[RP PVP] Theatres of War: Ports in the Storm

Happy :birthday: birthday, Lawson!


:popcorn: in 10 letters. A-Grade dunking here.

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Yes you.

Have some :cheese:

Great campaign, especially the last few fights… for some reason they felt especially bloody and drawn out

Thanks for the campaign, perroy and big baron morsteth , I had a blast.

Wowie, imagine my surprise, my bafflement, my utter shock, the immense GASP of disbelief I must have let out when I learned that the complainer is an altposter who just got mad about being punished by the anti-grief squad.

Truly, it is the biggest surprise I have ever experienced in the entirety of my life.

cool campaign big P I’m excited to see one that didn’t crash&burn and end 2-or-more days early.


No altpost forged against me shall prosper

tugs off Karthaerel’s mask



Karthaerel, please just post on Alexstasia for the sake of my sanity :clown_face:

Very true, although when someone is calling someone a Tirisfal or a Silverpine as you like to say it, it would be good that they are 100% sure that the person they are attacking is actually doing something wrong.

Not everyone has access to the channel, so therefore wouldn’t be able to post, although the event organiser who can see /i should be the ones who are screenshotting or passing on the messages. Although, seeing as most of the Alliance guilds dropped out and the Alliance organiser, kind of makes it hard for the right authorities to report it to thr right channels.

100% true. Although, people could try harder. As it only causes drama. You should know?

Never asked you to ban anyone, makes no sense? I’m just forwarding a view that seems to be circulating. That is what people for the past two days have been saying in /i, if you don’t like it, take it up with them. If I was to do a campaign, which I probably wouldn’t, I would make sure that I didn’t anger most of a faction and have almost all the guilds leave the campaign for the final fight.

You’re very welcome, it was a pleasure to attend, despite the few rotten apples. Definitely a good campaign, not sure if it was brought up on the fly, but was good that it gave us something to do after the Strangelthorn one being postponed. Hope you were happy with the turnout/experience.

Kind of wish I was in the EPL group as that sounded liek a lot of fun, even from the Alliance side we heard that it was organised and they had a lot of fun which was great. Even though the Ghostland side was a bit hectic, as mentioned before, I still had fun if that’s wasn’t obvious.

My only suggestion would be: If you’re picking anti-griefing squads for each faction, can you try and make sure that the people aren’t trigger happy? Just because someone says “x did this”, doesn’t mean that actually happened. Would be nice to see some communication between the factions, rather than just charging in and ganking. That was the only issue I noticed, but the rest of it was pretty good.

I never saw him use those spells, I was preoccupied with what I was doing, but from what I remember at the beginning of the fight he wasn’t using any of that, then resulted to that after being ganked. Not saying I support it, but just giving you the reason behind it.

Sorry you went through that tbh, it’s not fun on either side when bursting and ganking is a thing.

I’ve been posting on this alt for awhile? Didn’t think it was an issue. My char is Alexstasia, I think people are smart enough to figure it out unless they don’t understand armory?

A few times I got ganked, never died, thankfully. However, I was getting accused of targetting low levels? Which was absolute crap xD I mean, lets be realistic, there are 20+ enemies as a hunter, you click a name an arrow fires off and your pet runs in instantly. I don’t know that persons level until I see their frame, before I click on them because there is so many people. If you looked at the logs my biggest spell used was 30% autoshot, yet people said I was bursting? If I accidently attack a low level, a lot of their health is going to go. Even if I attack a normal person, as someone who is geared at 402, my attacks will hit harder. The only people I actually opened on, were the people who tried to gank me, other than that I was following the rules. I even stopped using main abilities for a good half an hour, even still got ganked then because people kept saying I was bursting? Kind of hard to burst on auto-attack, yet the accusations still kept coming in? Pretty odd.

Although, as I was never targetting anyone in specific, if you felt like you were, don’t take it personally as I was never trying to do that. However, I am suprised when the 116 Zandalari came up to me, I wasn’t ganked for that. That was a shocker. Hopefully that Troll can see that I genuinely wasn’t bursting or breaking rules, as I was fighting with him for quite awhile.

Is anyone else going to quote me so I have to reply? XDD

So, the most important question remains;

Does that make you Scooby, or Shaggy? :stuck_out_tongue:

My favourite part of the campaign was by far the Alliance landing on the beach, and the Horde holding them off. Until a second Alliance group arrived from behind and broke the Horde’s defense. The following chaos and desperate attempts to escape were thrilling. The best part of it all was a small group of Grunts and Rotgarde being cut off and hiding in the minesfrom the Alliance army, trying to kill anyone who came in and spotted them.


Everyone had acesss to the discord and apropriate channel.

Seven posts on that character state otherwise friend.


Your pet reason doesn’t hold water.

You have passive state, You have macro petattack command. Oh and there are screenshots of these said accusations against you bursting.

Go figure. You also didn’t respond to my statement.

Wanna try again?


Doesn’t this just scream honesty and sincerity?

stop trying to pretend its not just your own view, you are not being an epic gamer right now.

Ps: reply from your main pls XDDDDDD


A few times I got ganked, never died, thankfully. However, I was getting accused of targetting low levels? Which was absolute crap xD I mean, lets be realistic, there are 20+ enemies as a hunter, you click a name an arrow fires off and your pet runs in instantly. I don’t know that persons level until I see their frame, before I click on them because there is so many people. If you looked at the logs my biggest spell used was 30% autoshot, yet people said I was bursting? If I accidently attack a low level, a lot of their health is going to go. Even if I attack a normal person, as someone who is geared at 402, my attacks will hit harder. The only people I actually opened on, were the people who tried to gank me, other than that I was following the rules. I even stopped using main abilities for a good half an hour, even still got ganked then because people kept saying I was bursting? Kind of hard to burst on auto-attack, yet the accusations still kept coming in? Pretty odd.


is ignoring you.

My yes, my friend was REALLY happy with telling you that you killed her constantly only for you to ignore her. Where was that xDD its ok bro attitude then? What an outstanding member of the RP-PvP community you are. If the full Storm squad was there instead of raiding, I’d see you would quit just like you forced others to. Be glad it was Wednesday :dagger:

Next time, show some respect to your fellow player.

On a more positive note: this is the first campaign since Drums of War that I’ve attended properly, and I have to say that (in comparison to the immense levels of drama that rose through every campaign) it’s been the best RP I’ve had for a long time, and very problem-free. Like Conviction, I’ll say big thanks to the organisers for this.

And most importantly? Footman, Lordamere Rangers, Painted Shields, Hand of Conquest—and in the brief moments I got to see them, the Rastari Pact. You guys made it a very fun experience for me.


Footman and Rangers, 10/10 Best Cheese.

… I know what I said


The Lordamere Rangers made me experience the salt I inflicted on people as part of the Horde double-tap gang back at Lordaeron.

It wasn’t a good feeling, but I respect it. :sparkling_heart:


lmao kayzual says posting on a level 58 dk