Rushing AV's is stupid

rushing AV’s is so stupid and boring.
you get alot more rep and prolly also honor by just letting it last.
not to mention, its ment to last, its just boring to rush north/south and be done with it.

end rant


Agree yes - I wish it was the pre 1.5 version of AV; much more fun :slight_smile:

Fun is not allowed at Classic, only min-maxing, sweating, toxic behavior.


people just log onto this forum and make up a bunch of stuff


Who says they aren’t having fun? Who made you the fun-police


AV is boring as hell. Run to end, go again. Terrible.

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i said “prolly” about the honor, cause i dont know. the rep is a fact, cause you have no time at all to get any scraps or blood, wich gives alot of rep if handed in.

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Hey hey is Russian anniversary realm BG connected with EU ones this time? Do they farm your rusherson AV? You know those partly consisting of honor farming bots, who just know how to release and run the route again never seeing danger opposing players present.

Because rush the boss avoiding any pvp confrontation and insulting those who would dare pvp in a BG is the paroxism of fun? There is no more fun with the mentality of the min-maxers, their greed and selfishness is limitless.


And sitting in a turtle, aoeing from distance while the line moves slightly forward, and melees get deleted if they try get close is fun?

You gotta play wsg if you want fun. I’m gonna get my r14 and then never set a foot in AV again.

You call min-maxers greedy and selfishness, yet you think your fun is more important than what the majority in battlegrounds want.


best rep per hour is a 5min av lose or win. doesnt matter.
turtle games are a lose lose situation


takes an average of 6 minutes for a loss/win, win is 600 rep with marks, and a loss is 200 rep.
i can get 1000 rep for 10 minutes of playing (looting the corpses) and handing the stuff in. your logic is flawed.


I’d like to see the 1.5 version back in the game as well. Make the NPCs even a little bit stronger maybe, so this PvE race comes to an end. The whole thing was never meant to be that way.


This I agree to, Make Guards to strong to ignore, let towers be a thing to cap…

It’s definitely not the majority… it’s only a few of you sweaty kids that are the loudest.
Most people play for fun…
You saying „this is fun for us“ and in the same breath telling us you will do a rank 14 grind that you don’t enjoy is so messed up :joy:
You going to spend countless hours doing something you clearly don’t enjoy to reap a reward IN A GAME. This isn’t a job or some responsibility… it’s a game where all ur „achievements“ are going to be forgotten in a few months anyway. Go enjoy yourself and do something about that self-destructive mindset… holy :sweat_smile:


The vast majority of AV boss-rushers are self-admitted tourists that just want Rank 10 and Exalted and are never gonna play it afterwards.

I’d argue it’s valid to call it greedy and selfish though. It’s the only PvP mode you can get a queue for (I just tried to queue for Warsong Gulch for 1h 25min before I gave up in a level 60 bracket. Also attempted for 30 minutes in a level 10-19 brackets before giving up there. Arguably these are the most-queued brackets as well, as they’re at the beginning and end of the levelling journey).

For those of us that want to PvP in a somewhat fair setting, the game is essentially unplayable at the moment, and that’s through no fault of the game on its own. It’s the fault of the players that optimize the fun out of the game to the point that other people aren’t allowed to have fun.


It is the game fault why Blizzard brought pre TBC AV instead of the original one from Vanilla where you looted dwarfspines and stuff?

Give original AV then it cant be rushed but no Blizzard cater to casuals who wish to be no effort R14. Its not retail you cant play 1h a day and get everything.

Then why are the AV queues shorter than wsg, while it takes more players to fill a raid.

And nearly everyone is rushing drek? Even when nobody is saying to rush drek, nearly the whole raid or sometimes the whole raid automatically runs to drek.

And I actually do not like turtle games, even if it was better honor. It’s literally afking while mages, warlocks and hunter cast aoe because you get deleted as melee. Wouldn’t really call that pvp.

And can you stop telling other people what to enjoy? I enjoy getting R14, just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean others don’t.

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You clearly stated yourself that you’re not enjoying the road to rank 14.
And no, you aren’t correct about the rest of your statement either but tbh ur post shows that you have an IQ below room temperature.
Keep creating ur own misery… as long as you manage to convince urself that u are enjoying the hamsterwheel u will remain a good little sheep I guess :sheep:

AV might be as it is nowadays because most of the people queueing for it don’t have fun. It is the faction with the easiest way to gain rep in the game. That’s all (most people want).

For me, I wouldn’t even set one foot into AV if not there were these nice offhands (and a cheap ugly mount) to get.