[RP PVP] Theatres of War: Ports in the Storm

The Ghostlands wasn’t really Silverpine-tier, not until the very last day. It was actually really entertaining, with lots of back-and-forth and concessions made to help out the other team, from the Horde allowing the Alliance scripted victories to help improve their morale after certain guilds left the campaign, to the Alliance keeping back some of their forces when they outnumbered the Horde 2:1 on the second-to-last-day.

On the last day, some of the Horde guilds participating in the Ghostlands had already disappeared to EPL without warning. Pretty weird, but okay.
This left behind a small force of about ten-to-fifteen people with no idea of what to do. After a bit of confusion, apparently we were meant to help give the Seventh Legion some kind of cool final stand? Okay, let’s go down there and attack them in the pass they were holding.
What followed wasn’t a final stand, it was a complete one-sided victory for the Seventh Legion. It didn’t help that five of them rushed out from their line to surround one of the only two healers that we had, silenced them with a shadow priest and nuked them down, resulting in the rest of our small raid crumbling. It’s a shame that abilities that don’t cause damage don’t show up in the combat log.
Any attempts to try and resolve the situation in the Ghostlands failed to the point where we were asked by the Painted Shields to outright ignore them and come to EPL, where a fairer fight could be arranged instead.
Even that fight was full of issues, from poor sportsmanship like hunters constantly sending their pets to harass the same low-ilvl healer who had only just turned 120 over and over again for over an hour, to the Alliance refusing to play along with the Horde’s anti-griefers (to the point where “Karthaerel” actually calls them griefers above), to some of the Alliance participants behaving like this:
I’ve got to show Teocalli and the Painted Shields a hell of a lot of appreciation for trying to make something good out of a bad situation. Without his efforts, tonight would have been an absolutely unmitigated disaster. Thanks to that guild, the day was mostly salvaged for the Ghostlands participants, despite those problems that I listed above.

All in all, it was a pretty good week, even up in the supposed badrp ghetto of the Ghostlands. One of the better RP-PvP events I’ve attended without a doubt, with the exception of the final day.
It wasn’t problem-free but the difference between this campaign and others is that rather than sitting back and whining about the problems when they did happen, the officers on both sides did everything in their power to solve these problems and salvage the situation, quite successfully in most cases.

that’s another boring rp-pvp campaign review from professional rp-pvp connoisseur and critic taxania done and dusted


Campaign was good and problems kept to a very bare and healthy minimum ( more than 95% of people were of good will so :+1:)
Thanks to everyone for the good sport.

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thanks to hand of zul, footman, mortlocke and those hunter pests for making it interesting, looking forward to the next. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


is this for real? Is this actually the same creature that came here to complain about (anti) griefers while she herself was well aware of the issue with her pet but just refused to do anything about it? Wild.


A genuine question…are bm hunter pets so strong that they’re able to destroy someone with auto-attacks without the hunter using kill command on the person?

If the pet is 120 and its victim 112? Yes. The gap between 112 and 120 is HUGE.

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Hello, so the actual plan here was to have the troll guilds attack the Seventh in odds that should have been 60/20 towards the Horde. However in reality a lot of Alliance individuals headed back and the Seventh had a massive turn out putting our raid at 40 men. The Horde numbers were smaller then thought, so the Painted Shields came to support the attack as well.

When it became clear a last stand wasn’t in the cards mainly due to us having 10 healers in the raid. It was suggested that we stop our ‘Tesco value’ last stand and attack the troll neutrals. And thus it was. A little bit of a cluster but for the vast majority it was alright, bar a few hunters from my guild being monsters and killing low levels.

As for Mirikh or Crylo as he’s known in game, he’s a sperg and was kicked.

Very much so if the player is under 120 they will be killed very quickly by a BM hunters pet, especially if they’re using Bestial Wrath.


First Rp Pvp campain i joined, and fairly new to the rp side

It was a blast meet and fight you all, thanks for the amazing experience and my favorite lil encounter was the dwarf under Zul’Mashar, the few fight and talk with ßilly, the ambush to Mirala and the lil “trade” for get out of trubles.

EPL war campain was well crafted and pretty chill; even the lil unrestricted moment later in the night was enjoyable…

Sadly the last day was a lil a clusterf####, people going for cheeky plays as multidot different target below the 5 sec so is harder to get reported, Alexstasia and Dureas play around the rules (pet damage was free, but use stampede + bestial wrath? If that isen’t going for burst) and also use Murder of Crows (wich was banned) ruined the mood for the evening.

I myself reported the two multiple time as i saw the beast go and chase for low lvl or try to melt down / burn the mana of the healers.
Sad see how people on the last day, cause is the last day, go wild and careless (without the respect to who try to role and simply auto attack, emoting some now and then).
Even more sad is see the griefers got quite the support on their back…
As the permission to cut down the griefer was done i did go to Alex back, be my low itl and the lil friends of her (Paladin who bubble her a couple of time, 1 lay of hand and Mórningstár stun me a couple of time for back her up)…
Even tho… There was plany reports of their mischiefs in the #rulebraker channel and their officer, so got told to us, recived said reports. Nothing against the whole guild, don’t get me wrong but cover griefers with the excuse “they are part of my guild” is lame.

