[RP PVP] Theatres of War: Ports in the Storm

These 1692 posts say that this


is my forum main


Okay bro, I;m busy rn

is ignoring you.


The absolute state of altposters


Fortunately, my GL has told me to stop responding here, I can’t keep up with the amount of replies here anyways. I wish I could, but there are only so many people I can reply to. I’m sorry if my first post offended people, I was just putting the names out there of the ones which were reported in /i, I didn’t think it was going to be an issue! I’m sure I wasn’t the only one that noticed it is why I thought it wouldn’t be.

As well, for anyone who felt like I was targetting them, sorry about that, although I want everyone to know that there wasn’t one person I was targetting throughout the fight, I was attacking everyone equally and following the rules, I even resorted to using auto-attack for a solid 30mins because people were paranoid of me bursting, when I genuinely wasn’t.

Regardless of the drama IG and now on the forums, I still had fun.

Edit for Tehya: My GL knows I posted this and is okay with it…

Karthaerel always pays his debts.

ngl if a friend/guild member of mine was posting like you I’d probably also tell them to stop responding. I do like how despite having been told so you make sure to sneak in another post regardless.


Seventh Legion based?



God guys, how dare you all grief in this RP-PVP, I can’t believe you Hordies. I hope you all learn your lesson and not grief low-levels next time!

(Rubbed out other players names to respect their privacy unless asked)

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Ah, I see. He’ll tell you to stop altposting, but won’t particularly do anything about the rampant rulebreaking in the game, which was - in fact - a thing you agreed to, as a guild, before joining the campaign?
It’s a shame really. It would’ve been a fantastic end night to the open RP-PvP before guilds filtered away to tell their tales of war and deployment but, thanks to some people, things are ruined.

It wasn’t that you were targetting anyone. An apology and just to watch who you’re targetting with your (supposed) only-auto-attacks is what the problem is with, which turned in to a blatantly blasé attitude that just goes to show the immaturity you have when called out on your idiocy ingame.

I’m glad you had fun, ruining it for others…
In your own words?


Whipped in ten characters.


I might be missing out something important in that screenshot, but doesn’t the guy mostly just auto-attack?

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Every campaign has a forum fallout I respect this sacred server tradition


And remember if you’re going to do things like this post on your main in future. Rather then making us look like a walking meme.

Please don’t take the view point of a recruit in the Seventh as our overall viewpoint, if we had massive issues we’d have left a day early with the other 50 Alliance members from Ghostlands.


Argument aside, I honestly had such a great time with the Hand of Zul vs Painted Shields conflict, wish there could be more like that with as much fluidity/no ooc conflict.


Altpost claimed she was only autoattacking and making innocent claims of uncontrollable pet when any self-respecting Hunter knows how that doesn’t hold water.

I provided evidence how wrong the alt was on the former.

Extensively, that aside…

I thoroughly enjoyed the entire campaign with heavy grievances on the last fight. EPL groups were fun to fight and argue with IC and have been cool chums OOC as well.


I will say for Theon’s credit he was very pleasant to deal with while presumably under some stress because of a few naughties, and helped us deal with some organisation issues so we could ensure the Hand of Zul were involved in the last night’s antics.

Looking forward to seeing them again at the next big RP-PvP mashup.


No sweat man, the words of Karth are hers alone, don’t think anyone here is holding the entire 7th accountable for them.


Just want to say a HUGE thank you to all the organisers was a great campaign even if the Seventh Legion arrived later than usual for their reputation of first in :wink:

Had great fun!

Shout out to Morseth and the Grim Gest for the last battle on the coast too! Was very fun we both could let off some steam in unrestricted before escaping through our lovely portal back to Stormwind.


Perroy is obviously Shaggy, since Morsteth is the dog of the PCU.


I hold them accountable!

Accountable for being great!*

*Note that I have no actual knowledge whether they are great or not, and that I only presume such, and that these views are my own, and do not reflect the views of Gnomeregan.

On a more serious note, I greatly enjoyed the event. I recently returned from a break, the previous time I played was during, and some time after, the Duskwood/Lordaeron War event way back when, and the addition of the language elixirs since then made this war a fair bit more enjoyable as far as listening to people shouting banter at each-other, and emote-fighting during the larger battle. Really nice stuff!

Since I wasn’t signed up, I mostly lurked in the back, observing from the sidelines and participating in camp RP rather than the pvp to keep things balanced, so I can’t say much for how good the RP-PVP was, except it -looked- a lot more manaegable than Duskwood/Lordaeron did, if only because there weren’t as much of a zerg going on. All in all it seemed like the fights were a blast :slight_smile:

Thanks to the organizers for pulling this all together. I can only speak for myself, but it goes a long way to keep the RP motivation up and running :smiley: Well done.