.

We can do it!

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From what I saw last night, there was a lot of drama, maybe you were in the EPL group where it was more organised. The people who were in the Ghostlands, then moving through to the EPL faced a lot of Horde who were ganking/freecasting.

Lawson. Caji. Ziata. Zulu. Those are the names I remember. Well done for being remembered for the wrong reasons :slight_smile:

Let’s hope the next campaign we can get people playing by the rules, or I imagine at some point Horde might not be included in some future campaigns, as mentioned by people in the raid chat.

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typical “alliance never loses” mentality…

ok have fun doing rppvp with only one faction you absolute alpha :slight_smile:

This is an extremely intellectual post


Not all campaigns have to be RP-PvP? Plus, if you read what I actually said, I know you have a problem with this on the forums, I said that other people mentioned it in raid. So please go take your snarky immature comments to those people. If there is a problem with me passing on what was said by other people, then… That’s stupid :slight_smile: To put it simply.

Ah yes, I was in EPL. Seeing the response here, I had hoped it was like that in both parts, but it’s a shame to hear if that wasn’t the case in Ghostlands.


You really finna criticize me for the exact same types of comments you make, yourself?

In that case nothing will change, clever cookie :slight_smile: there’s already hordeless alliance events.

You made the decision to pass it on, without anyone inquiring. This very clearly shows that you agree with it and felt it necessary to pass it on.


Unfortunately not for us, there was a lot of disorganization and a lot of ganking that was coming from the Horde. A lot of people were quite annoyed. I thought the campaign was good though, just wish Horde was a bit less trigger happy before they start bursting and opening on people.

And now we have another example of a salty Horde people again. sigh

You will find the group who were from the Ghostlands (not even sure if you’re a part of this campaign), but the group will 100% know the names I am on about. Their names were constantly floating around the group chat, with complaints of ganking, free casting and bursting. Am I not allowed to post that on the forums? Didn’t realise you were the campaign/forum police.

I don’t care if you agree with what I have said? I’m not asking your permission to post and quite frankly I don’t even care what you’re typing. I’m posting in relation to this event, which I went to. Now, if you don’t mind, stop derailing the thread and keep on topic with the CAMPAIGN, not because your salty at me talking back to you. Pls & ty.

They were the good ol Anti-Grief squad the Horde had, since a lot of Ghostlands Alliance were mass entangling, nuking and one wasn’t even from our realm and was just spamming. So justified actions are justified


Please leave those goalposts where you found them miss, no reason to start shifting them around.

You snarked, I snarked, you then criticized me for snarking. I was pointing out the hypocrisy.

You wouldn’t react if you didn’t.

I’m not saying you aren’t allowed to post, I’m saying the ‘well it’s just someone else’s opinion!!!’ shield doesn’t hold up because you yourself took the initiative to post it, therefore, it is your opinion.

Don’t play dumb “Pls & ty.”


As someone was there and actually knwos the off-realmer, he was there supporting the Seventh and the group was told multiple times in Discord that he was wit hthem, but that was ignored. As well, if you noticed, the off-realmer only ganked those who was ganking him.

Your “anti-grief squad” was griefing people who weren’t griefing. That’s the thing. It makes no sense and don’t hire a group who is trigger happy without finding out what was actually going on. A lot of people got nuked, when some of them were mainly using auto-shot on the logs.

I was talking to someone else on the forums? I wasn’t being snarky at all, if you choose to reply to me, that’s your problem, not mine.

Let’s just say there’s always a Tirisfal and a Silverpine

Very few people bothered to report rulebreaking via the appropriate channels and stuff that wasn’t reported wasn’t going to be dealt with (not psychic)

I will say that if you were specifically targeted by a lot of people, it may be because you were either not signed up or spamming yourself. You’re posting on an alt so I can’t really comment

Realistically there will never be a campaign without rulebreaking because you’re dealing with 200+ people at a time. In the modern climate it is already pretty good to reach the duration of a campaign without it ending early so I’m pretty happy that we made it past the finish line in spite of the Ghostpain experience

The Seventh don’t really decide who is / isn’t on the sign-up list for this campaign. It’s cool that he was with them but similarly the same player was a. not signed up b. bursting c. sending Horde attendees angry messages threatening to “relog their 415 main to one-bang them”

I’m glad your friend got owned repeatedly, to be honest

I’m probably not going to ban the faction I play from the campaigns I run though I am sure many people on the red side are heartbroken to hear that they won’t be welcome at Karthaerel, 112 druid’s blockbuster campaigns

Thanks for everyone who attended - this campaign wasn’t mega elaborate / I just wanted to cover for the Strangelthorn thing being postponed

I will say that the individual thing didn’t make much of a difference in hindsight - the problems almost exclusively stemmed from people over-reporting their guild’s activity or (in the case of a small few guilds) threatening to leave very flippantly

In my opinion - comparing my experiences running campaigns during WoD vs now - is that people have realised that they can hold campaigns to ransom by saying stuff like “let us bring more guilds along / let us do this or that or we will go” and that’s a shame. I will keep the guilds that pull that routine in mind for the future

I’m extremely happy with how the EPL side went and the Alliance side were a joy to work with (or so my officers tell me) and I think despite the various disasters the people that stuck around in the Ghostlands had fun here and there

If you want to post suggestions go right ahead


Are you really gonna argue that this isn’t snark? Because that’d be rather uh, to borrow a word, lovecraftian.

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Part 2, in ten characters.


Knowing that the entire Horde side we’re taking notice of that Druid. Cryo was it? Mass entangling, star firing. And the mass entanglement hit others than the apparent griefers on our own side, let alone if I recall I believe one of the Horde side got threatened by one of them in Battle Tag if I do recall. That and the nuking was not reserved to the specific Horde people. As I was there myself. Quite afew people were being bursted on as people thought that, by it being the last day, that you could be a little more loose with certain rules like the 5 Second ability rule. Instead attacking every 2 or just a second, as I myself experienced on my Zandalari. Suddenly seeing on my Combat log with a combo of Templar verdicts, Spear of Justice and the like in the span of less than 4 seconds per.


Heyho, so you know, apart from Caji who I can’t speak for, those dudes were all part of the anti-grief squad. When you saw them going ham, they were dealing with a problem.


Imagine alt-posting on a forum of a Campaign you allegedly attended, negatively. Are you afraid to stand by your own points on a character known to the organisers? Or are you a Wilcox Minion who got blacklisted :////