RP server rules not being abided

Valley of Honor.

Made my 1st ally on AD because its big ally server, but never really played the game on ally side.

Half a year ago i geared up ally Hunter and actualy played some. And its only then i realised how alive SW on AD is. And i liked it a lot, really adds a lot.

I dont join in as i am a very unimaginative person and wouldnt really be any good. I do go with it if approached sometimes, like a few days ago in boralus a druid recruited me to kill a spider (they brought me to a cave with spider) only to try to kill me with servant of nzoth toy, which i used also :stuck_out_tongue: but was all wraped up in rp, it started as your pets look strong you must be a strong Hunter… And went from there… The toy was also announced as part of the second test, the spider was the first. Quite fun all in all.

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Just stepping in here to say that griefing/disrupting of RP events can be reported, but often, especially when the queues are long, it can be difficult to verify after the disruption has ended.

Inappropriate content in public channels (including addons) should always be reported via the ingame “report” function. Customer Support can review the logs for these and action accordingly.

However, the forums are not a place for naming and shaming and action will be taken if they are used as such.


Do you guys still honor the original rules where RP chara-names are mandatory? It would be great if we could get a confirmation about this.


thanks! i ll make sure to come back to that offer. :slight_smile:


wait what. getting in touch and showing me around literally? you re not going to use this opportunity and sell me to goldshire are you? :grin:


I tried to make an AD char last week (chickened out in the end :frowning: ), and I made a thread to get some advice. I had some lovely responses and tips, so I’m going to link it so you can take a look through:

EDIT: If he takes you into Elwynn (other than stormwind), RUN.


No, not really. Unless you want to dance with some Draenei-girls there all night!

I though nelves were the thing?

Funny topsy-turvy AD…


Every walking NPC and player-chara is desirable in Goldshire. :sleepy:

Semi-serious question here:

I need to level my character to 60+ for the concept I envision. She also happens to be human.

Is there a way to bypass Goldshire and if so how?

Yeah, once you get northshire done you can just go to any other start zone no penalty. So like dun morogh which is a great zone, leading straight to loch modan which is insanely quick EXP.

Come and join us, always happy to lend a hand in game with getting settled if need be or helping a new char set up on the server if their intent is pure :slight_smile:. I’m not as prolific as some of the organised RPers (ATM I can only really do as hoc RP due to gaming time) but I know enough of what’s what to point stuff out.

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Excellent. I’ll need to flesh out my char first: atm she is literally “human that delivers goods between cities with a flying machine”. Not the most fleshed out char but it’s a start no?

Thus spake Paximillian of Argent Dawn! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just make sure you get the “Total RP3” addon which is fully customizable (you can even hide the perma-visible button menu) which will help you in the beginning.

I think it depends what kind of human she is (Stormwind, KT, Gilneas, somewhere else, …) and what mount you’re using. Is it one of the machines the gnomes have built for her? A flying delivery service is surely interesting but works she alone? What’s about her family? You can also create a guild which pseudo-acts as your own service (which I would only recommend if you don’t want to join other guilds with your character). Otherwise keep the character grounded with what she can do or not. Most RP happens also literally on the ground.

If you or anyone else needs some help and want to practice some basic RP, feel free to get in touch with me.

hah, yeah same, i created a character, walked a bit through stormwind and marvelled at everyones transmogs. they seem to put in so much more thought and effort in it. then i chickened out and logged off again. :smile:

but thanks for the link i ll give it a read once i am done eating. :slight_smile:

Off the top of my head probably stormwind. I imagine either a self-built flying machine or salvaged.

Thanks for the tips!

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No worries.

unfortunately i am not very much of a party girl. :pensive:

thanks both of you for the advice i ll make sure to stick to it and give it a go. :slight_smile:


After I typed that I realised half my characters violate that rule, but they’re gnomes, everyone teases us anyway. Gnomes are exempt from the rule

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