[RP PVP] Theatres of War: Ports in the Storm


Let me reiterate for the altposter that in this thread it was mentioned that those who were not signed up + attended would be killed

The guys you mention - the anti-griefing group - however didn’t even start attacking until the person was spamming CC

If them being killed has put them (and yourself?) off ever roleplaying with the Horde faction as you imply, I will posit to you that that’s probably a massive net gain for any decent RP PVP scenario


Speaking for Caji: members of the HoZ were dealing with people given the go-ahead to kill on the Discord. All messages were passed along real-time by people not at the event, but talking to the officers.

Seems like Alliance are just upset they didn’t get to have unrestricted pvp in the restricted zones, and think their boosted mains have a chance!

Nonetheless, I can’t speak for the entire Hand of Zul, Perroy, but thank you for hosting this! I had an absolute BLAST interacting with the Hand of Conquest & Painted Shields in such a strenuous alliance, 10/10 would bash Teo’s hand away again! Looking forwards to the next hosted event chain!


I knew Caji was a good boy. I knew it, I knew it.

This campaign was great for the Painted Shield / Hand of Zul (and even the Rastari Pact, who managed to get in on some of the side-action without interfering with the RP-PvP, so big shout out to them) conflict. Interaction with the psuedo-neutrals was definitely my highlight.


Great campaign, I’d like to thank the Hand of Zul as well for making things a lot more interesting!


Yeah, no, I just have to respond to this.

As a healer, I had the opposite experience in all this apparent griefing from the Horde side. Throughout all my week during Ports in a Storm campaign, there was wholly no problems aside from some knits that were easily resolved in the EPL group both Horde and Alliance.

It was only last night did I experience the real ‘horror’. If we’re using burden of proof tactics, I can easily provide Damage taken graph screenshots to show the Alliance weren’t so innocent as you claim them to be.

I rarely get serious unless something really pushes me and last night really did push me. Sorry.


I enjoyed all the encounters, troll rave parties and sing-alongs.

Thanks for the campaign and well done everyone.


Unfortunately not for us, there was a lot of disorganization and a lot of ganking that was coming from the Horde. A lot of people were quite annoyed. I thought the campaign was good though, just wish Horde was a bit less trigger happy before they start bursting and opening on people.
And now we have another example of a salty Horde people again. sigh

There was little to no ganking from Horde side in Ghostlands - especially not because Alliance often outnumbered Ghostland Horde by a good Raid group so this is a really weird and embarrassing comment without any justification or proof.

You will find the group who were from the Ghostlands (not even sure if you’re a part of this campaign), but the group will 100% know the names I am on about. Their names were constantly floating around the group chat, with complaints of ganking, free casting and bursting. Am I not allowed to post that on the forums? Didn’t realise you were the campaign/forum police.

If everyone knows the names why on earth has there been no response or action taken towards them, again another weird comment with no justification or evidence behind it and someone just trying to throw weight that they don’t even have around.

I don’t care if you agree with what I have said? I’m not asking your permission to post and quite frankly I don’t even care what you’re typing. I’m posting in relation to this event, which I went to. Now, if you don’t mind, stop derailing the thread and keep on topic with the CAMPAIGN, not because your salty at me talking back to you. Pls & ty.

Your derailing this thread yourself with non-evidence and then harassing others who have told you to back up your very big claims (that have no weight) which is very embarrassing and doesn’t put you in a good light.


Incidentally Alexstasia, you were one of the problems. And don’t alt post dude.


Are they unaware that within the Horde is Duelist Lawson?


Your “anti-grief squad” was griefing people who weren’t griefing.

We both know that isn’t true, Alexstasia.


Seventh had quite a lot of fun this campaign even if we did rock up late, what issues we did have were the normal stuff you get in RP-PvP. Overall good fun and good scenario to play out for my guys for sure.

Karthaerel, I didn’t see you throughout the campaign I think? So please post on the character you were playing.



I don’t know whether this is meant to be some sort of attempt at seeming like a Third Party to defend yeself… But not cool. Not cool. That is 1/10 not based.

No cheese for you

Lawson griefs me every day of my life.


hahahaha, oh, okay, okay, now this ALL makes sense now!
https: //imgur . com/a/ATX4RcB

Imagine being so boosted you need to go out of your way to kill low levels in restricted… :wink:

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lAwSoN tRiNkEtS sAp


Those mentioned were the anti griefers dealing with people consistently breaking the rules who was attempted to be warned several times through the apropriate channels to no use.

I hope you will have more fun the next time around though!


Morsteth disarmed me in the middle of restricted PvP. Then I blinded him.

Take that, GRiM gRieFEr!!! :rofl: :ok_hand: :100: :smile: :gun: :dagger: :hocho:


Known by some as Blazing Lawson


Level 120 Gnome Warrior


that’s me .