I hope there will be other amazing Rp-Pvp event, personally i prefer restricted ( XD ), and there face again the amazing people i saw in EPL

It was a pleasure be part of this event


Thanks for helping to explain the situation. We were told that the Seventh Legion had a turn-out of around 20 people by 20:00, but by the end of the night, it seemed like there was no way that was true.
As for the ‘troll guilds’ that were meant attacking yours? The only troll guild in the Ghostlands was the First Empire, which only brought 7-10 participants. So I’m not sure why anyone thought that they would be able to field 60~ people. In the end, all of the troll guilds in both zones combined, including the neutral troll guild, were barely enough to fill a single raid. Still a far cry from the 60 you mentioned, so I have no idea where that number came from.

Looks like miscommunication was the primary cause of the last night. Although, there were lots of complaints were about two hunters mentioned by Taliky. They frequently sent their BM pets to target low level and low item-level characters, forcing us to keep back a handful of players for the sole purpose of killing off those pets whenever they went after easy targets.
It didn’t break any rules, but I would say it qualifies as being a poor sport.

Yeah basically that was the issue in terms of the fight in the pass at least! Number-wise it was pretty even when we had the Painted Shields come in from the rear, but at that point the Horde were split in two. With the Seventh focusing on the smaller force, couple that with you only having two low item level healers, it’s a very similar situation to the second to last day in Ghostlands that resulted in the majority of Alliance forces pulling out.

We tried to make the best out of the situation after being the only guys left and it just resulted in another day of slogging it out sadly. But at least people got their chance to RP which was good!

In terms of our hunters, just for clarification. We had them swap from MM to BM as we didn’t really want big aimed shots going out really, turns out that BM is pretty powerful as well. The murder of crows thing is my bad, I had to dig through the Discord today to find that it was banned last Friday, before we joined.

Hi the multiple pets comes from Animal Companion, not Stampede! Stampede is a lot more dangerous and a massive AoE! Couple with me failing to notice the crows were banned and you get a pretty nasty combo of damage. Again my fault completely there.


I went along to this campaign expecting to duck out early and not really be involved due to the low numbers our guild could muster (we’re tiny, anyway). What we got instead was a warm welcome, plenty of banter both friendly (big ups to you from the plushie, Kwahtee!) and not-so-friendly (I’ll get you, Sëhren!) and lots of face-smashing. The small unrestricted stint in the Dead Scar was a particular highlight.

I’m glad to have been proven so wrong and had some a phenomenal time. Getting ready for the next battle!

Muzhao Thundergut
Pandaren Shaman.

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I had a lot of fun with this as well! Trying to make myself understood with just a bunch of gestures was great, and I love that it happened so spontaneously. Special shout-out to the Hand of Zul as well just for their presence – it’s really nice to see another guild that’s hostile to just about everyone. We didn’t get a lot of chances to interact, unfortunately, but the encounters we did have were awesome.

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[slides 2g to the argent crusaders that went full on police brutality on u]

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I enjoyed our time in EPL right up until the finale. I don’t know what got into the Horde, but the fighting was zero fun and I ended up sitting out the last half of it - I saw a lot of people go offline mid-fight as well, at least in raid.

I don’t think in restricted RP-PVP you should have multiple people with 5+ deaths under their belt unless they’re under 120, which they were not. As a healer I could count the times things calmed down enough for me to RP on one hand and even when I was spamming heals on someone they would get burst down.

So the campaign ended on a sour note for me unfortunately, even though the majority of it was ace. Horde was always very considerate & I had some great RP with the Forsaken boys.


So you’re saying that things calm down enough for you for you to actually roleplay during RP-PvP as a healer, ever?

Look at that Alliance privilege!

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Human privilege. Thank you. Ugh.

Straigth white male human. Look at that priviledged man complaining.

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There was no problem with you and i apologize but my knowedge of the hunter isen’t well developed XD
But yea multiple time there was a moltitude of pets run and mawl down people (healer and low levels), that was a very big turn off.
After a while i just moved aside and just go afk due there was no interaction at all

My screenshots are no where near as good as the awesome ones someone else was doing but here they are regardless.

imgur. com/gallery/PYfucg8

I took loads though… so I have an album just of unedited screenshots too if anyone is interested in unedited ones they are here:

imgur. com/gallery/YzROUky

Barbed shot is nasty, as it gives pets frenzy stacks and it makes them hit like a truck, esp if they have 3 stacks. Just saying because I noticed it was second on that one list of dps. (And putting a pet on passive ain’t that intricate when people complain… I mean, it’s there on the bar.)

But I was wondering Perroy, with your comment on individuals, would you allow individual sign ups a next time? I could imagine it was easier to keep track of things with guild tags, but I was hoping it might mean you would allow it a next time? I regretted not being able to sign up for this one (I like my guild unfortunately grins) but I fully understood your reasoning.

Happy to read people had such a good time!